Pardon The Insurrection

Bill Maher Wants Some Hawk Tuah

August 15, 2024 Pardon The Insurrection Episode 207

Is Andrew Tate's hyper-masculine persona just a façade? Join us as we dissect the strange contradictions of his public image, from his penchant for minimal clothing to bizarre viral moments that question his authenticity. We'll scrutinize a peculiar video of Tate fake typing while being massaged by a man, and discuss his deeply troubling involvement in sex trafficking. Our conversation reveals the disturbing influence Tate wields over his followers and critiques the problematic nature of his actions.

What does it take to turn viral fame into a successful podcasting career? We dive into this intriguing discussion with our guest, exploring the responsibilities and challenges of using fame to address significant societal issues. From the pitfalls of audience engagement to the rigors of regular content production, we reflect on whether our guest is ready to embrace the podcasting world. Could this be the platform to talk openly about sex education and the impact of modern media? We weigh the possibilities and consider the potential of leveraging fame for good.

Ever wondered about the complexities of being a media personality? Our episode takes a closer look at Bill Maher, recounting personal anecdotes from the 1990s and evaluating his unchanged swagger. We shift gears to analyze Kamala Harris's political campaign strategies and the importance of voter turnout for the 2024 election. Carol, fresh from recovering from COVID, provides her unique insights on maintaining campaign momentum and fighting misinformation. We emphasize the necessity of mobilizing Harris supporters to avoid the pitfalls of the 2016 election, aiming for a decisive and symbolic triumph over Trump.

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Speaker 1:

so, speaking of possibly being gay, uh, andrew tate, you almost spit your drink.

Speaker 2:

You about to fuck up your apple macbook uh, it's the disdain for women, or the possible tuck or something okay.

Speaker 1:

So, yes, apart from like the outsized, you know, overly massive show that he puts on promoting his personality, the misogyny, you know, the extreme projection of manhood, all that good stuff, uh, we have some questions about how andrew tate kicks it, and you know I've been wondering this for a long time because me personally, as a guy, when I'm just hanging around with dudes, I'm not gonna be in my underwear. Now I get that he does like mixed martial arts, so like when he's fighting that was was beyond beyond annoyed.

Speaker 1:

No, I understand, I'm just saying I'm giving the caveat. Like I understand that in the MMA you know when you're training and stuff, you're in the shorts, you do your shirt off, you're doing the boxing moves and the Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and whatnot. But a lot of times he's just like randomly hanging out in shorts or underwear, just like hanging out or doing like podcasts or tv shows and shit, and or just like with his dudes or doing interviews.

Speaker 3:

he's like in a robe and underwear, like when that dude sniffed his fucking but I I could like, like I said, I was like initially, because I always like before I'll retweet something, I do look because I don't know. I was like was this a? I do look because I don't know. I was like was this a like? Whatever they do when they falsify some picture or whatever.

Speaker 1:

I was like is this a deep fake? Oh, you thought it was Photoshop. I was like I need to know if this is real. Wait, which picture Are you talking about? The one where he's in, like the?

Speaker 3:

Where he's in the vagina, hammock yeah okay.

Speaker 1:

So the a bunch of right-wingers are making fun of him for that, because it's like you know, apparently his dick was so small, it looked like he had a vagina, and these are people who specialize and look you're losing, you're using the term dick loosely okay and recklessly.

Speaker 3:

Oh, there was no indication that there was a penis there that's right speculation.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, yes, I'll take your word for it reckless dick, elless dickolation.

Speaker 1:

I have scrolled by the picture. It's not like something I studied. I don't really want to sit here and look at Andrew Tate's crotch, but the people who yeah, the people who specialize in looking at people's crotches on the internet, it lit that part of Twitter ablaze with speculation that Andrew Tate might actually be a woman, which is just fucking irony. But I do have a video of Andrew Tate that also raises quite a few questions that I would like to play for you here.

Speaker 4:

All right.

Speaker 1:

A lot of questions.

Speaker 2:

Oh, he's pretending to work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, that was, that was the first thing I was going to get to. Obviously he is fake typing there Like what the fuck was he typing? Like he was like.

Speaker 2:

Dog, you're not typing anything Like fuck was that he's?

