Pardon The Insurrection

Reindicted And It Feels So Good

August 29, 2024 Pardon The Insurrection Episode 210

Ever wondered what happens when humor meets hard-hitting political analysis? Join us in this episode of Pardon the Interaction as we navigate through technical glitches and share heartfelt stories. Ty recounts a deeply moving experience from his youth leadership trip to Arlington National Cemetery, reminding us all about the importance of respecting solemn places amidst our modern obsession with social media. From there, we kick things off with a light-hearted vibe but quickly transition into serious discussions, blending humor with poignant reflections on today’s political climate.

Fasten your seatbelts as we dissect the legal hurdles facing former President Donald Trump, including his re-indictment related to January 6th and Judge Tanya Chutkan's meticulous handling of the case. Listen to our critical yet humorous take on Trump's tirades on Truth Social and the Supreme Court’s limitations on using evidence from his official acts. We also explore Trump's reluctance to debate, his questionable grifting tactics, and the broader implications for his character and fitness for office. Our conversation takes a hard look at the flawed moderation of the Trump-Biden debate and the financial woes plaguing Trump's campaign, drawing a stark contrast with Kamala Harris's rising momentum and grassroots support.

In the final segment, we dive into the bizarre political landscape, discussing RFK Jr.'s strange endorsement of Trump and the potential fallout. We also tackle conservative attacks on public education spearheaded by figures like JD Vance, scrutinizing the motivations behind such moves. Wrapping things up, we highlight Kamala Harris's impressive fundraising and voter mobilization efforts, painting a hopeful picture for her presidential campaign. This episode is packed with humor, respect, and sharp political analysis, ensuring you stay informed and entertained. Don't miss out on this compelling discussion!

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Speaker 1:

one, two, three, four. Hey, this is d night this is carol we.

Speaker 2:

We also have a third person. I'm not sure what happened.

Speaker 3:

She forgot her line no, you guys said it at the same time. That's what I was laughing.

Speaker 1:

I think you're experiencing a lag yeah, I think you froze there and that's Ty and you're listening to the Pardon the Interaction podcast, where we don't get in fights with the staff at Arlington National Cemetery.

Speaker 2:

Wait, you didn't ask me if I did.

Speaker 1:

I haven't, but I mean, I guess, anything is possible, ty, I know you from a military family so I guess it's possible. You visited Arlington and got into a little brouhaha with the staff there over, you know taking things to the ground.

Speaker 3:

I happened to Arlington Cemetery and I did not verbally assault nor physically assault a staff member.

Speaker 1:

Kudos to you, for you know, not being Did you?

Speaker 2:

imply in any way that anyone buried there was a loser and or sucker.

Speaker 3:

No, I did not do that either and I did witness a wreath laying ceremony. That was. I was a congression youth leadership scholar trip to Washington and one of the girls in my group. Her father died in Vietnam and she never got to meet him and they let her participate in the wreath laying ceremony and that's the first time I'd see it at the tomb of the unknown soldier, and I was only 17 years old. But it was absolutely moving and that was my first experience witnessing that and it was so nice so I always have that burned in my brain of that's what that ceremony should look like. You know what I mean that type of respect, that kind of Solomon. None of us knew her, we were from all over the country but we all paid the same respect and realize what a moment that was for her to get to be a part of, know that.

Speaker 1:

So yeah, it's not a moment to pose for instagram like no, even if there wasn't instagram, I wouldn't have done.

Speaker 3:

I didn't even do that without instagram there.

Speaker 2:

No, I was like hey, get out that disposable 35 millimeter no, that's not speaking of uh being appropriately um taking the situation, we should mention our sponsor, colin um yeah, sheets and giggles hit up.

Speaker 1:

sheetsand gigglescom get you some sheets I got some.

Speaker 2:

He supports democracy and they're they're environmentally friendly and sustainable.

