Pardon The Insurrection

The Princess Bribe

August 09, 2024 Pardon The Insurrection Episode 205
Is the media hiding the truth about an attempted assassination on Donald Trump? Join us as we tackle this controversial issue and explore why the Republican shooter's ties might be keeping the story under wraps. We also delve into Elon Musk's mounting legal troubles, including a criminal investigation into his PAC's fraudulent voter data collection for Trump's campaign. From removing verification badges on Twitter to facing potential felony charges, Musk's actions could have profound consequences.

Media accountability takes center stage as we criticize platforms like MSNBC for giving airtime to misinformation spreaders like Stephen Miller. We highlight the significant development of former Trump lawyer Jenna Ellis flipping in the fake elector plot case and discuss the potential wave of indictments this could trigger for Trump and his associates. This conversation underscores the necessity for media to thoroughly cover these critical stories and hold figures accountable.

Lastly, we emphasize the importance of voter engagement and the rising momentum behind Kamala Harris's campaign. Despite facing challenges like voter suppression in states like Texas, there's been a notable surge in voter turnout and first-time donors. Through open political conversations and vigilant action against disenfranchisement, individual actions can shape the political landscape. Stay informed and prepared for the critical dates of the congressional term and election certification, and remember to register to vote.

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Speaker 1:

yeah, um, trump really thought he was gonna ride the shooting to victory.

Speaker 2:

They thought they had it in the bag man, that's so crazy like that was a really stupid take from anyone who said that I mean, I understand that would have won him the election not that it was going to win him the election, but they were going to capture that wave and then ride that. But it's just nobody cares no, no one was like.

Speaker 2:

They always try to kill them three weeks and no one cares but again this is going back to the thing I was saying about the media. Like dude just shot at trump a few weeks ago. Where's that story at? We, like the secret service director fucking quit her job because they did such a terrible job, and like no one cares. And the fact that the shooter was a republican probably has a lot to do that, because if it was a democrat I'm sure the media would be covering that non-stop as we speak, but because it was republican, no one gives a shit. Um and again, this is what I'm saying, right, like, if they can't even hold on to a potential assassination attempt of a former president who's running for office yet again, like what's gonna stick to the harris campaign?

Speaker 3:

nothing, not a thing um, and they'll try, but they don't have a leg to stand on.

Speaker 2:

No. But so moving on to the insanity of Elon Musk, he's currently facing a criminal investigation. Surprise, surprise, I can't believe it took this long, for you know some kind of prosecutorial body to take a look at this guy.

Speaker 2:

But so one of the things he did is set up a PAC to help Trump win, and one of the actions this PAC took is they set up a. It's basically a I mean, for all intents and purposes, like a phishing website. It's forward-facing to help people register to vote, but then you log onto the website you had to put in all your personal information and I think you're like phone number and your address, all this shit. You're giving them all this valuable data for them to use in Trump's campaign. But then the you know, supposed purpose of it is to help you register to vote, but it never takes you to a website that helps you register to vote.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

So long story short. It's basically fraud and I think he's currently under investigation by the Michigan attorney general.

Speaker 1:

at this point, Maybe that's that makes sense why he would Dana Nessel and Jocelyn Benson to remove their checks because they're investigating him. Also, did you see where he had posted? I want to see if it was today or yesterday. What do you think about Twitter and X and fraud, social merging for a 13% stake? He just wants to stay on the SEC shit list because that's what he got in trouble for with his Tesla stuff and he was on that 420 post that he made.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, making these public statements that will affect the stock price when he really has no plans of falling through on the shit anyway? Yeah, just insane. But so when she wrote my home girl on the on the Twitter I know it's expert like fuck we dead name and shit, like he dead names his kid. So she posted a thread where she noticed the attorneys general and secretaries of state of Arizona and Michigan had their blue check marks removed, and I don't understand necessarily, like who made this decision or why, but apparently it's happened, because I'm looking at like screenshots of their accounts and the checkmark's gone. And Mola, she wrote, said she. Allison said she checked the other states where fraudulent electors have been indicted, like Wisconsin. His badge is gone, so is the Georgia AG and the Nevada AG, and Texas still has his. So does Ohio, so does Ohio, so does Florida.

Speaker 2:

So what it seems like is, though, elon is using his powers as the owner of Twitter to target, you know, political opponents of, or perceived political opponents of, trump, the Trump campaign and anyone who's investigating the campaign or anyone involved in the fake elector plot. It's just, this dude is out of fucking control. But again, this website thing. It doesn't seem like a huge deal, but it's basically election fraud, like I think. Like the subpoenas are going to start flying, they're going to start collecting data, they're going to start talking to witnesses who run the pack, who run the website.