Speaker 1:

like oh, the keys feel so good. Yeah, that was extraordinarily weird. But you know, more important I guess more pertinent to the conversation is, you know, if I'm sitting there and I'm supposed to be this boss dude, super hyper, masculine, whatever all of this shit that Andrew Tate preaches which, by the way, typically doesn't have anything to do with masculinity or being manhood, it's just all for show, just like him typing. But if I were supposed to be that dude and there is an attractive woman in a bikini right next to me, why would he be letting a dude be the one rubbing all over him?

Speaker 2:

but that wasn't the one that is true no, that was a guy I thought it was just a burly, slightly less feminine woman yeah, no, no, that was a guy yeah.

Speaker 1:

So I'm just look. I don't know what Andrew Tate does on on his free time, but he says a lot of weird shit on the internet and typically what comes with dudes that say weird shit, way to say reprehensible.

Speaker 1:

Well, yeah, beyond the reprehensible stuff, I'm just talking about like stuff that's neither it's not in the vein of that other reprehensible stuff. I'm just talking about like stuff that's neither, it's not in the vein of that other reprehensible shit, just weird stuff where it makes you wonder, like, does this dude have some issues with, like what he projects outwardly and what he does in the privacy of his own home? And I ain't like out here to out dudes but like, clearly it's just everything about this guy is weird. You know how jd vance managed to get the entire republican party. The weirdo label like andrew tate fits right into that same vein is jd vance, except extraordinarily, more try hard and just jd vance isn't doing sex trafficking, but maybe he would if he were.

Speaker 2:

You know, once it's privatized and that once, it's sorry, made part of the federal government education.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you know, totally forgot that whole sex trafficking incident with Andrew Tate and his brother. Yeah, that really just brings it on home that. I think that put like ties a bow on on that. Perfectly good job, carol. A plus work from bed there. No man, I don't like andrew tay. I don't like the way he kick it. I don't like the people who look up to him and think that's something I don't like the way he moves no, I don't like none of it.

Speaker 3:

He is all the way motherfucking live like extra. He is all the way motherfucking gross.

Speaker 1:

He stands for fucking, nothing like and literally the way he moves is kind of effeminate, just extraordinarily strange for a supposed for real mixed martial artist just because my, my mother well, I was gonna say my, my nigga, can I say that to my white boy?

Speaker 3:

but he hairy, so he's my bear, he is hairy as a motherfucker. That's a man. He got his beard, he got his back hair, he got that fucking soul patch and all that other shit going on on that thank you for sharing.

Speaker 1:

So, moving further away from the political landscape, just wanted to take a opportunity to talk about like a pop cultural moment for a second. I mean not in the vein of, like you know, super pop culture, but this, this lane of you know, internet celebrity slash hawk to a girl, she she did an interview. Inner liberty, inner liberty, yeah I appreciate you trying to combine the words there, but that was tough.

Speaker 1:

I think the way Chris Cody does it on the Levitar show is he takes like the first letter from one word and then just replaces the first letter of the second word and then mixes it together so it would have just been a liberty, some damn levitard. I swear to god and I do like levitard I've been listening to over the years you like that, but your sports ball but that's the thing about their show.

Speaker 1:

Their show isn't like it's a sports talk show. Even when they were on espn it was slightly more, but like what they would do. So it would have like all these hallmarks of a sports talk show, but they would quickly veer off topic and never go back to sports. But that was part of the joke and like that's how our podcast tends to do sometimes. But anyway, I think I think he, chris cody would call it a liberty. But no, back to the hawk, to a girl's liberty celebrity.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so she did an interview with bill meyer on his podcast the other day, uh, and it took like a. I mean I didn't watch the entirety of the interview. It was largely uninteresting to me and like the media that I consume, but it did get to an interesting topic about how she should take her viral moment, capitalize on it and go from here, and there's a conversation to be had sparked by that idea.

Speaker 2:

And so I was hoping this would be a video.

Speaker 4:

You need to do a podcast. You do it right here on Club Random. If you do it my way, Sex Expert and I'll tell. No, I'll tell you why. Wait, wait, wait. I'll tell you why. Because you need to when you're. I told you you were given this chip. You were given the chip of fame. Now you want to trade that in for something that's uses that but takes it to the next level. You have to like trade on what you're already known for. That's the one thing you're known for. So you could do a podcast, for I don't know if there's anything from somebody that age with that point of view, but it couldn't be frivolous. You have to take it seriously. Could you do that? Possibly.