Speaker 3:

Yes, they're sustainable sheets. They're comfortable as all get out.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they're on my bed right now. They've been on there for two weeks. I need to take them off and wash them, but I don't want to put the other sheets on there while they're in.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, David loves hot. Anyway, put them on.

Speaker 1:

David was like yeah, also, if you want to get your thirst trap on Colin, it's hot.

Speaker 2:

So he's an attractive man, but we should get. We should get moving. I would definitely do him for more sheets.

Speaker 3:

All right, Carol.

Speaker 2:

So we have yeah, we got our. Well, our our. The guy we love to hate. Actually, I would just wish he would go away and I wouldn't have to think about him ever again.

Speaker 1:

Will you have your chance in November? Sorry I killed your song, but yes, Carol has a theme song ready to go for us.

Speaker 2:

And it feels so good. Okay, special counsel Jack.

Speaker 5:

Smith, jack Smith for the win man.

Speaker 6:

Not even gonna lie.

Speaker 2:

He did that, he's like he can keep a secret special counsel, jack smith, tuesday announced that a grand jury had re-indicted former president donald trump on four charges related to his january 6, 2021 coup attempt to honor the direction given by the US Supreme Court and its July ruling holding that Trump was immune from criminal prosecution for official acts. So, yeah, we had to go back and tailor the ruling to be like, no, this might be an official act, no, then it's just this. You know, we have enough, just on the clearly, clearly non-official acts to yeah, so judge chicken, chicken, chicken that's what happens when you crime so much you know, we'll find something.

Speaker 3:

Don't worry, you definitely did something well and you know what's so funny is that he took out a full page ad saying that the exonerated five should stay locked up because even if they didn't do the central park rape and beating, they did something. How's that working out, Trump? Because you may not have done this and you might have immunity for that but you definitely did something.

Speaker 1:

I've never seen anyone with a more incredible streak of saying some shit about someone else. That actually applies to them.

Speaker 3:

Yes, right. Somebody should take a full page ad out on Trump.

Speaker 1:

Next time Many people have.

Speaker 2:

So yeah, judge Tanya Chukin was overseeing the case wrote in a separate filing quote today, a federal grand jury in the District of Columbia returned a superseding indictment. The superseding indictment, which was presented to a new grand jury that had not previously heard evidence in this case, reflects the government's effort to respect and implement the supreme court's holdings. Yes, we wouldn't want to disrespect the supreme court and um, just so you know, the quote has ended. She didn't say that last part about disrespecting the supreme court. It sounds like it was implied, but uh, yeah, it sounds like it was implied, but yeah, it's pretty fucking cool.

Speaker 2:

I'm glad you've been charged you've been charged for more shit yeah, sorry, this is the part where I eat my snack it's totally fine, crunch away, munch away.

Speaker 1:

I had some chicken croquettes earlier, so I'm pretty good in the snack department, but, yes, after that I had some chicken croquettes earlier, so I'm pretty good in the snack department, but, yes, after that court filing by special counsel's office, trump spied into the unsealing of the indictment on Truth Social and, obviously as per the usual and arranged rant, saying quote so are you going to do the honor?

Speaker 2:

Hillary Clinton, hillary, hillary, you know what?

Speaker 1:

I forgot my Trump impersonation and then, in a while, hillary Clinton, in an effort to resurrect the dead witch hunt in Washington DC, in an act of desperation, in an act of desperation and in order to save face, the illegally appointed special counsel deranged Jack Smith, has brought a ridiculous new indictment against me. Yeah, it's such a long quote. I started looking at it. I was like I don't know, this is super.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, I'm good which has all the problems of the old indictment. It should be just. Maybe we should just read it as a whiny baby, as it should be read I mean it should be dismissed immediately the document completely dismissed. This is merely an attempt to interfere with the election and distract the american people from the catastrophes, catastrophes kamala harris has probably had a nation like the border invasion, migrant crime, ramp inflation and the threat of World War III and more, and he probably pronounced it I-I-I, world War, i-i-i.

