Pardon The Insurrection

The Supreme Court Rules: Trump Is A Certified Pedophile

Pardon The Insurrection Episode 198

What if the Supreme Court's recent ruling on presidential immunity threatens to upend American democracy as we know it? On this riveting episode of Pardon the Insurrection, we, your hosts Dee Knight, Carol, and Ty, break down the decision's monumental implications. We explore what this means for holding presidents accountable for their actions, and whether President Biden should take drastic measures to counteract this ruling. While we provide our critical take, we also highlight the importance of seeking specialized legal analysis for a deeper understanding.

Next, we shift our focus to the media's glaring neglect of Trump's alleged involvement in Jeffrey Epstein's pedophilia case. Despite the seriousness of these allegations, mainstream coverage remains fixated on Biden's debate performance. We dissect how Trump's potential misuse of intelligence services and the Justice Department could impact civil liberties and the American political landscape, especially with the looming possibility of a second Trump administration. Our conversation underscores the urgent need for greater media scrutiny on these critical issues.

From Steve Bannon's long-awaited sentencing to the curious case of Trump's plane's proximity to a Russian aircraft, we cover a variety of pressing topics. We delve into the potential legal repercussions for Trump and his ongoing ties with Russia, while celebrating the viral sensation of "Hawk Tour" girl and her candid take on relationships. We wrap up with a reflection on the Kendrick Lamar and Drake beef, emphasizing the cultural nuances and respect needed in the world of rap. Don't miss this episode packed with critical insights, compelling discussions, and a touch of humor.

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Speaker 1:

One, two, three, four. Hey, this is D-Night.

Speaker 2:

This is Carol, this is Ty.

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the pod.

Speaker 3:

Ty, you forgot your line and then you threw off D. You're listening to the part in the Insurrection podcast where we often remember the name of our show.

Speaker 1:

Ty, you've muted yourself. Unmute yourself, unmute yourself.

Speaker 3:

She's like what a funny string of sounds. No, I was like Dee is talking nonsense again.

Speaker 1:

Alright, that was the blooper reel. Let's start over Three, two. Hey, this is Dee Knight.

Speaker 3:

This is Carol, this is Ty.

Speaker 1:

You're listening to the Pardon the Insurrection podcast where, unfortunately, they're really going to pardon the insurrectionists and the Supreme Court is out here turning. America to a dictatorship.

Speaker 2:

I didn't even realize that was so apropos part of the insurrection, yeah maybe that's all right, guys.

Speaker 1:

It's been a rough week, as you're well aware. It's been endless, non-stop disaster after disaster. I mean the world's not technically ending, but they're.

Speaker 1:

They're stacking up technically yeah, we're, we're on our way. The dominoes are all lined up for everything to fall and american democracy goes splat um. In case you missed it, the supreme court basically destroyed the way federal government works from here on out. I mean 60 years of precedent gone like that. Uh. Technically, however, many years of american uh jurisprudence is jurisprudence has existed. That's also gone with the ruling on um presidential immunity. We'll get to that in just a moment. Just endless, non-stop disaster after disaster. The supreme court they took the gloves off. It's an all-out war. But uh, first question here now that joseph robin ed biden has been crowned king, should he or should he not launch a drone strike at the supreme court and start to undo this mess?

Speaker 2:

I'll allow it.

Speaker 3:

I'm totally, I'm totally down in spite of all my facial uh expressions that you would see if you are on the youtube, I am going to say I don't condone that you don't a winky face uh, look.

Speaker 1:

So the long story short of it I do, I do, I I just yeah I'm conflicted.

Speaker 3:

Obviously I don't want, like a later tyranny, but like the like, do some, do some tyranny to prevent tyranny. I don't know if it's a fallacy.

Speaker 2:

It's definitely like in favor of all day executive order, executive order, executive order like all day. I will allow it because If he doesn't, we know exactly that trump will, so right all right before we get to that.

Speaker 1:

So what the supreme court did here is uh, after trump's numerous appeals that made their way up to the supreme court about presidential immunity as it pertains to his january 6th case, the supreme court came out and basically said immunity exists in basically two buckets and there's a third bucket of activity that's not covered by immunity. First of all, core presidential powers. Those are the things explicitly listed in the Constitution, those acts such as appointments or the pardon power negotiating with foreign actors and foreign states and whatnot. All that blanket immunity. There's nothing piercing that.

Speaker 1:

In the second, larger bucket, it's this idea of official presidential acts.

Speaker 1:

Now, that could technically be anything because of the way the conservatives on the Supreme Court ruled in 6-3 fashion, that basically anything the president does on his job has the presumption of immunity, of immunity which basically means uh, if, say, you wanted to prosecute a former president or current president for their behavior, uh, the presumption of immunity for anything that they do is official part of their job, uh, the prosecution would have to overcome that. But unfortunately they also made it nearly impossible to do that because they ruled as part of it. Just they held as part of the ruling. I can't speak, it's like midnight that any of those official acts can be used in evidence of court and can't be used as evidence of state of mind. Be used as evidence of state of mind, mens rea. Um, there's also the third bucket, the. The personal acts like non-official acts, but the way the supreme court basically described presidential acts you're the president all the time, so anything you do, basically as official acts yeah, official acts is anything you do in your free time is basically an official act, and that's.

Speaker 1:

That's the short of it.

Speaker 3:

Because you're a full-time president.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, basically Now, if you would like more in-depth legal analysis in terms of like the-.

Speaker 3:

Fewer official acts and actual work. That Fewer official acts and less work than like any other president I could think of, because I'm not thinking that hard. Apparently, this immunity thing is so because the previous 43 presidents haven't been able to do their job, apparently, according to trump um, because they didn't have immunity okay okay, there's always the one person who comes and ruins it, like they didn't have to enforce, like make a rule about it. And then, like one guy came along and you're like dude, we had so much immunity, knock it off.

Speaker 1:

But then that guy also was like if you want in-depth legal analysis of the specific ruling. You know there's plenty of legal podcasts out there that you can check out for that. My guys at Midas Touch, you can go check them out. My girl, milishi Rhodes she does this fantastic podcast. Clean up on aisle 45 with pete struck and go check that out, as there's plenty of other people.

Speaker 1:

Uh, we don't need to get in that, into that as much as we need to get into the implications of the supreme court ruling. So, first of all, the, the trial in dc. It's not going to happen, or at least not within the next year in all likelihood. So, uh, the way the supreme court ruling panned out, it's going to be, or at least not within the next year, in all likelihood. So, uh, the way the supreme court ruling panned out, it's going to be hearing in dc about what evidence in that indictment consists of presidential acts and whether or not they meet the standard for um, the, the limited presidential immunity. Uh, whatever the finding is, that's going to be appealed back up to the Supreme Court, which means another six months waiting on the Supreme Court justices to take up that case and make a ruling, and probably in such a way that will help Trump yet again. So you know, cancel that trial taking place before the election. I know it's tough, just we're going to get there.

Speaker 1:

Also, the Florida documents case, because literally no one asked but Clarence Thomas found himself poking around at the idea of the appointment of a special account, a special counsel, being unconstitutional. That was some bait for Judge Cannon down in Florida to basically toss out that case on the idea that it'll be appealed up to the 11th Circuit, which will likely get it removed. But I'm sure that'll be appealed up to the Supreme Court and if Thomas suggested it, that likely means that despite the previous Supreme Court rulings where it's been established multiple times that the appointment of a special counsel is constitutional, the Republicans on the Supreme Court court probably throw that out too. So look, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it, it's fucking disaster again. Don't lose hope, we're gonna. We're gonna get there.