Speaker 4:

And talk about sex, but seriously serious issues, because there are a lot of really serious issues. I mean, you know there's one that's related to what made you famous. Yep. What, what am I going to say? You have no idea what I'm going to say. I don't know. I don't know where this is going.

Speaker 4:

I'm kind of nervous. Okay, I'm going to tell you where it's going. You learned that thing about spitting from porn. That's where that came, what you did, maybe not directly, but, trust me, the idea of spitting, first of all, it's gross, it's not necessary, it never existed before porn. Do you know that? Do you realize that? And porn is not benign. It is not, and it has warped the minds of the kids in your generation, especially the guys. Yeah, they come up with some sick shit.

Speaker 4:

Yeah. People are just you know they, I know they are, people are sickos and you know whatever floats your but whatever floats your work your ark you know I visited once.

Speaker 4:

Uh, it's in your state. Um, it's the like museum, the holy land museum, I think they call it. Ever. You never been there where they have the statue the uh jesus riding a dinosaur do they really? Well, they believe that jesus lived on the earth at the same time as the dinosaurs, which is really stupid you think dinosaurs are real? Did you graduate high school? I did, and do you think they taught you anything?

Speaker 5:

no, yeah, I mean, I know a few things about numbers, but other than that, nope.

Speaker 4:

Right, it is the saddest thing.

Speaker 5:

It is. They don't teach you anything you need to know about life. I worked at a gas station for three years and learned how to write a check there.

Speaker 1:

Our school didn't teach us that.

Speaker 3:

All right. So, um, look, okay, look, his white man explaining to her the way he was condescending. But also you could tell him in his mind he was thinking I want to fuck this chick after, because you could hear the change in the tone.

Speaker 1:

All right, hold on a second voice pause. I'll mute your mic, carol. Sorry, evan just came home. Oh, welcome home, evan. Um so, before we get there, because I was going to talk about that too- welcome home white dude for hairs yeah, y'all are hilarious elephant killing me. Oh, before we, before we get to that part of it. So, first of all, bill meyer is is correct, he he had been talking about like, so she had been given basically a chip right that you can cash in this is her I don't know no, you just told me to unmute, okay, all right, so my he muted me

Speaker 1:

no, I didn't. Meyer was talking about like she'd been given an opportunity with this. You know, viral moment and, like you know, these things come and go and this is an opportunity that just generally the normal people don't have to like become this viral sensation overnight, and how she should take that opportunity and cash it in. And, like you know, a podcast might be the way to do that. Clearly, if you listen to the entirety of the interview I listen to more of it than that- D, d.

Speaker 3:

You know I love you. Did we watch the same fucking interaction? Because I got a completely different. Take no, listen, hold on Wait, wait, wait. I'm getting there. We're going to talk about that.

Speaker 1:

Because there was more video that I watched than just what we played, but I was talking about this specific thing. So capitalizing on, like, whatever momentum you have socially in a moment like this is difficult to do. But he's right that she should do it, and one of the things he was talking about is starting a podcast. Now, if you've watched the the meyer interview, like one of the conclusions you'll draw is that she's not ready to host the podcast. Like, I mean, I guess if she was doing it at some kind of network with a co-host and producers and like a staff that kind of could coach her up over time.

Speaker 1:

And look, this is coming from like three idiots from Twitter who started their own podcast and had to figure out like how to do this from scratch with no coaching whatsoever, and I got to tell you turning on the microphone and turning on the camera and get in front of you fuckheads every single week. And I mean that respect. I appreciate you for listening. I love you guys. Like, subscribe. Share this podcast. Make sure you subscribe to the YouTube channel if you're watching. It's extraordinarily difficult to come up with, like you know, a feasible line like producing a show and trying to talk about it in an interesting manner that keeps the co-host engaged and the audience engaged, and do it every season. It's hard.

Speaker 2:

And, as you said, that young lady didn't seem to have first of all be interested at all, like he kept pitching the idea when she showed no interest at all.