Speaker 2:

Uh, that the pack set up and I this is going to be a fairly open and shut case. I mean they're only going to have to point to is like hey, I was in charge of doing this and it was on orders of elon and that's. That's going to be a wrap. Um, I mean, you know, obviously I can't say for sure the criminal charges are coming, but I would fucking imagine in all likelihood he's going to hit, be hit with One or two felonies. You know, again, I'll have to look at, like, what the odds are of him being sentenced to any kind of jail time, should he be convicted of a fraud or election fraud.

Speaker 2:

But I mean just the fact that he's probably gonna get indicted it does tickle me he's gonna get more and more desperate though oh yeah, he's gonna be engaged doing some weird shit, yeah, but I mean, maybe being under criminal investigation might be a turn for him to stay away from any kind of malicious behavior. Because, let's be clear, he brought the website initially in order to help Trump get reelected in the first place, and so some shenanigans were bound to occur, and I think he probably had larger plans involved in this. He probably had larger plans involved than this. This seems like something done on a whim, not with the fake voter registration website, but like the just deplatforming the state AGs. But yeah, just, I mean, maybe a criminal investigation will be enough of a deterrent for him to sideline whatever plans he had to help Trump. As far as using Twitter, I mean, and look, you know, I think, worst case scenario, what I was expecting is him to just basically suspend or delete a bunch of left-leaning accounts, just deplatform all the biggest voices on Twitter.

Speaker 1:

Well, he's already been doing that with like pro-Harris accounts, like progressives for Harris. Yeah, he has suspended their account, like he did. Dudes for Harris. Yeah, he blocked people from following Harris HQ.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 2:

He so, and then he's labeling like all pro harris, content is spam yeah, well, I think it was just gonna ramp up from there and be totally out of control by the time we got to the election. But again, like this is a development which I could actually see being just in terms of like the damage he could have done, this being a massive deterrent. I mean, I obviously you know, I don't know what the future holds, but it could be a possibility. Um, so also, we had a story and this is going to go back way. It's going to reach back into, like the robert muller special counsel investigation days. So apparently we had a situation in Egypt where CeCe wanted to get Trump elected in 2016.

Speaker 2:

The Trump campaign was basically out of money in the lead up to the 2016 election. It looked like Trump was going to lose and he was personally just, he had spent, I don't know, maybe 20, 30, $ million dollars of his own money on the campaign at that point. But when it looked like he was going to lose and everything was all over, he was like I'm not cutting any more checks. Well, seemingly out of the blue at the last second, you know, right before the election, when the campaign wasn't running any ads, they weren't doing any groundwork. I mean, it was just running on fumes. At that point, Out of nowhere, Trump changes his mind, cuts a million dollar, a $10 million check to the campaign and they're blasting the swing states at the last second with all these ads thanks to this cash infusion.

Speaker 2:

So in Egypt there was this plot by the intelligence services there their version of the CIA to take $10 million in cash out of a bank account in US dollars what was practically their entire reserve of US currency at the time US currency at the time and disappear that money somehow into Trump's pocket as a reimbursement for the money that he spent on his campaign. And the CIA here was alerted to what seemed to be fairly thorough and accurate information that this is what the plan was. They notified the FBI. I would imagine FBI opened an investigation into that during the course of the Trump administration. That investigation ended up being consolidated in the Mueller special counsel investigation, with foreign election interference right. So this is one of the cases that had gotten tied up that was being investigated, I think like. So they were looking for bank records from this bank in Egypt and Egypt was fighting it. The case ended up being stalled out in court. It ended up all the way to the Supreme Court. The Supreme Court sided with special counsel investigation at that point, but the Egyptian bank was refusing to comply. They were like all these fines, but they were eventually about to give in and give this information up about the banking records as the special counsel investigation was about to close down.

Speaker 2:

Thanks to Bill Barr and this is one of the things we don't again, just another thing that gets buried by the media they don't talk about this enough but Robert Mueller's investigation was literally going until the day the office closed and this is one of the cases that was going right up until the second. Like he gave the report to Barr that Barr basically lied about the contents of to change the course of how that could have affected the 2020 campaign, could have affected the 2020 campaign, but anyway. So it appears as though there's like video of these guys taking these bags of money out of this Egyptian bank, like duffel bags full of $100 bills and there was an investigation into whether that money made it into Trump's bank account. But because of Bill Barr's interference, like the investigation that should have continued even after Mueller's investigation closed up shop.