Speaker 1:

Also, trump's new york uh the the new york uh civil fraud trial, rather the new york election interference, slash, hush money case, where Trump was found guilty on 34 criminal counts. That sentencing has been postponed until September, obviously to deal with the implications of the Supreme Court ruling. But I do have some good news in that regard, this likely won't affect that in any degree whatsoever. I mean Trump's going to try and claim it will in any degree whatsoever. I mean Trump's going to try and claim it will. Most of the evidence presented in that case was before Trump was ever president and the checks that he signed while he was in office. That's not an official act and, apart from some testimony from Hope Hicks, which may possibly slightly, to some degree, maybe fall into the realm of like a conversation with the um administration official, that could be protected you sound really confident about it.

Speaker 3:

Maybe possibly look again.

Speaker 1:

So if you're a lawyer listening to this podcast, I don't know why you're listening to us, because we're not fucking lawyers.

Speaker 1:

But you know, one of us is but I don't know what the fuck yeah, carol, I didn't mean to speak for you, you're a lawyer I was speaking for me mostly there but the idea of having practice law for the entirety of your career and then you wake up one day and the Supreme Court does this everything that previously existed in terms of like regulatory law, just it's. That's all out of the window. And in terms of criminal law, as it pertains to prosecuting, it's some totally new shit. They just invented law out of thin air. It's a totally new, unexplored field, and there's going to have to be just numerous instances of establishing the limits of presidential immunity. Sorry, it's some brand new shit. No one really knows. And then, given the fact that the supreme court's clearly in trump's bag, they can kind of make this up as they go along yeah, now it's just going to be remanded to whatever fucking court is you know?

Speaker 4:

and then it'll decide whether or not it's an official act.

Speaker 2:

Mark elias who's said um something, or maybe it was chris hayes, but he was like it was a nonsense case.

Speaker 1:

So what they did was they took this case and then figured out arguments to make the fucking case work and their paper like that's basically what they did specifically what they did is they looked at all of the criminal issues facing trump and did their best to gerrymander their argument in such a way that would help trump in every possible instance, without basically coming out and saying presidents have full immunity.

Speaker 1:

Yeah because, the way it was argued by the Supreme Court, presidents technically at this point now have full immunity. The only thing stopping the United States from being subject to a dictatorship at this point is just the values uh, just the values and like the like.

Speaker 3:

I don't know. Just you're relying joe to start slanging that pen like it's a ar-15, like that's it.

Speaker 1:

What's saving us?

Speaker 1:

pen or pen pen the thing to save an american democracy kind of your accent from being subject to a dictatorship is the character of the person holding in the office, and that's why it's so important in the november election that we re-elect joe biden, because joe biden out here, he just said it he don't want to be a king. Trump does, and you've seen all the things trump's promising to do in his second term. He's going to, like, round up people and he's going to have the department of justice go after his enemies and he's going to have complete and total immunity to do so.

Speaker 2:

And I don't need joe to be a king, I just need him to act like one for the next 127 days I guess, fair is fair.

Speaker 1:

Okay, that's it but again now we joke about this. But the supreme court did basically rule that as long as President Biden is speaking to one of his you know administrative administration officials, he could technically order SEAL Team 6 to go assassinate the Supreme Court justice.

Speaker 3:

Was that not just the dissent?

Speaker 1:

Yes, that was, that was actually part of this, actually, in fact it was part of the sotomayor's descent the reason why it was in the descent to begin with is because trump's lawyers argued it in front of the supreme court oh, initially, exactly, and that's what people forget when they're like oh, it's like someone had said, I don't know some troll.

Speaker 2:

And they were like, oh, she should be just barred just for saying this. It was like the whole reason that she said that is because during the oral arguments, when she asked so you're saying he can order still team six to go and assassinate? And Trump's lawyer was like like yay, don't forget to hold your mic up yeah yeah we see that bottle girl oh

Speaker 1:

please don't get hammered. You're on a one drink maximum I know you're cut off okay.

Speaker 2:

Well, I've got a tiny little cup here.

Speaker 1:

Pardon the insurrection no more, you're done.

Speaker 2:

This is my last. This is my last one.

Speaker 1:

Look, I get it. After the past week that we just had, I need a drink as well.

Speaker 2:

Yes, like it was a harrowing week. It was so fucking depressing. It was like ruling after ruling, after ruling after ruling, back to back to back to back, and we knew that this was coming. We knew that they were going to rule in favor, but it was still just that, maybe sliver of hope that well, we didn't know it was gonna be this bad.

Speaker 1:

We, we thought, I thought it would be bad I didn't know it was going to be this bad. We we thought I thought it would be bad. I didn't know it would be this horrifying and I would say the shit that they said like it is.

Speaker 2:

And I had a friend on facebook because I try to alert people on facebook to what's and she's like, oh, they're just remanding it to the states. And I go no, that's not what they're fucking doing?

Speaker 1:

Remanding what to the states?

Speaker 2:

I was like you need to.

Speaker 4:

But they don't know what the it is. It sounds like it is eligibility to.

Speaker 1:

Well, that was the 14th Amendment issue, which they took away from the states. To be honest and look, anyway, the decisions are fine. Again, there's nothing protecting us in a second Trump administration, and I think that's fairly clear. And I think what's most horrifying is, if you think about it like at this point, a second Trump administration, he could use the intelligence services to go after Americans, be free of immunity, use the Justice Department to investigate his political rivals. If you want to protest, he can have the National Guard just go out and shoot people, something that he suggested before while he was in office. Obviously, at that point in time, there were people to stop him, but his real question, well, when he he asked, the response was but you could be prosecuted for that, and his response to that was by who? Well, now the?

Speaker 3:

the answer to that question is no one, no one can no one, exactly exactly the supreme court has basically made it impossible to prosecute a president from for conspiring and then let's just note that not one person there was like because it's wrong, okay, just just.

Speaker 2:

Of course that's ridiculous obviously I'm just spitballing here, but maybe because that's wrong.

Speaker 1:

Okay, just throwing that out there the thing is the president now has blanket immunity to conspire with administration officials to overthrow the government, and that's the broad strokes of it and it's fucking horrifying. I mean it just. We could go on about that point forever. But um, so also there was a an unsealing of documents in south florida related to the jeffrey epstein case, the sweetheart deal, where basically epstein spent weekends in jail and in war, no weekdays in jail and would get out on nights and weekends. Um, there were some horrifying instances of terrible behavior in that, but I mean most pertinent, I suppose he like still, wasn't?

Speaker 3:

he like still getting massage, massages and also sex stuff with bait with children? Yeah, he was like while he was in jail. He's like I gotta go.

Speaker 1:

A lot of sex stuff he was like getting out of jail and then going to do more pedophile shit. But more pertinent than that I won't say more important, necessarily, but more pertinent to the political realm is the fact that donald trump was mentioned in these documents numerous times. He's in in numerous call logs of jeffrey epstein's um, and there was some also also some information suggesting that the trump made under earls, under underaged girls, perform sexual acts on each other as well as himself. Um, I don't understand how this information hasn't made its way to the.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's right, they're too busy. You say that d, but something that stood out to me in that was, it said abnormal sexual acts. That stood out to me in that, and so I was like what the fuck was he making these fucking little girls do? Is some weird creepy shit not just sexual acts, but it said abnormal sexual acts.