Speaker 1:

No, she she's in another clip. She did kind of. She did say that it was a good idea. But what he was pitching specifically I don't know if that is necessarily her lane like sex expert, that's clearly not her thing. But I understand what he was doing there. Right, he's saying like in the vein of what you became famous for, that's what you should. That's the way you should try to capitalize off of it and then later on pivot right to do something you know broader. I don't think sex expert is her thing, though I think you know pop culture, music, uh, you know, social issues would probably be more in line with with where she should go. But also, she's, like you know, 21 fucking years old. She talked to the kids in a bar 21.

Speaker 2:

Nothing against her, but like what the fuck is she?

Speaker 1:

no, but but listen like. So you know there's look, you know I don't know the kids are listening to or watching on youtube these days, watching a bunch of streamers play games, likely. I mean, you know they got the kaisa, not guy. He's pretty popular, extraordinarily popular youtuber and whatnot. She could go into whatever her version of that lane is. I don't think it's sex expert. But also one of the things he was talking about too, one of the things she had spoken about previously is how, like you know, given her age and her life experience, she doesn't want to be in a position where she's overly sexualized. It's just like again, it was a funny moment, but that's okay, that ship sailed.

Speaker 1:

Well, no, but, and I'm I'm talking about in terms of like hyper sexualized right. She doesn't want to be just known only for that again, but, and that's what my was he forgot.

Speaker 3:

You know, go on, have a normal life but okay, in all fairness, though, was it not for that, she wouldn't be known at all outside of no, that's what Meyer was saying.

Speaker 1:

He was like you got to capitalize on what you're known for and you can pivot later. But then this is just like the issues I'm sure a lot of women go through when they take the public spotlight. You know you have to try and create this boundary between your public perception and, like you know, being sexualized, because that's just the nature of society, for good and bad. Right this. If not for that, she probably wouldn't have had this viral moment and be doing all this shit and be a you know internet celebrity and going to WWE and being on the Bill Maher show. So he's, he's right about that.

Speaker 1:

And you know I I would assume that because she quit her job, she's probably looking for a way to capitalize financially off of this podcast slash. You know streaming show Wouldn't be a bad idea. Just maybe not in the vein of sex expert or at least a donut. Maybe she should have a co-host that has the expertise and she's like the comedic relief or something on the side. Um, also we can talk about um, the other issue, the other the y'all are silly. The other issue with bill meyer in that interview, where it seems I mean it, they did get creepy at points like you said. Uh, it appeared as though over the course of the conversation he was like he was trying to smash that after the show, like for real, like I, I am a woman and those clues are very fucking evident.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and the way he changed his tone and the way he was talking to her, I don't know, it just made me feel some type of way and it was like to me. It felt like and as I said to me, um, not how it may have been intended or whatever, but how I took it was.

Speaker 1:

Now, if you go watch the whole thing, you're not wrong, I'll say that.

Speaker 3:

But he was like come to me girl.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it was a lot of that Talk to me, it was a lot of that going on.

Speaker 3:

Let me know, unleash on Uncle Bill. Yeah, let me tell you. Yeah, let me tell you, yes, yes. But also, donut is not as sleepy as she pretends to be. She's Kaiser Soze right now, not as.

Speaker 1:

I either Speaking of like sexualizing your guests and co-hosts on your podcast. Carol, you're looking quite lovely in bed there.

Speaker 1:

But no, you're absolutely right about the vibes Meyer was giving off, but it's also complicated because it's not just that he won't. I assume that there is some genuine interest in helping her. I don't like Bill Meyer as a person, generally speaking. That he's been doing this for as long as he has does lend some credibility to the fact that there is some talent in there and understanding of how being a media personality works. And to some degree it did sound like he wanted to be like a genuine mentor and he wants to help this person capitalize off their fame in such a way that they don't have to go back to working at the fucking gas station.

Speaker 2:

There's still the slight implication, but you know what?

Speaker 3:

There ain't nothing motherfucking wrong about gas station.

Speaker 1:

What were you saying, Kel?

Speaker 2:

There's still some implication like there's maybe a mentorship, but it may come with a price.

Speaker 1:

Oh no, he also wants to fuck. There's no doubt about that. But there's also, just like the natural Bill Maher condescension of like when he has conversations with people that he doesn't think are his at the moment, intellectual equals. And this ain't no shot at the hog to a girl like she. Just like you know, holding court on like a public platform like that it does take some time and some energy and some training if it's something you've never done, and she clearly hadn't done that yet, but that's not okay.