Speaker 2:

Like he basically killed that. He wouldn't let them investigate, wouldn't let them subpoena for Trump's bank records. He made it go away. He pulled a catch and kill, for you know a number of these ongoing criminal investigations that survive special counsel rob that's why I don't get these assholes who were like why do you think they'll be able to affect project 2025?

Speaker 3:

like that stuff that they're saying is not. Like that stuff isn't. The law doesn't allow that. Like they don't care about the law and they're like oh, you are stupid. Maybe I say people, but I mean like bots, the bots I waste my time arguing with on Twitter. So you do not understand America politic.

Speaker 2:

Well, here's the thing Bill Barr ran rampant as attorney general under Trump. He was killing all of the investigations into Trump and trying to whip up these investigations into President Biden and Hunter Biden. Into President Biden and Hunter Biden and like, just imagine, like what? Because if you read Red Project 2025, I think the most important aspect of it is basically, it's a plan to replace all the experts and, you know, career employees in the federal government with Trump's brown shirts, right?

Speaker 2:

So he's going to take out the people who know what they're doing, who run these agencies, especially including the Department of Justice, the FBI, the CIA, and just replace them with people whose only loyalty is to Trump, so he'll have, you know, 50,000 billboards. Yeah, I know it's dangerous to think about. Yeah, I know it's dangerous to think about. It would be the end of the federal government, if you think of it in terms of the amount of time it's taken, the Biden bribe like. So what's also fascinating is the supreme court. Again, like I said, they heard this case and they knew the underlying facts of the investigation. So one of the things that's insane about, one of like their decision to basically grant president's immunity for nearly everything involving their use of the office is like they made it nearly impossible to indict a president for accepting a bribe because you can't use any evidence other than, like, the bank statements. But, like in this case, it's going to be impossible to get the fucking bank statements. Bill Barr made sure that and like, just like that the Supreme Court is aware that this possibility of Trump taking the bribe exists, and then they specifically went on out of their way to make it nearly impossible to prove bribery. It's just more rat fuckery and we talk about Project 2025, but the Heritage Foundation wrote that. But the first thing the Heritage Foundation did when Trump was president, they made sure they got their guys on the Supreme Court that made this decision. So Project 2025 is already well in effect. I mean, they got the cronies on the Supreme Court and they want Trump to do to the rest of the federal government what he did to the Supreme Court.

Speaker 2:

That is part of the plot and that's why it's so fucking dangerous. But again, like, think about how insane, how big of a story is it that a presidential candidate took $10 million, likely from? You know, I wouldn't call sissy an ally, but you know a foreign intelligence service was involved. So a presidential candidate took $10 million from potentially a foreign adversary. It don't even really make the fucking headlines. No one cares. What is the media doing? Everything they can to screw over the.

Speaker 1:

American people fucking headlines. No one cares. What is the media doing? Everything they can to screw over the American people.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, not doing a great job here lately, not a deal. And then Ari Milber had, like Stephen Miller on earlier today.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God Of all people, stephen Miller. Stephen Miller, not a true word comes out of his evil mouth. What was the whole point of that like? Why do they act as if there's only like 10 people that they could potentially interview the same 10 people on, whether it's CNN or MSNBC or Fox or it's all the ways the same? They don't give the equal amount of time to Democratic representatives?

Speaker 2:

I don't know. I mean, I feel like they do try to. I mean they, so they do have relationships with you know, leaning uh federal and well, you know trump biden administration doesn't count yeah.

Speaker 2:

Well, no, I'm saying they have relationships with biden administration officials and elected democrats but like, why would you play? The problem I really have with the media platform and any of trump's and like inner circle of cronies is that you know everything is going like. Everything they say is going to be a lie, just like when you have trump. Yeah, the nabj, like. The reason why I was against that is because obviously everything he's going to say is a lie. And even if you do try to do some form of fact checking, it's just such an overwhelming number of lies you you really just giving the lies a platform, regardless of what fact-checking you do. And I think it's just irresponsible just to put a dude like that hello again. It's irresponsible just to put a dude like that on national tv just so he can lie to your audience, whether you're trying to fact check him or not. And then you know mel Melba here. Man, I used to love the dude's show but just he's not the same person that he once was. I don't know if that's like a top down decision at NBC or what, but just very disappointing behavior from that dude.