Speaker 3:

I'm picturing like joffrey Baratheon, had he survived into adulthood, did you? It's a Game of Thrones reference.

Speaker 2:

No, I get it, carol, I watch GOT Never mind.

Speaker 1:

I don't think I've ever heard anyone refer to Trump as King Joffrey. Oh, I have. Once he has absolute power well, hopefully we can have a red wedding for trump before the election and make sure we put that to rest. But as long as it's an official act no, it's extraordinarily weird that we have all this information that trump is a certified pedophile uh, and yet like the media coverage on that is zilch. Itophile uh, and yet like the media coverage on that is zilch it's.

Speaker 1:

It's so weird the media coverage is but the debate so we haven't recorded since the occurrence of the debate debate. I think, at this point, you understand my position on that if you follow me on twitter. Um biden had a. It wasn't a great debate performance, but you know who had a worst debate performance Trump by far and I know this because I know people who watched it and I watched a gazillion black people on the internet listen to. Well, unlike what the media did, they actually listened to what Trump said. They were like, hey, this shit was fucking insane and we spent the entire weekend lighting his ass up. But yet the media is consumed with president biden because they were like, oh, his debate performance was so poor, just totally ignoring the incessant lies of trump and all the incessant racism.

Speaker 2:

I think they also ignore that. Right after the debate, his ass was dabbing up and that was a strong dude was like, I ain't gonna lie, it was a strong dab, like when he went to the waffle house and then he flies to fucking raleigh airport supporters.

Speaker 1:

Before you even get to that, that part like biden held another rally. After the bait, perfectly fine, held another rally the next day. Crushed it. Like this obsession over the debate performance to the total exclusion of all the other evidence that says the debate performance was an outlier is is beyond me and did you read?

Speaker 2:

I did today that and it was side captured. I think newsweek had said, or whatever, that he told jill. He's like I don't know what happened, jill, I don't feel okay and even before the debate and I'm not trying to conspiratorialize, conspiracy, conspire, reckless speculation. Conspire, but before the debate I said said you know what trump tried to kill biden with covid, like in 2020, so I wouldn't drink or eat anything I.

Speaker 1:

You know it's funny.

Speaker 2:

You say that because when we were looking at those cans of water with no, those biden waters with no malarkey, yeah, after the fact I was like maybe they put some malarkey in his water I really, I really, and you know I only said stuff, like you know, in the rooms, like not publicly because I'm like you know it kind of sounds crazy, but just the difference in him at the debate versus I'm like literally right hour later, him at the waffle house and then later he's up till two, three in the morning.

Speaker 2:

Then he's in fucking raleigh, north carolina, giving a speech. Crushes it and this I was like. But there's no media headlines that well then, was counted out, but he got back up no, none of that.

Speaker 1:

It's just drop out, straight to drop out, and we'll talk about that in just a second. But um, first of all, the debate performance. It just seemed tired like he seemed like, I feel, after the a long day at work, but I just, I can't talk, I can't finish a fucking sentence some of us have.

Speaker 3:

You know we get tired when we work our full-time job and then have to go do a performance thing for no additional compensation or such as them to be you know right.

Speaker 2:

So this idea that we'll get our kids and I'm like you know, I can look. However, I look a hundred days of the year and that one day where I'm just like feeling like shit, I'm tired and I go pick up my fucking kids, it was like man, I look like shit today right and then the next day I'm back to myself yeah, but all they can talk about is how I look like shit that thursday, when I went to pick up jeremy from school and it's like yeah, come on, guys.

Speaker 1:

Like this idea that president biden needs to drop out of the presidential race because he needed a nap is fucking insane. We'll get to. We'll get back to that in just a second. Back to trump being a pedophile. So we already knew that trump was on epstein's flight logs. I mean, that's been public information for years now. We've seen the videos of Trump parting with Epstein. The media's made no fuss about that. Now we have clear and convincing evidence that, as Kendrick would say, trump is a freaky-ass Nazi. He's a certified pedophile. He's getting zero media coverage. Something is wrong with the media. I don't know what the problem is. Fox news is not an option. That's a murdoch entity. Uh, the new york times.

Speaker 1:

Neither is cnn well cnn was bought by a right-wing billionaire not too long ago and the the entire, just the entire media complex the whole narrative is just skewed, like it's skewed, and they are the sinclair stations, they're they own local news everywhere the just there's I don't know what the issue is where we can't get real coverage of actual issues or things that matter and instead they're just doing butthurt emails to president biden. I don't know what the issue is, but if you're listening to this podcast, cut that shit off. Just. You can't reward them with your time, your attention, your clicks, your views, your streams, because if, if they can continue to make money off of sabotaging our democracy in putting us in a dictatorship, they'll continue to do so because they care more about profits than they care about the state of affairs in America.

Speaker 2:

Well, they got 127 days of profits because if CNN doesn't think that they're on the dropping block, and MSNBC I mean Trump has publicly stated that he wants to take all comcast stations, comcast all nbc stations, which includes msnbc, off the airwaves.

Speaker 1:

You know, we are two steps away from trump tv I feel like we keep getting away from trump being a pedophile, are we? We're mainstream media. Now, I keep trying to talk about it and you keep going another direction.

Speaker 3:

But okay, all right so he's a fucking pedophile is a certified pedophile. There were many handwritten logs of the calls to and from jeffrey epstein and and donald trump, and then, of course, the flight logs, which showed what did you say? Eight More than eight flights.

Speaker 2:

I think he's a pedophile and a rapist, so we should put those two together, because he is a not just a pedophile, but he is also an adjudicated rapist.

Speaker 1:

Yes, I feel like there's some important information that the media also refuses to cover. I feel like if President Biden had been found liable in court for rape, that that would be the biggest story on Earth, but instead, like a 90-minute subpar debate has been dominating the news. But let's play a clip from president, former president, future dictator trump's time in office are there boats in this clip and trick? There's. There's sadly no quotes in this clip, but let's play a clip from Trump saying that he won't release Epstein's documents.

Speaker 3:

Yes, Lutz.

Speaker 6:

Would you declassify the 9-11 files? Yeah, would you declassify JFK files? Yeah, I did a lot of it. Would you declassify the Epstein files?

Speaker 5:

Yeah, yeah, I would. All right, I guess I would. I think that less so, because you know, you don't know, you don't want to affect people's lives if it's phony stuff in there, because it's a lot of phony stuff with that whole world. But I think I would, or at least I do.

Speaker 6:

Do you think that would restore trust? Help restore trust, yeah.

Speaker 5:

I don't know about Epstein so much as I do the others. What an odd thing to say.

Speaker 1:

It's so funny when you release the JFK files yeah, what about the Epstein files I? It's so funny when you release the JFK files yeah, what about the Epstein files? I don't know about that, sir.

Speaker 2:

It's like, yeah, okay, maybe not A lot of phony stuff.

Speaker 1:

Well, now you know why he wouldn't release the Epstein files because he's all in that shit.

Speaker 2:

It will ruin a lot of people's lives.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, including his own. I feel like that was an admission of guilt.

Speaker 3:

The second. He's like I don't know about that, he's like well, but everyone remember I was president in 2006, no 2003. What year was this?