Speaker 3:

I know some shit about Bill Maher from like 1994, but that's a whole other. So that is like personally clouding that? Yeah, so that's clouding my perspective no, your perspective didn't cloud it.

Speaker 1:

It bill wants to smash like we've.

Speaker 3:

we're already taking that for granted, I know about him at that time and some interactions that he had.

Speaker 1:

All right, spill the dirt on Bill Maher People that I knew back in those days. No, spill the dirt on Bill Maher.

Speaker 3:

Make this episode of the podcast.

Speaker 1:

No, make this episode of the podcast go viral Like the Hawk tour girl. Go ahead and do it. The title of this particular clip on the YouTube is going to be Hidden Secrets About Bill Maher's Perversity Revealed Capital letters. Exclamation points.

Speaker 3:

Okay, you know I've got a whole lot. That's the rest of 1990s. You know I've got a whole lot of secrets. Dude, you know I've got a whole lot of shit.

Speaker 1:

Alright, well, you on this podcast, for a reason. Yeah, you gotta burn one of these bridges here, sorry.

Speaker 3:

Don't use names. So I was dating this guy, french guy.

Speaker 1:

No names.

Speaker 3:

He went to a tattoo parlor to get this rooster tattooed on his pelvic area Okay, don't ask, I don't know and he ran into Bill Maher.

Speaker 1:

Is this like some kind of allusion to.

Speaker 3:

Kyle and Bill was with a couple of girls. Looked very much like. I wish I knew her name because I would like to refer to her by her name, as opposed to Hawk, to a girl, haley and he also talked about that.

Speaker 1:

Like you need to get away from Hawk and transition to Haley. We need to humanize you more get your personality out there, not just in any way.

Speaker 3:

And he showed up at the tattoo parlor to get his tattoo with these two girls that he was with. Like I said, you said Haley is her name and he had an interaction with him and, as I said, this was in like 1990, fucking.

Speaker 1:

We don't have the specific year mid 90s.

Speaker 3:

But and the way that he fucking moved and the things that he said, that he had these girls and he was like all fucking proud of himself.

Speaker 1:

Hold on wait, he was proud of himself. For what?

Speaker 2:

he was proud of himself for what he was proud of himself? Huh, for his invention of the toilet paper.

Speaker 3:

Oh, jesus, okay.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, in the middle of this, like viral story about Bill Maher interaction from the 90s, you've got your like microphone coming unplugged while it's wrapped in a toilet paper holder instead of a mic stand Right. But you can, there you go and now we've got Carol rubbing her pussy in bed Like this is just.

Speaker 3:

It's all coming together, but Bill was a very, very he was a kitty. He was very proud of himself for like his status.

Speaker 1:

Because he was hanging with some girls. Oh, he was just like yeah, he had swag because he was hanging with some girls. Oh, he was just like he could yeah and he had swag because he thought he was running shit yes, that part.

Speaker 3:

So. And so, really, you know, really, and I'm looking at this fucking rooster fucking France cock tattoo, not his, actual cock, but his cock tattoo.

Speaker 1:

And this is not bill meyer you're lying in bed with.

Speaker 3:

This is the dude you were out with but yeah, and he's like jesus, I just went and we're sitting.

Speaker 3:

He was like I just ran into and this is when, you know, like in the politically incorrect days, and he was like do you know this guy?

Speaker 3:

Like oh, the so-and-so. And he was like, yeah, he was just like here, he came into tattoo parlor going and just the way that he treated, talked to and his overall like presence with the girls that he was with, like he was just, like I said, fucking proud of himself and she is an embodiment of the type of girls that bill maher had around him at that time and he came in cock of the walk style um with that. And you know, like I said, I love politically correct, I didn't think much of it and it was like, oh shit, I like this show or whatever. So now when I see him and I hear him talking and I think about that time and so when the conversation that he was having with her, it just I don't know if it makes sense, if I'm making sense, but it's like a trigger backwards of like no you supposed to have the dirt on Bill Maher and you like dancing around it like no?

Speaker 1:

I mean, are you saying you think he kicks it the same way he was kicking it 30 years ago? Because I don't think that's what it is.

Speaker 3:

But I could see. I know I absolutely fucking do, I absolutely fucking do, I absolutely fucking do. Lepers don't change their spots and his have been fucking stained on that fucking flat back for ages.