Speaker 2:

Most of the network I mean I can't even let you, can't even cut all. Andrea Mitchell, no more. Just. It's a disaster. The network's a disaster. The media coverage of this is a disaster. The inability to cover like insane stories like Trump potentially taking a bribe and his attorney general killing the story. They just failing at every single fucking turn. But we do.

Speaker 3:

We do have some good news, jennana ellis, but that's in the past staunch trump supporter who's definitely never, never gonna flip um not gonna not flip in. What were you gonna say about her?

Speaker 2:

so, in case you missed it, I think I posted on twitter this weekend that there was a breaking news development in arizona that one individual involved in the fake elector plot would likely flip. Uh, didn't know specifically who it might be. Had a couple ideas. Uh, it turned out to be jenna ellis. Uh, she's. I really don't know how to describe Jenna Ellis as a person.

Speaker 2:

Just like not to just the she's so strange in the everlasting theme of weirdos surrounding the Trump administration or the Trump campaign, from JD Vance to Rudy Giuliani. Like Jenna Ellis, even as a woman, is in line with that weird shit. Like she's, I don't. Even she's like the ron desantis of trump lawyers, I guess is probably a good way to put it anyway is she even a lawyer anymore?

Speaker 2:

I don't believe so. Um, so ellis was. She was indicted in georgia in the rico case. That's probably not going to trial for at least a year and that's, like conservative estimate, probably longer than that. So she was also indicted in Arizona earlier this year, which, again, I knew this wouldn't be the end of this. But with the announcement that she's flipped, I think it bodes poorly for Trump.

Speaker 2:

Like not only, not only is it likely that Trump's going to get indicted in Arizona, but the fact that she's flipped is important for a couple of reasons, because if you look at the details of our plea agreement, it's one of the things where Georgia failed in offering those plea deals to Trump's co-conspirators, where it's like, basically, you just have to say that you were guilty of a crime and then they'll like ask you to testify. This thing in Arizona it's like a full 360 deal. Right, you got to come in and cooperate fully and fully is determined by the prosecutors and they have like the sole discretion to decide whether or not you're fully cooperating. And if they decide that you don't, they have the opportunity to reinstate the charges, any extra charges on top of that and they can use the information that you provided. So it's like it's, if you fuck around with this, they'll drop the hammer on you. But, like, another important aspect of the cooperation agreement is you also have to. Well, jenna ellis will also have to cooperate um with any other ongoing investigations into related activity and provide any testimony and evidence that she has in her possession. And she'll have to testify before grand juries or any other criminal proceedings have called. And that's important because you know whose investigation ain't stopped, has been going on, even though Trump's been indicted multiple times at this point. That's right, jack Smith. So his office is still investigating numerous January 6th slash fake elector scheme related plots.

Speaker 2:

And then Jenna Ellis was key in this, not that she was. So I think of it in terms of, like, the Mike Roman guy, right, this is the guy that was basically responsible for coordinating the fake electors in there getting their certificates with, like, the members of Congress who were involved in trying to delay the vote of the certification vote on January 6th and to possibly certify the fake electors. Like he's a linchpin in that she's closer toward the fake elector side, right, but I would imagine like the information that she could provide about all the co-conspirators to Jack Smith's special counsel office will probably be useful in indicting other members of the conspiracy and died in trump in dc and, as I was saying, like numerous times on this podcast, just imagine, not only are more indictments probably on their way now, they've got like a key witness who was on the inside, who was there for damn near everything, and how much more smoothly that's likely to go, and I think, with the addition of her testimony, whatever evidence she can provide, we're probably going to see indictments over the course of the next few weeks, because DOJ does have this policy of not making any overt moves such as indictments that could affect an election. I think it's like 60 days out. We're at somewhere close to 90 days, so they've probably got at least a month just to, and this is not like a rule, it's just a general policy. I'm sure you know Jack Smith could ask Mary Garland for an exception in this case. You know extreme circumstances, even though I guess Trump's already indicted.

Speaker 2:

So indicting people who aren't running for office, I don't even know that or that's a consideration. But again, expect more diamonds to come and also don't be surprised if, over the course of the next few weeks, with whatever information Ellis provides, that Arizona doesn't indict Trump too. And again, this ain't even the only swing state that's still investigating this. You got numerous other swing states who are running their own investigation Wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, all the good stuff. So, yeah, swing states, uh, who are running their own investigation wisconsin, michigan, pennsylvania, all the good stuff. So, yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

But you know, in case you missed jenna ellis's involvement and you're too lazy to read the fucking, uh special counsel report, like, I've done an audio version of it. I think the audio version is on YouTube so you can search our channel. Pardon the insurrection, and you know J six report in. Like the video should come up or your audio podcast, whatever you're listening to this on, oh, by the way, so you know, if you're watching this on YouTube, somehow, go ahead and subscribe to the audio podcast. Help us out over there. And if you're listening to this on the audio podcast, help us out over there. And if you're listening to this on the audio podcast, go ahead and hit the YouTube channel, hit that subscribe button over there, help us out. You know algorithm we're, you know, slaves to that thing. So you know, signing up wherever you can, checking us out on whatever platform. That that will help us out tremendously. Yeah, john, you guys have any thoughts on that?