Speaker 1:

oh, he's trying to get presidential immunity for being a pedophile, but yeah, for 20 years before he was president well, he can be like matt gates and just ask for a blanket pardon.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, nothing is more strange than that picture of him standing there with his kids right next to Epstein and the guy from the modeling age Right. Like glaring at his kids, looking at them like a fucking snack. It's some weird creepy shit. I don't know how that doesn't get more coverage either, but again, we're trying to do the job that the media won't. I guess I don't understand.

Speaker 3:

Hey man, if you have to take your daughter to work day, but you're a sex trafficker don't leave her out. And don't leave your son out. Just you know there aren't enough opportunities for straight white sons of presidents.

Speaker 1:

Please don't take your kids to work if you're a sex trafficker please don't take your kids to epstein island. Please don't be a sex trafficker well, the fed sees epstein island, so you don't have to worry about that that is very fair.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, don't be a sex trafficker, kids it's a high bar to ask of republicans these days. Uh, so we did have some slightly good news in terms of the entirety of steve bannon's life coming or crumbling down around him as he's been sentenced to prison. He finally made his way to jail. Uh, do you remember what prison he's? Uh, he got sentenced. I don.

Speaker 2:

I don't even really know how he would look like clean.

Speaker 1:

You don't know what he would look like clean, because he's looked so dirty and dusty the last 20 years.

Speaker 2:

He's a walking herpy, like. He's like that fruitcake, like the fucking gift you don't want, but keeps on giving. But, yeah, like Denver. How would he like? He was like what was it? Uh, pig pan, that's it, pig pan from fucking charlie brown but pig pan was in head endearing qualities oh man that's the event and he is pig pan and he is going to be forced to wash, forced to wash.

Speaker 1:

Yeah. So he's got a lot of complaints about having been sentenced to jail, and especially about the timing, but largely the timing is his fault. Peter Navarro basically served his sentence already. The reason why Bannon is being sentenced at this point is because he spent so much time engaging in the appeals process and now, at the home stretch of the 2024 election, he's going to be in jail. He won't be out until like the first day or first couple of days of November. It's actually a win for the look the legal system didn't hold in numerous race the rule of law. It's a fucking disaster. But we do occasionally get some small victories here and I don't want to seem like I'm constantly down on like the way things are going, because I do assume, in terms of votes in the electoral college vote, biden's going to win the election. Votes in the electoral college vote Biden's going to win the election. It's just going to be tough, but we got to enjoy our little small thing. I've been waiting on Steve Bannon to go to prison since 2016,. Right, you know he was.

Speaker 2:

That is true.

Speaker 1:

That is true If anybody deserves prison time it's that motherfucker, and even though it's only four months, I will take it and, to be fair, all he really had to do was go sit in front of the January 6th committee and invoke his fifth amendment privilege, like he could have pled the fifth this was him playing stupid games and getting stupid prizes, but he deserves it, and I just wish, I just wish the justice system worked as well for all of trump's co-conspirators as it did for bannon in this one case, but obviously it requires them to be extraordinarily stupid to just not show up and invoke your fifth and privilege well, I think king biden should do an executive order to throw out the 147 members of congress. I don't think that's how executive orders work ty, but you, you just froze voted against certifying the election well, you just froze there, so you okay wishful thinking, but it would be nice you, you froze there.

Speaker 1:

You have to do that one more time did I?

Speaker 2:

yeah, you think but yeah, but okay it was executive order.

Speaker 1:

No, I'm before that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, start over executive order to throw out all of the insurrectionists who voted against certifying the election.

Speaker 1:

Fair's fair, fuck you I mean technically, he could have the justice department arrest him right now, um now yeah you know, obviously the court would, could order them to be released, and biden's response could be my faith in merrick garland is shook right now.

Speaker 1:

So well, what? What specifically is it that you would like Merrick Garland to do? Because I think, if you just look at the actions that the Supreme Court's taking, it's clear that, no matter what Merrick Garland or Jack Smith were going to do in terms of prosecuting Trump, the Supreme Court was going to get involved in make sure they protected him.

Speaker 2:

You know what? I don't give a fuck flood the goddamn zone number two. If he had done this immediately after he was appointed, we would be not done here had done.

Speaker 1:

What exactly? Can you be specific?

Speaker 2:

gone after trump the minute that he knew about the classified documents case, going after those in Congress who voted against certifying the election and all of their prosecutions.

Speaker 1:

Well, I'm pretty sure the head off of the stake.

Speaker 2:

So OK, here's the thing. I'm pretty sure the head off of the stake.

Speaker 1:

So snake? Ok, here's the thing. First of all, not OK. So the the week that Merrick Garland was appointed he had an investigation open directly into Trump. He put a group together and had them investigate the top of the coup immediately. So like you know, despite what you think about Merrick Garland, he got on the job immediately. Like you can go, look at the New York Times article, we'll post that in the link somewhere. Got on the job, had that going handpicked guys and then, once he got his people in again, this took months right to get his deputy appointed because the co-conspirators in the Senate refused to confirm him. That's why he didn't get the job. Until March they refused to confirm his deputy, they refused to confirm the the DC a USA until like later in the fall, it took him a while to get the whole team there. Okay.

Speaker 2:

Now you're, you're just talking sense, I'm talking nonsense.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I'm just, I'm just, but here's the thing, right. So also, if you look at the, the evidence that was collected in the investigation, he he would have had that on day one, like the charges wouldn't have stuck if he tried to pull the trigger too early, and that's another issue like making making fucking sense.

Speaker 1:

I know it's unfortunate, like investigations require evidence in order to get a conviction, especially in an instance where you know the the trial. If it goes to trial and even upon conviction, after the conviction is going to get appealed to high heaven, it's going to be the most scrutinized investigation slash criminal trial in the history of criminal trials. And that's why you got to line up all your P's and Q's and that's what he was doing. But it's also readily apparent that, no matter what he did and I know a lot of people talk about hey, why did Mary Garland indict Trump for obstruction of justice? Well, bill Barr did a lot to make sure those charges went away with that OLC opinion that he drew up that basically says you can't have an indictment for obstruction without charging for an underlying crime, which there was a way to finagle out of that.

Speaker 1:

But, more importantly, no matter what, again, based on this Supreme Court ruling, you can't charge a president for obstruction of justice for what trump was doing in terms of um, you know, lying about, lying to investigators and trying to fire. You know doj appoint it. Just he has immunity from that. So those charges wouldn't stuck in. The supreme court would have just bailed him out anyway. And that gets back to the real problem here. No matter what we do, the Supreme Court is just going to put their finger on the scale and this idea and this goes back to this idea that everyone's suggesting that Biden drop out of the 2024 election OK, great, the Supreme Court is just going to rule that you can't put another Democrat on the ballot and you're like all right, I guess we'll be writing in Kamala Harris. Yeah, e 80 million people ain't going to spell Kamala's name, right?

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, that is true, but the thing is like when, like I had some troll in my mentions are like oh, he just needs to drop out.

Speaker 2:

I was like, ok, and who should step into his place? Who should step into his place? I said you keep saying. I was like you guys keep pushing that he needs to drop out but you're not saying who should step in. And it's very curious that you'd never say he needs not. In that argument that you're making, is Biden should step aside and let Kamala take hold. Like that's not, it's just he should step aside and let Kamala take hold, like that's not, it's just, he should step aside, he should step aside. Why do you never mention Madam Veep's name?

Speaker 2:

Because they just want us to lose Exactly and they're racist and misogynist.

Speaker 1:

Well, that's their kind of way of skipping over the Black woman as well.