Speaker 2:

Wait so are you sure they're spots? Then if they're just stained?

Speaker 3:

They're just stained. But, as I I said, it just stood out to me. It was just a trigger in regards to certain ways that he was speaking to her, certain worries and certain words and phrases that he was using. It took me back to thinking about it, that I was like this motherfucker is still on that same ass.

Speaker 1:

Shit, what shit specifically was he on like? That's what I want to know I'm sleepy, he's, so he's okay no, you stay your ass awake.

Speaker 3:

We're almost done this under reckless speculation, because I don't want to be sweet, I don don't want us to be sued.

Speaker 1:

Hold your mic in front of your mouth and aim your camera. But, it's my 12th. Aim your camera up a little at your face Like it's there. You wait a little bit. Yeah, there you go, sit in front of the camera, do this like a professional.

Speaker 3:

Um, his and, for lack of a better word or phrasing his grooming and maybe, okay, let me go. Let me say why I feel that way when I say that the way his tone changed when he was talking to her and the things that he was saying and I get it D what you were saying that he's like, oh, I just, she just he just doesn't want her to, but the inflection, the tone and the way that he is was speaking towards her. That's a grooming fucking technique. Period, it is.

Speaker 1:

And when I think it was a trigger for me.

Speaker 3:

It was a trigger for me.

Speaker 1:

I think it was rather obvious if you watch the entire interview that he was trying to smash the heart to a girl. I mean, like that's, that's not in dispute, like again, no, no she's an adult, as you said.

Speaker 3:

She's 21 years old, and this is just a college girl who is out with her friends. And when you listen to his tone and the direction of it, you could tell it was yes, ty, he's an older man.

Speaker 1:

Like getting his shit off with a younger woman, like the shit happens all the time that bothers me D like it bothers me but listen, she's also an adult, right. So she is an adult. She's old enough to drink. She's old enough to do whatever the fuck she wants to.

Speaker 3:

I'm not saying you know what? My daughter is 21 years old. She's an adult technically. She goes to college.

Speaker 1:

She's yeah, I wouldn't want bill myer trying to fuck your daughter either.

Speaker 3:

Um, and like that goes without saying not because she's just living that college girl life or whatever. And you have this guy who has this platform, who comes to you and is saying these things and saying it in this way and as I'm going to go back to, as I have that tone, that tone I get it Ty I get it. That is what bothers me, yes, I think, but bigger picture, physical age and there is mental age well, I understand that and that's part of the conversation I was wanting to have, like.

Speaker 1:

So, you know, she a young lady, but she's trying to capitalize off, you know, this internet fame and she's going to be put into a lot of positions where she's going to be trying to work her way up the social ladder is. You know, most people in her position would like I'm certainly would if I had the opportunity. I mean, look, you know, I'm just a moron who goes viral on Twitter from time to time and trying to take advantage of that and turn that into, you know, at least I mean not to say that, you know there's no real barrier to entry to a podcast but trying to take, you know, viral Twitter celebrity, minor E-list Twitter celebrity at that, and turn that into something more productive, like this podcast. So she's going to be in a situation like that, more productive like this podcast. So she's going to be in a situation like that and one of the first things that's going to happen, obviously, is she's going to run into a lot of dudes who, you know, tell her they'll have, you know, the ability to help her star rise or whatever, and at the end of the day, they're probably just trying to get her in bed. Obviously, given what she's known for, it would just be like a you know and I'm not saying every guy's like this or every person in you know doing the, the.

Speaker 1:

The media thing is like this would it just be a lot of dudes trying to take advantage of and like there was conversations they had on a podcast surrounding kind of the idea of you know, getting away from being known for just sexualized shit and this, this plays into it, but also dudes just trying to get his shit off.

Speaker 1:

I mean this is pretty, pretty clear. I've seen dudes before. I've seen older guys talking to young girls, younger, younger women per se, like over the age of 18, 19, 20, 21, 20, 21, but far younger than them, and this was just a dude who's also doing his job, also trying to help this girl and also trying to smash, all at the same time and you can't intertwine those. But I totally get it Like if, dude, you know Mars back in the 90s kicking in with these younger girls and you see the same shit in a video clip, yeah, you're going to be like, oh, that's the same dude kicking it the same way. But at the end of the day dudes like to smash. Just because you're an old guy don't mean you don't like to have a, and I totally get that.