Speaker 3:

If you're on the YouTube, I'll know I'm there the whole time and not just disappeared for a while, though, and you'd also know I ate a couple crackers, and you might have complained about it yeah, you know.

Speaker 2:

Look, there's probably also a similar number of people who have a fetish of enjoying watching you put things in your mouth. Two crackers.

Speaker 3:

So, instead of already. I wish I had two crackers.

Speaker 2:

You have a cracker, you're married to him. Oh, two crackers, you make a sandwich.

Speaker 1:

I love that Jenna Ellis is Because remember, like when she had made her plea or whatever in Georgia and then she went on where she was pretending to fake cry fake crying and then say how Trump doesn't care about anybody but himself and how he hasn't helped out with lawyers and all of this.

Speaker 1:

And and then she was I don't know, she was fighting with somebody. And then psych, and then she did a three, 60 or one, 80. And then she changed her tone. She's so wacky, it's like she can't stick to something. But maybe she's realizing that you know she's broke and she doesn't really have any opportunities to make money, and she's not on the inner circle anymore.

Speaker 2:

No, and she got bailed out with that Georgia plea agreement. I mean, that thing was just like. It was so flimsy and shallow I was like I can't, like just might as well just took the motherfuckers to trial for this. But yeah, she probably definitely doesn't have the funds to fight this thing in Arizona, I would imagine. And beyond that, even if she did, I think the case is so fucking damning at this point that she's probably going to get convicted, whether she fought it or not.

Speaker 3:

I mean, her only hope is anything is better than nothing in terms of her, with what time she might get back from her plea deal yeah, yeah. You don't want to be the last to flip.

Speaker 2:

No, and that's the other thing. Right, usually the first person to take the deal gets the best deal, and she was probably one of the weakest links. And I hate to do this thing about gender, but I'm sure prosecutors were probably looking at all the guys lined up to flip. You just gotta look at Jenna Ellis. I mean she just she's also and not beyond strange. She's just like this weirdo ADHD type, just wacky character, I mean, and probably smells weird too, just anyway yeah, I can see that she does look like.

Speaker 1:

I mean, I'm not like trying to like you know buy a shirt shower.

Speaker 2:

No, she's got that real. She don't wash her legs, vibe yeah.

Speaker 1:

I don't see her getting in the shower every day. I don't get that vibe from her. No, I don't get that.

Speaker 2:

Alright, as opposed to our usual shithole of the week award, we're going to do something different. We're going to go back to our round. I guess this is going to be our weekly roundtable since the advent of the Harris campaign. Now that Biden's dropped up, how are you guys feeling, ty? How are you feeling about the way things are looking and where we're headed?

Speaker 1:

I have zero doubt that we're going to have the numbers.

Speaker 1:

I am more concerned about what they're doing behind the scenes. I mean, I feel good. I know that people are going to turn out. They're going to turn out for Harrison wall. I know that they are. I don't have any doubt about that. I think people who like look at all the first-time donors they had all the people showing up for her they're so, so, super energized. The energy is just through the roof off the charts. But I'm concerned about the Texas and their fake voter registration site where people go in and put in all their information and click submit what they don't tell you and people think that they're registered and they're not. They have to actually print it out and mail it in.

Speaker 2:

Oh, that's wild.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yeah.

Speaker 2:

Who the fuck has a printer Office?

Speaker 3:


Speaker 1:

All the people who have probably already registered. You know that way, thinking that they were registering to vote, but texas does not have an online voting registration. The whole um what state?

Speaker 2:

does oh, mine does. You can register online new y online I have to print it out.

Speaker 3:

I have to print it out and mail it. Oh yeah, do it online, I think so I I can't remember what mine.