Speaker 2:

Exactly. They're like oh, newsom Buttigieg, I was like Newsom has been unequivocally vocal about. He's not stepping over Biden, he supports his president, pete Buttigieg. No, that's not a thing.

Speaker 1:

Gretchen Whitmer, okaymer, okay, yes, she's a rock star theoretically, if biden did step down, all these people, you name it if they were to try and take over at the democratic convention, they would have to start from scratch. They got no money. They got no infrastructure, no campaign staff, nothing.

Speaker 2:

They have no name ID.

Speaker 1:

No, and all the money that President Biden raised.

Speaker 2:

Because we're entrenched in politics. Yeah, that fucking person in Alabama, that voter in Georgia, that voter in North Carolina and Virginia, maryland, et cetera. They're like who this?

Speaker 1:

Well and most importantly, all that, you know the hundreds of millions of dollars that Biden's raised. That money can't go to them, so they'd be starting off a presidential campaign from scratch and broke. Also, you know, kamala Harris is the only candidate who could theoretically have that money transferred to her campaign, but she's not. Again, she's not going to make Biden step down and Biden has refused to step down. She's not going to make biden step down and biden has refused to step down. And also this idea like if you, if you look at what the media is doing, conspiring to basically trying to end the democratic party, like if biden stepped down, who, at whatever candidate, stepped in to take his place, the media would just do the same fucking shit to them. It's an endless cycle of the same shit. They did the same shit to hillary clinton. The same shit. They did the same shit to Hillary Clinton.

Speaker 3:

They wouldn't have the same credibility built up that Joe already had. There's just no way, even if they say they don't like him.

Speaker 2:

And another thing that people don't talk about is as ruthless as the Heritage Foundation and the right is with their oppo research. Do you not think that they have already? They have a list of, if biden was to drop out, who are the potentials and have already created dossiers on each of those people oh yeah, obviously they've, they have already like okay, if he does. If he does, they've got october surprises ready for every potential candidate.

Speaker 1:

You guys ain't gotta worry about that. The thing about biden is you know everything about biden. He's been in the public spotlight for damn near 60 years. You know everything about him. There's nothing new under the sun. It is what it is and that's why the best they have.

Speaker 3:

The best they have lined up is fucking Putin putting ships near Cuba. That's their backup plan. I assume I don't know what the fuck is going on there, but they're all involved in. This is a guess kind of reckless speculation, but nothing is far-fetched anymore.

Speaker 2:

That is true, Carol.

Speaker 1:

Nothing is far-fetched most importantly, that is the saddest fucking part I mean, I think, most importantly, if you get rid of biden, you lose black people. I mean obviously, unless comrade harris is the answer.

Speaker 1:

You lose black people and you can't expect us to continue to bail out the democratic party at every turn and then not support our candidate in in the most dire of circumstances. Just it doesn't make any sense. But yeah, just stop listening to the fucking pundits again. I mean, I know we keep cycling back to this, but that's because the media continues to cycle back to it. Fuck the media. Um, also again, yet another just small instance of good news rudy giuliani was formally disbarred for his lies about the 2020 election.

Speaker 3:

That's you know I love that for him, yes, yeah, it took a few years from from the hearing being when did he have the preliminary revocation of his bar? Wasn't it like 2021? It's pretty early on, I think it was I think it was 2022. Okay, yeah, I don't know he blocked me because I kept bringing it up unfortunate.

Speaker 1:

But yes, he's gonna die broke and miserable and he can't. He ain't got no job, he can't do any legal consulting. Fuck that guy, he deserves it. Hope he loses every fucking penny. Hope he never gets to work again. I hope he ends up in a situation where he has no choice but to cooperate with law enforcement officials. That's what I'm really hoping for, because, despite the Supreme Court ruling, with presidential immunity and whatnot, rudy Giuliani was never a part of the Trump administration.

Speaker 1:

So whatever testimony he could provide, that's true, yeah, not covered by immunity, and he was a key figure in all of the fucking fuckery From January 6th the attack to the fake electors and coordinating with those various states. I mean, if you read the January 6th report or I think we got audio of the January 6th report on the podcast, just search that up real quick but, yeah, rudy Giuliani's testimony could be extraordinarily helpful, and the fewer outlets that he has for survival, the higher the likelihood that he cooperates with investigators. So, yeah, happy times, fingers crossed, we can make that happen. Um, also, uh, trump parked his plane next to a russian plane for approximately two days. This is one of the few russian uh, russian owned airplanes that's actually able to enter and exit us airspace, given the numerous sanctions placed on them thanks to their invasion of ukraine. Uh, we have no idea what the fuck was going on, but that like there's we first of all it seems like some sort of meeting.

Speaker 3:

Did you see the?

Speaker 2:

flight map of when they had to go around the EU to not go through European Union's airspace. So they went around stop here. It was a whole ass thing.

Speaker 1:

It worked they couldn't even go direct because I didn't see the flight plan.

Speaker 2:

But you're right, they're largely barred from flying over most of europe, so they probably had to fly some weird yeah like they went like like all of europe and they're john by the time they got to um dc and then they were just parked there because they you know the flight logs and stuff or the intention that a russian plane is coming in like oh no, you ain't you know, but yeah like also suspiciously was like the united arab emirates had a plane parked next to the Russian plane.

Speaker 1:

So it was just an extraordinarily strange situation.

Speaker 1:

Learn what a few weeks ago, that Trump made a special, a special trip from Bedminster back down to Mar-a-Lago once he was subpoenaed for the documents to make sure that they were in good shape. And we also those videos of Trump packing up boxes to Bedminster. We have no idea whether those boxes of classified documents were ever returned, or if they're still in his possession or if they've been transferred to the possession of any other individuals. But I wholly support the idea that, um, you know, the fbi is keeping tabs on any of these russia sanctioned aircraft who enter the united states, and especially if they're meeting with a, if they're anywhere in the near vicinity of a presidential candidate's plane for multiple hours. I mean, I just would hope they would be keeping. I can only assume, like I don't. We all know, in all likelihood in secret, the Trump campaign is probably conspiring with Russia to win the 2024 election yet again, because they don't fucking learn a lesson until they face consequences and they never face consequences for that. So here we are, full circle.

Speaker 2:

Okay, so my thing is I'm like trying to put the dots together.

Speaker 1:

Are you cold, Carol?

Speaker 2:

Three weeks ago. Three weeks ago, maga Mike Johnson puts ronnie jackson and scott perry on the house intelligence committee. Then these are trump co-conspirators, if you're listening yes, and this is what happens, like with the planes, and that was what two days and that was a couple days ago, yesterday, you know, junior's been Bugger Sugar, junior's been gallivanting all around the fucking Middle East and Oman and just announced yesterday that they have yeah in.

Speaker 1:

Saudi Arabia yeah.

Speaker 2:

And the UAE plane Conveniently right after the Supreme Court ruled that.

Speaker 1:

You know it's impossible to prosecute bribery I am not.

Speaker 2:

I am not trying to be a conspiracy theorist but, this shit is not coincidence to me. Like it's not. I feel like it is all connected and definitely after that ruling, I think there's going to be more fuckery coming off. Like there's going to be more fuckery coming along yeah, 100, um.