Speaker 3:

I totally get that.

Speaker 1:

And you ain't the the and again. You're not the only one. No, you're not the only one. There's a lot of people on the internet lighting Bill Maher up for trying to smash the little young, 21 year old blonde girl from wherever the fuck she was and like get your jokes off. Like that's what I would say, like it's gonna be a totally normal occurrence for her that some older dude with some platform is gonna try and have her on and then be like hey, you want to go back for some drinks after the show? That's some, totally, I mean, you know, however you feel about that, it's going to be a totally normal occurrence. Um, for good or bad, I'm not. I'm like I'm, yeah, exactly, I'm not saying I encourage that, I'm just saying that is what it is. So back to the political landscape. Before we wrap up and get up out of here, we'll do our Kamala Harris campaign vibes check. Carol, how are you feeling about the state of the Harris campaign so far?

Speaker 3:

Carol is just trying to entice us right now.

Speaker 2:

I feel like I'm doing this.

Speaker 3:

Carol is getting over COVID and she's just trying to live yo oh you got covet carol.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, it's just been like sleep, like exhaustion though yeah, fairly asymptomatic covet it's still out there y'all we're still in a pandemic.

Speaker 1:

The shit is real, so sorry it's very I missed that.

Speaker 3:

oh my god, I'm so sorry. It's very I miss that. Oh my God, I'm so sorry.

Speaker 2:

Oh, it's okay I'm. I wasn't in bed all day or anything, I'm just tired now Um.

Speaker 1:

I don't want to say anything in the vein of Bill Meyer grooming, so I'm gonna just keep my mouth closed.

Speaker 2:

It's okay, I'm actually older than you by like a few months.

Speaker 1:

Oh, so I can be a sugar baby. That's what's up. I've been looking for a sugar mom for a minute. What?

Speaker 3:

the fuck does that make me? Am I the like Cougar? They were playing the movie David yesterday in what is, and they're playing mama. So am I mama? Am I, is that?

Speaker 1:

you're a cougar, all right. Carol vash campaign how you feeling?

Speaker 2:

they're doing great, the messaging is great. Um, there's gonna always be like far left people who won't, who wouldn't vote for democrats.

Speaker 3:

You look like you're on your deathbed. I'm sorry, I can't.

Speaker 1:

It's going to be okay, ty, she's going to live.

Speaker 2:

Now that you know I have COVID, you're.

Speaker 1:

She's going to live. It's not terminal, she's all right.

Speaker 2:

She just needs sleep.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, the leftists ain't going. They were never going to get on board.

Speaker 2:

Ignore them. Anyway, they're like I understand that, like what's happening in Gaza is horrendous, but like they're like we just want no, but if we want Kamala to not win, that'll show them, that'll show everybody. I know that's not a majority voice, I hope it's not, but like it's fun, but like I just want to make america gaza again.

Speaker 1:

Oh, I'm not happy with it yeah, ignore the idiots all right time vibe great, sorry I ruined it. Dreams falling asleep to this tight vibes. Check harris campaign go vibes check.

Speaker 3:

I am loving what kamala hq is doing they are being on the offensive and what they posted after trump's unhinged interview with, or conversation with, elon Musk and they were like whatever that is, whatever that was Like, I love that. I need them to keep that up. We need to keep the momentum going. We cannot drop the ball. We do not have a minute to waste at this moment in time. It is what 84 85 days left before the election.

Speaker 3:

Yeah like we need to keep that energy. I need them to keep that energy. I need them to keep pounding, pounding, pounding at me, all of those, and to keep Keep us energized. And I was saying to someone, like on Facebook, when somebody posts something, and usually I don't engage, but now, like I am countering misinformation and I'm like you know what, what is, madam vice president, not doing what hasn't been done that you want to see done? Let's start there. Don't tell me about, oh, she hasn't done this, she hasn't done that.

Speaker 1:

okay, yeah, I don't even know what they're saying. She hasn't done. There's no. I mean what? There's nothing that she hasn't done.

Speaker 3:

She's being on time when they say like oh, she hasn't put forth any policy or this, and they go. She was in a whole fucking administration, right, and the administration is still in power, like they're still putting out policy plans.