Speaker 2:

So I think if you do it like the dmv or something, you don't have to print anything out, um, but like, if you have registered once here, I believe you can just do online re-registration at any time. So, and I usually do it before, like you know, a couple months before the electionration at any time so, and I usually do it before, like you know, a couple months before the election. I don't even check, I just just re-register because you know, yeah, like I live in tennessee, it's red state, our governor is on some trump shit here too. So I just go ahead and register just to make sure, because I don't want anything to happen on election day. Or I'm like, all right, well, where's my provisional ballot? Because who knows if they'll even fucking count those. Um, you know again, like if you leave any opportunity for supreme court at this point, they've, they declare they're all in for trump.

Speaker 1:

They'll do whatever they can to help them out, but yeah, I think that's what they're purposefully doing, that they are like georgia and you can unregister anybody. Yeah, you just need an initial a last name and a county and like the last four. And then they have to leak the same day.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, all people's with all the information yeah, they're going to try and create as many, create as many obstacles as possible for voters. No, they'll likely end up in court and then hope it goes to the supreme court and the supreme court bail them out. But but yeah, the cheating it's coming. But that said, wherever you live, just register to vote again, whether you're registered or not. Just go ahead and do that now, get it out of the way. So, carol, how are you feeling about it?

Speaker 3:

And remember, that I feel good too, and I agree that there's cause to be vigilant about counteracting attempts to disenfranchise or unregister people and various other forms of cheating. But I just want to remind people that the congressional term starts January 5th and the election is certified January 6th, so make sure you're concentrating on the congressional elections as well. Just in case, it would be great if we just happened to have a majority in the House, just in case.

Speaker 2:

And the Senate.

Speaker 3:

Just in case. Yeah, I mean we need those regardless, but that'll.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

Senate map is going to be tough, and we want to do that for Harris too.

Speaker 2:

We want to give her the opportunity to pass legislation yes, because you know they're going to do whatever they feel.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be the same thing like with Obama he hasn't done anything. What does he do for 8 years? It's going gonna be the same time yeah waited for something to sign.

Speaker 3:

I mean.

Speaker 2:

That was again, that was the plan for mitch mcconnell just kill every piece of obama legislation, whether it's good for us or not, because at the end of his term, we can just say, like, what bills has he passed, when it's their fault? Um, yeah, so I think in terms of like, look, if I'm right about this, about what's coming, democrats might get the house back before we even get to the election, because I would imagine, again, like this development with jenna ellis becoming a cooperating witness um, what that probably means is that more people are getting are going to get indicted, including likely some sitting members of Congress. You can say what you want about, you know, the speech of debate clause, but I'm pretty sure one of the things that doesn't cover is conspiracy to forge documents. Right, because what part of your job is forging fake documents when you have these states to send you legitimate, you know elector slates? But, you know, again, we get some indictments, we get some cooperators who decide, you know, in exchange for you know, no jail time or whatever to drop out of Congress, democrats can get the house back before we even get to November.

Speaker 2:

And again, if Trump loses, like you know, one of the things about state charges is the president can't pardon them. That's obvious and great. But one of the things about uh that you know about the federal uh possibility of federal charges is they look at things that the states don't right. So arizona is not going to charge, like for activity that took place in dc, but jack smith can.

Speaker 2:

So if trump and these guys are under federal indictment and they got you know it's looking like well, if it's looking like Trump loses and they're under federal indictment, like their only hope out of that is for either a pardon or cooperation. And if they're not going to get a pardon, they're more likely to cooperate. And that's why you know this momentum for the harris campaign is so important, not just to win the election, but to ensure all of these charges stick in. These investigations don't get killed like they were under bill barr. So you know, do your thing, get out here. You know, talk to your friends, your family, even your. I know like people say, like there's this. You know the adage about how you don't talk about money or politics. We got to change that shit because, like this is important for people's lives, the state of the country, the economy, everything.

Speaker 3:

That's just what bosses say. It's all bullshit. They don't want you to talk about that stuff, because then y'all might organize and yeah, yeah, might organize.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, yeah, also true, but yeah, look, you got to talk to people. You know about this shit and you know, get people excited about voting for Kamala Harris and, hopefully, if you take that stuff into your own hands and do your part, if enough of us come together to make that happen, it'll have a huge influence on the polls and if the polls for Harris continue to go up, the polls for Trump will continue to collapse, and that will make it all the more likely again in the near future that all of this legal jeopardy that Republicans are facing causes them to take actions that will, you know, lead to Trump's downfall. Do your part Again, re-register to vote and, if you haven't already, go ahead and hit the subscribe button. If you're watching us on YouTube, leave your thoughts in the comments below. Hit that like button for us, and that concludes this episode of Paralympic Insurrection.

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