Speaker 1:

But I think, just like I can only assume that because the trump campaign and Trump specifically didn't face any consequences for the basically the conspiracy to interfere in the 2016 election that he ran it back in 2020. And he's about to run it back in 2024 because he's a habitual line stepper, you got, you got to be this motherfucker's legs in, like you, charlie and eddie did, to rick james legs when he was stomping all over the couch, otherwise he won't learn his lesson. And just like, conveniently, there was a video released of trump praising vladimir putin. Surprise, surprise, that we can share with you.

Speaker 5:

I just can't imagine. But can you imagine that guy dealing with Putin and the president of China, who's a fierce person? He's a fierce man, a very tough guy, and they see him they probably okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I just don't understand why, at any point in time, you would ever be praising.

Speaker 2:

I'm sorry, I just threw up in my mouth a little bit Continue.

Speaker 1:

Oh you know, swallow that girl, no. Or theoretically, you could save it and use it for something productive, like the Hawk Tour girl. Where'd you go, carol?

Speaker 3:

I want to eat some food and not have anyone give me shit. Oh my God, oh my God, Flip your screen around.

Speaker 1:

I want to eat some food and not have anyone give me shit. Oh my god, flip your screen around. I did.

Speaker 2:

I ate some wings, I fried some chicken.

Speaker 1:

Put your screen back on. I know I'll be back in a minute.

Speaker 2:

Eat your food just flip your screen around.

Speaker 1:

Turn the screen back on.

Speaker 3:

Flip it to where Ty. There you go, Jesus.

Speaker 4:


Speaker 3:

Fuck you. Random YouTube commenter.

Speaker 1:

Yeah as Trump's playing his part next to the Russians. Here he is on candid camera praising Vladimir Putin for God knows what reason I just don't like. This is extraordinarily exhausting, Having been dealing with this for nearly a decade now and still have no resolution. But hopefully the feds I mean, for God's sake sake, he's not the president right now you can get him for conspiracy if he's conspiring conspiring with foreign agents or foreign governments get him for the fucking logan act.

Speaker 2:

He has been violating the fucking logan act.

Speaker 1:

That's one of those goddamn turn that's one of those things that's so untested that it's very likely a court might throw that out. You'd have to get him for something closer to conspiring to defraud the United.

Speaker 2:

States. You're making me hungry, Carol.

Speaker 1:

What are you eating, Carol?

Speaker 3:

This is the other half of my dinner that I packed up as I was unable to finish my dinner before I left for rehearsal. But then, when I was there, I didn't want it. Well, because it's smelly, but you guys can't smell it well speaking of stuffing your face with, with smelly foods.

Speaker 1:

uh, the other presidential candidate, who's also been on Jeffrey Epstein's plane, was actually on camera eating a barbecued dog Gross.

Speaker 3:

Luna, cover your ears.

Speaker 1:

Luna is Carol's dog.

Speaker 3:

Luna was rescued from the dog meat trade, so she's very sensitive to this.

Speaker 1:

There's actual photographic evidence of RFK Jr gnawing at the carcass of a dog, which is just so extraordinary.

Speaker 3:

He didn't get enough that he had to.

Speaker 1:

In weird behavior. Who eats dogs?

Speaker 2:

No offense to my fellow Chinese, fellow chinese and then he gives people like recommendations of where they can go and eat dog. I can't, I can't, I can't, let that fucker, I just can't.

Speaker 1:

Sometimes like in a world where the Supreme Court is destroying our democracy. Trump is revealed to absolutely be a pedophile and we also have yet another presidential candidate who had brain worms and there's like photographic evidence of him eating a dog. You really have to start wondering do we live in a simulation?

Speaker 2:

how did we fucking get here? Because earth two is wild. How the fuck do we get back to earth one?

Speaker 6:

like. That's all I need to know please earth.

Speaker 1:

Two is it's doing the most, and and I don't like it I don't know if y'all been watching dark matter, but we need to get back to the original, our original universe, because this one ain't. It ain't what's up. This is that bullshit. Um, I don't know, man, it's just like. I feel like, like, obviously, with the right wingers donating tens of millions of dollars to RFK Jr's campaign, they want to use him as a spoiler to try and peel off Democratic votes. But I mean, at this point, you know you've got him on Epstein's plane. He's eating dogs, he's. He had brain worms.

Speaker 3:

You know he's got probably got it from eating dog I mean that, yeah, that's also what I was wondering like that's a good point, carol I did post on the twitter.

Speaker 1:

I was like so he's eating a dog, the the guy who had the brain worms is eating a dog. Could that perhaps be where he got the worms? I don't know. And then he's got weird issues with his ex-wife and domestic assault. In fact, you know what? We also have a video of RFK Jr saying some rather insane shit.

Speaker 2:

No, we have to watch it. I don't want to watch it. I'm sorry, I don't want to watch it.

Speaker 1:

You don't have a choice.

Speaker 2:

I'm using my baby funding, but I don't want to watch it.

Speaker 1:

I'm not a church boy.

Speaker 6:

I am not running like that. I said in my. I had a very, very rambunctious youth. I said in my announcement speech that if I have so many skeletons in my closet that if they could all vote I could run for king of the world. So you know, this Vanity Fair is recycling that if they could all vote I could run for king of the world. So you know, this Vanity Fair is recycling 30-year-old stories and I'm not going to comment on the details of any of them, but it's. You know, I am who I am.

Speaker 3:

You're talking there about the nanny situation. I mean I do have to ask, sir. I mean, are you denying it or not?

Speaker 6:

I'm not going to comment on it.

Speaker 1:

All right, well, I gave you the opportunity for the right, okay, the content of what he's saying notwithstanding, he sounds like a very sick man.

Speaker 3:

People are talking about biden's mental state and his capacity based on, like, how eloquent he is, and this guy sounds like he sounds like he eats dogs well, they were and he sounds like he's on.

Speaker 1:

He's intubated voice like rfk junior sounds like he eats dogs and he sounds like he has brain worms. For for the record, that response I'm not a church boy, that was. That was in response to a question about domestic abuse allegations. He didn't say his response to domestic abuse allegations was I'm not nobody's part, nobody's nerve and not everybody's a rapist okay it

Speaker 3:

doesn't have the same ring to it, but yes the news coverage of biden's debate performance.

Speaker 1:

Considering we have all of this fodder, that would normally be like wall-to-wall coverage again. It's just more evidence that something is wrong with the media. Look, I'm not saying it's a conspiracy, but uh, clearly, cnn's debt disaster, the new york times, I mean they've got trump's turnographer on the payroll and they're constantly taking shots at him, supposedly because he's refused to give them a sit down interview. I mean, I don't know what's up, but I just why won't anyone cover this shit? I just it.

Speaker 2:

It blows my mind, it blows because they're all in the running to be der sturm.

Speaker 1:

They want to be the propaganda arm.

Speaker 1:

Well, they want to be the one propaganda network that's gonna be news max, and I think that's the thing that fox doesn't get like. If trump wins and he takes power, he's gonna have fox news hosts too. He ain't loyal to none of them, bitches. And again, that's the other thing with the media coverage. I guess they don't realize that. Like you know, once Hitler took over, once the Nazis won their election, the first thing they did was well, apart from, like you know, the night of long nights they clean house in their own party. They basically eliminated Free media. Clean house in their own party.

Speaker 1:

They basically eliminated free media, and when I say eliminated, I mean um, and that's what's in store for msnbc, cnn, abc, probably fox news to any other supposedly new york times definitely coming after you, guys, no matter how much you suck as dick.