Speaker 1:

It was like ignore those idiots, like the campaign is going to continue like it. She just started campaigning a couple weeks ago. She's got three months to continue to campaign and she's going to answer a lot of questions all the questions she possibly can over the course of that time. The campaign is going to continue like we don't. We haven't even had the dn yet. You're going to get a lot of that policy shit during the DNC. Just wait a week, it's not that hard. Ignore the nonsense.

Speaker 3:

And I am energized and I think it was like Republicans against Republican voters against Trump. You know their account. They were like, who's the first person you voted for? And it was like Bob Dole, oh, Jesus Christ. All right Time for my closing thoughts.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, we can't like reveal to the audience like too many details about your former life as a Black Republican. The shit wouldn't make.

Speaker 3:

No, sense, but I was like I, like I. So the if it's a black republican, the shit would make no sense. But I, but I was like, I, like I. So the perspective that I come with and what I bring is not coming from a place of like, oh, I just hate. Of course I'm never trumper, always have been. But as far as when they talk about conservatism or whatever, and what I believed at the time that I was a, what I want people to see and understand, that I'm not just saying things like I'm just some leg out of nowhere or whatever like no, you actually have Republican bona fides from like way back and it just goes understated.

Speaker 1:

Like, in case you didn't know, listeners, viewers, ty is like the black Tim Miller. She's on our side now.

Speaker 3:

Why did you have to go there? I know that was unnecessary.

Speaker 1:

I apologize to you. No one deserves to be called that, you know. I mean, you know no shade of Tim Miller for doing what he does. I know we got to pay the bills but we got to get him up out of the paint. You know, that's from my Closing Dogs, vibe Check Harris campaign. One thing you were talking about the Harris HQ account on Twitter. This is one of my complaints that I had about like what the Biden campaign was doing. They just don't spend enough time on the attack.

Speaker 3:

And since she's taken over the campaign, they are on it, they're doing everything all the time that.

Speaker 1:

I wish the Biden campaign had been doing, have done during that.

Speaker 3:

Yes, no, I totally get that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, apart from that, the money is off the charts and that's super important for a couple of reasons. And you know, again, I say, say this all the time money can't buy you an election, but if you don't have any money, you can lose your election, my smothering look y'all, you're doing a good job.

Speaker 1:

Um, yeah, can't have bill meyer on this podcast. He'd be trying to smash both my co-hosts. Um, but no, the money's off the charge of the harris campaign right now, and that's important because if you look at the other side of the aisle with the Trump campaign, even this thing they did on X, with the X spaces, I think they only raised like a million dollars off of that, with just paltry numbers. But, given that I think Harris is sitting somewhere around a quarter bill since the announcement that she'd be running, and that's important because all of these things that you need to do in the run up to an election to get people out to vote and make sure they're voting for you, like having all these you know campaign operations on the ground, all these volunteers and the staffing. You got to have money to fund that, and you need that to be up and running and running all the way through to election day to carry this thing home. And she's got the money to do that, while on the flip side, trump's shutting down campaign offices all across the country. The money's drying up. He's not spending any of his own money. I don't know what a super PAC is doing or how much money they even have on hand at this point, given that Elon lied about the fact that he was going to give Trump like a quarter billion dollars over the course of the next couple of months.

Speaker 1:

But, with that said, it looks like all the momentum is in Kamala Harris's favor, and I know a lot of people will tell you don't get too excited, don't get caught up in the vibes, ignore the polls. You got to vote Like. You definitely have to vote. But the way I look at it is what happened in 2016 is people were comfortable and didn't think that Trump was going to win. They didn't think he had a shot at winning, so they didn't bother to turn out to vote.

Speaker 1:

Well, we, we live in a reality again Kamala Harris said this where you you're not separate from the things that came before you. We live in a context where we saw what happened in 2016. And what you want to do in 2024 is run up the score. You want to make it look like it's going to be trump getting stomped out on election day like a landslide and you want to tell people who are going to vote for harris to show up in massive numbers and run up the score to embarrass republic. Take the excitement and the improvement in polls and the massive fundraising and use that to motivate people to feel like they want to make a statement on Election Day and send this motherfucker packing. And that concludes this episode of Pardon the Insurrection.

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