Speaker 2:

I think the only one that on the new, like Trump TV that we're going to be forced to watch every day is Sean Hannity, and that's it. Like the rest, they're all going to be thrown away in the fucking trash.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be 24 straight hours of Tucker Carlson, 24 straight hours of watching him do the fucking trash.

Speaker 1:

There's gonna be 24 straight hours of tucker cross, 24 straight hours of watching him do the fucking that like that's it double dick jerk all day well, you know, at least we get to talk about something fun where we can pull ourselves out of our depression about the end of our democracy and the fact that the media is complicit. Um, so I'm assuming both of you are aware of the viral moment that was had when the hawk tour girl uh made her arrival onto the the public scene in that now famous video sound familiar carol ty you guys?

Speaker 2:

yes, it does I heard that she got fired from her job. Uh, because of that video?

Speaker 1:

I hope not, but we do. First of all, I guess we'll just show the video of her viral moment here.

Speaker 2:

That's probably a good place bid on that thing how do you get up for a breakup?

Speaker 6:

get like we're doing right now, y'all get over a breakup right now.

Speaker 4:

The only way to get over one is get under another. Amen, so you got a side piece, maybe.

Speaker 3:

Maybe I got three, maybe I got seven. How many is on your roster?

Speaker 4:

There's only one I want, but until he's serious, I'm a boo.

Speaker 2:

So how many you got on your roster right now?

Speaker 3:

Maybe four One she right now. Maybe four One she said one, Maybe four.

Speaker 4:

I feel that in my soul None Ty you married, you trying to add one to it, not her. Add one. Yeah, you trying to add one more to it. Yeah, that's me Maybe.

Speaker 1:

I don't know. So I can get your number. Yeah, you can. Okay, I mean, your boy was kind of smooth with that, I got to admit. Leave a message to your last body.

Speaker 4:

I love you, Pookie, forever.

Speaker 1:

I love you, Pookie, forever.

Speaker 5:

They must have been doing the right thing, but look where she goes.

Speaker 1:

What can I say?

Speaker 3:

Okay, make the cobwebs off. This thing Are you for real.

Speaker 4:

This is my wife. What makes me wifey material? What makes her wifey material? That fat a** she got For real. Turn around, let me see You're fucking lying. No, she got a ball. Go ahead, give us a hand. No man, can we have a 360? Can you give us a 360? It's flat out, girl, flat out. You know how to answer this, you got it.

Speaker 2:

What's one move in bed that makes a man go crazy every time? Oh, you got to give him that hawk, toot and spit on that thing.

Speaker 3:

You get me. I don't get you. I think you got to demonstrate.

Speaker 4:

Hawk toot Spit on it, spit on it.

Speaker 2:

Would you rather I?

Speaker 1:

know that's right up here she is not wrong. Spit on that, she's not wrong uh, we don't have to get graphic, but you know okay, I took some babies to the throat today, so so she was whatever she oversharing, she lost her job hopefully not david said like he was, because he gets all like excited and starts like looking like a

Speaker 3:

morality she was fired from her.

Speaker 2:

She was fired from her job and it was like for that. Well, maybe there's some evangelical though.

Speaker 1:

I don't know well. She's definitely got a future In all the fans if she's out of work, so she'll be totally fine.

Speaker 2:

As I said, she ain't wrong. Um, oh yeah, I spit on that thing.

Speaker 1:

I did make a song, um, in celebration. Yes, it's on. It's on our YouTube channel. If you're interested, you can check that out. I think it's pretty good. I'm pretty entertaining as a musical artist. In that regard, we won't play the song on here, but she did make her first interview since, uh, that clip went viral and I suppose we could play a clip of that as well. I didn't see that, what'd you say?

Speaker 2:

no, I said I hadn't seen it, I hadn't seen it.

Speaker 3:

Well, I'm gonna play it for you right now um, I have a game that I want to play with you guys. That makes me nervous. It's not that scary, I promise. It's called Huk Tua or Nah and you tell me if you want a huk tua on that thing or nah. Okay, Okay, Are you into like older guys?

Speaker 4:

For sure, okay, oh yeah.

Speaker 3:

Fuck, my phone's not loading. All right, you ready? Come on, just a hook, I'll give him a hawk, I'll give him a hawk. Okay, beautiful, there you go. Dave, you got a hook. Uh, donald trump no, absolutely not.

Speaker 6:

It's a no for me I love that.

Speaker 2:

I love that for her.

Speaker 1:

Now I love her even more oh yeah, because you know, look, all the right wing nut jobs are like oh, she's probably a trump supporter. Well, she's definitely not interested in hot, she's blonde.

Speaker 2:

She's like nah, but not that, I ain't that hockey yeah, once I saw that, I was inspired.

Speaker 1:

I was like all, that's my kind of girl. I celebrate this whole Hawk Tour thing. She's inspiring a generation of young ladies to embrace their oral peculiarities. I don't know Whatever you're interested in, I don't judge. I'm a fan of the Hawk Tour. So anyone out there who's making the world a better place, I applaud your service to society, your credit to the human race. Pat yourselves on the back. No, I don't know. I just that shit was fucking hilarious.

Speaker 1:

Just the weird things that happen to go viral over the internet. I'm never cutting the internet off, even though it's going to be the end end of human civilization at some point. But, yeah, fun times. Um, also in case you're unaware, um, so I don't know if you've been keeping listeners. I don't know if you've been keeping track with this whole kendrick lamar drake beef that kind of spilled out into, like numerous people ganging up on drake, including, uh, you know, south florida rapper rick ross. But rick ross made his way to canada for an event at a club where at the end of a set, he told the dj to play kendrick's uh diss track about drake. I'm sure you heard it at this point, not like us. Um, considering this is canada drake's well, you know it's a whole country, but it's drake's hometown and some of the people who were attending the event Canadians were not. Not pleased with that development and it sparked quite a ruckus and we'll play a clip of that.

Speaker 2:

Shenanigans ensued.

Speaker 1:

They absolutely did, and things did not. Things did not go well for Rick Ross and his people.

Speaker 4:

Is his titties out? I see titties.

Speaker 2:

I want two of those titties. Man, I'm gonna honk to Willow's tiniest time.

Speaker 4:

Hey, hey, hey hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.

Speaker 2:

Who is that scrappy little motherfucker in the front? I?

Speaker 1:

don't know who that little motherfucker was, but they whipped that security guard's ass.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to take my skinny jeans and I'm sorry, motherfucker scrapping his skinny pants, I, I.

Speaker 6:

I, I, I, I, I, I I.

Speaker 4:

I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I, I yeah the security guard is looking at Sheldon Marcy and let his ass out after that, because I mean that was.

Speaker 1:

He almost got put to sleep.

Speaker 4:

And then they got back. Oh shit, oh, look at.

Speaker 1:

Skinny Pig.

Speaker 6:

Look at him he took that hat off?

Speaker 1:

Don't make me take my hat off because I can't get out of no, so I shouldn't laugh at a potential, you know, horrifying, but I mean because, look, the thing about rap beats is, I grew up in an era where if you engaged in some, you know like some of our favorite artists engaged in rap beats and people didn't survive that shit. Now I totally understand. It's 2024 and you know, as far as the music industry goes, it's like you know what happens, like rick ross I grew up with rothan shantay, so well I grew up with tupac and biggie.

Speaker 1:

Rest in peace. Right, that's where I'm going with this. But, like in 2024, you know, dre, kendrick, maher, rick ross these are like industries. Right, there's a whole industry surrounding these people. You can't necessarily afford to, for even you know, physical violence or physical altercation to, to, to get so out of control that it results in gunshots and potential death. But the thing about Rick Ross is you instigating dog. There's absolutely no reason for you to be in Canada in the first place. And even if you are going to be in Canada when you know it's hot out here in these streets, what you can't do is have your DJ out here starting shit. And if you notice, if you're familiar with the Not Like Us song, you know what kicked it off. Ty, it's the same part to get everybody. It's the same part trying to strike a chord and it's probably a minor oh dear.

Speaker 2:

No, he underestimated Canada and how they get down right now these are Mounties, motherfuckers they like.

Speaker 1:

We gonna show you how we mount motherfuckers supposedly Drake liked the post of the video on like the instagram or something and like that's some weak shit from drake. For a couple of reasons, but namely, dog, like a bunch of white dudes in canada out here ganging up on rick ross and his bodyguard and a dj ain't the flex that you think it is like if you're familiar with?

Speaker 1:

all of those songs kendrick was putting out about your bodyguard is wearing skinny pants well that the bodyguard ain't the problem already the problem is like you got a bunch of you know white biker dudes out here defending you, like that's part of like the shit that kendrick lamar was saying about you, that, like, where you get your culture from does not connect with how we kick it down here in the states, and you just can't be. I. And then again like if you rig ross, you can't look at this situation and be like we can let this ride. You can't really. I mean in terms of like respect goes, and I know, like you know in terms, if you're a woman and you're listening to this, like why do men care so much about respect? Because we're fucking morons.

Speaker 1:

Um, you know, life, living, surviving, breathing is more important than respect for the most part, but you know where these dudes live in. You just can't let this shit slide. And also, again, just putting your staff in danger when you rick ross for absolutely no reason other than the flex. That's some weak ass. Shit too, that's some weak tea, um, but yeah, I just thought that shit was fucking entertaining. Carol, you ready to go to bed?

Speaker 3:

true, I am, I am fine, but yes, it's, I am tired do you have a shit?

Speaker 2:

It is like one o'clock in the morning where you are.

Speaker 1:

Do you have a shithole of the week nominee for us, carol, by any chance.

Speaker 3:

Can I choose six shitholes?

Speaker 1:

Supreme Court. It is At least it's the Republicans on the Supreme Court.

Speaker 3:

The three ladies You're cool, you're cool, we're going to call you scrotus.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, scrotus, scrotus.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 1:

I mean they had a lot of balls in this regard. Yeah, I'm going to handle closing thoughts for the two of you this evening. I'm just going to do my own shit here. So at this point, many of you might be aware of my I wouldn't call it a beef with tim miller, um I. I don't have anything personally against tim miller, but if you've been paying attention to my twitter feed, I've been using him as a punching bag over the course of the last few days for his incessant obsession with um trying to get president biden to drop out of the race.

Speaker 1:

But again, he is just a symptom of a larger problem. This, this issue with the media just focusing on the wrong shit. Uh, miss wang, bias is one way to think about it if you're familiar with the cognitive biases. Biases, uh, or just like just not having their fucking priorities in order. I mean, they're doing again doing the same thing they were doing with Hillary Clinton.

Speaker 1:

But I singled out Tim Miller for a specific reason, and that is because, much like the issue with Drake and Kendrick Lamar and Kendrick Lamar going after Drake as a representative of black American culture, representative of Black American culture in terms of going after people who don't have a deep connection to the Black community, but using the Black community for their own personal gain and profit when it suits them and discarding them when it doesn't. Tim Miller, as you may know, largely lifelong Republican until like two minutes ago, and somehow, over the course of the past couple of years, he somehow managed to become one of the voices for the Democratic Party, or at least the never Trump former Republican section of the Democratic Party. I don't know how we've decided that these people who've never lived our experiences, who've never, you know, built in our communities, who who are connected to the things, we're connected to the existences that we've lived, they've they've lived in their own bubble for a large portion of their life to decide to suddenly come over here and not work their way up from the bottom, but start off with everything handed to them and think that they have. Say so in the Democratic Party when, despite you know the state of affairs, with the possible end of our democracy, in all likelihood in a second Trump administration, they're gonna be fine. You know who ain't gonna be fine black people, and you know what black people are. We are the heart and soul of of the democratic party. This shit don't run without us and you know how you know that? Because the reason why president biden's in the white house right now is because, once we got the opportunity to vote in 2020 primary, president Biden was in there. They didn't have a shot. Once we get behind a candidate in the Democratic Party, that's the, that's the nominee for the Democratic Party as far as the president is concerned, and you also saw that play out in the 2024 primary. For all this talk about, uh, presumably challenging biden, you knew what wasn't gonna happen, because biden is our guy and that's why the people that you think are major players wouldn't, didn't even bother to try and challenge biden, because it would have been the end of their careers.

Speaker 1:

Well, um, given that we're the heart and soul of the Democratic Party and Tim Miller has been a lifelong Republican, never in his life, not a single time, not once has he ever had to consider the thoughts, wants, desires of black people. He's never had to be concerned with winning over black people's attention or winning black people's votes, cause, as Republican, they don't have to. That's, that's not. It's. It's white, it's the party of whites. I mean, that's pretty sure. I'm pretty, pretty clear.

Speaker 1:

So this idea that we're going to let a former Republican come over to the democratic party and get our presidential nominee out of the race with the smug white entitlement that he constantly exumes. He's fucking insane for that, and I tore his ass a new uh, tore him a new one on the twitter. You can go check that out. The truth about tim miller, it's pretty obvious. If you read that you'll you'll get my full thoughts on the matter. But I did bring up a couple of points about tim miller specifically because obviously I consume some of his content, because you know again these people that become the faces of the Democratic Party. I want to know what they think, because I might not necessarily agree with them In this case. I'm glad I did, because I learned quite a few things about Tim Miller as a person. One, obviously he's gay. I'm sure you know whoop-dee-doo who cares about that but the thing you got to consider is if you're gay, which is totally fine and you're also Republican.

Speaker 1:

Something's fucking wrong with your worldview. If you decide to sign up for the party of people who hate everyone, that's just like you. You've made some terrible life decisions or you have a serious problem recognizing reality. Two Tim Miller's also adopted a black child and while I have nothing to say about Tim as a parent, I'm sure he was extraordinarily kind and thoughtful and loving to his daughter. What I have noticed about Tim is, even despite the experience of having adopted a black daughter, he don't listen to anything black people have to say. And you got to kind of wonder about a guy like that. And it was oh, man you like. Obviously you love your child, you care about your child.

Speaker 1:

That hasn't caused you to develop kind of any kind of empathy for, like the Black community that you now kind of need if you want to win an election. That hasn't dawned on you. You haven't considered that at all, haven't thought about that single time. No, uh say, with that debate with president biden and donald trump, your entire focus is on president biden's performance. You didn't hear all that racist shit trump was saying. None of that clicked with you. That totally went over your head, because every black person I know who watched it. All they heard was black jobs. All they heard was mexicans out here coming to take your negro jobs. That's all we heard. And you totally ignore that shit. And it tells me everything that I need to know about you, much the same way that drake's behavior tells every told kendrick lamar everything he needed to know about drake. And that is the. Both of you are culture vultures. Y'all ain't no colleagues, y'all some fucking colonizers. Get the fuck out of our party. And that concludes this episode of Party Insurrection.

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