Speaker 1:

It's a catastrophe. Yeah, that's my guy.

Speaker 3:

It's a catastrophe, catastrophe, catastrophe. That's how he says it. I know it is.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so like, obviously you know I thought it was going to say catastrophic.

Speaker 1:

I expected Jack Smith and special counsel's office to edit the indictment, to maybe pare it down or remove some of the information that pertained to like Trump's conversations with DOJ and executive branch officials, but that's not what they did. I mean, it's not totally surprising. I heard suggested that it'd be a possibility of a superseding indictment, and what they did here? First of all, they impaneled a new grand jury to rehear the evidence sends the evidence that would have been ruled out by the Supreme Court, and I think that was a fairly smart decision in terms of making the trial appeal proof, should we ever get to that point, because it takes away the argument that the jury's been corrupted by evidence that they shouldn't have heard ie Trump's conversations with Jeffrey Clark and such so that was probably a good move Also it's not worthy.

Speaker 2:

You always want to diversify your verdicts.

Speaker 1:

Also, it's noteworthy that the four original charges still remain, just that the evidence that they plan to present at this point differs slightly thanks to the Supreme Court ruling. And the Supreme Court did really go out of their way to try and make sure that they sabotage this case, not in terms of making the indictment and the trial go away, but making it difficult to prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt by making it nearly impossible to use any evidence from either you know Trump doing his job, quote unquote or any public statements. Ie like his his Twitter account. Like taking away the presidential one or his.

Speaker 1:

It doesn't matter.

Speaker 2:

Real Donald Trump because he never used the presidential one and it should seem that tweeting from it's kind of bullshit it's like tweeting from his personal account just because he's wildly unprofessional makes it an official act.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, unfortunately, that's what the Supreme Court ruled and that's why I said they went out of their way.

Speaker 2:

Here I'm going to tell my boss that the Supreme Court says I can be on Twitter at work as much as I want because it's an official act.

Speaker 1:

Well, as soon as you're elected president, you have like. Have a good time with that.

Speaker 2:

I realize this doesn't apply to my situation.

Speaker 1:

No, but also it's interesting that they, the DOJ, didn't drop any of the charges. They reissued them in a new indictment, which means they're fairly confident that, even you know, with the limitations placed on what they were able to argue in court, they still feel fairly confident. They can prove all the charges and I personally thought Trump was under charge. If that's a story for I just like there is a prosecutorial strategy, Like it's a, it can be a double-edged sword. If you undercharge or overcharge because, like you know, you don't undercharge and there's some reasonable doubt, it's hard that you can't go back, dig in the bag, get more charges If you overcharge. Sometimes, like when it comes to the jury, it's too much for them to wrap their heads around and could end up creating doubt that way. But also what's interesting is that in this current version of the indictment, they removed any references to Trump in his time in office. When the initial indictment started out with, you know, Trump was the 45th president of the United States. Blah, blah, blah. They replaced all that language and changed it to like Trump was a candidate for the 2020 election. So they're clearly making a delineation between you know, Trump's official duties, his office in the White House, and now they're just solely honing in on the fact that he was acting as a candidate for the 2020 election and all of the illegal activity that he gauged in leading up to January 6th. And it also removed any references again to Jeffrey Clark and any of Trump's communications with executive branch officials. Now what's interesting is the information regarding Mike Pence that was in the original indictment is also present in this version of the indictment, as Mike Pence was acting as the president of the Senate, which is not an executive branch office, and there's a clear delineation in his role as vice president, doing his official duties as an executive officer, versus a legislative officer in this case.

Speaker 1:

And I feel like DOJ must have been looking squarely at the ruling the Supreme Court made and trying to figure out any loopholes they possibly could to get as much evidence in as possible, and obviously this does set the trial back on track in terms of eventually happening, but before the 2024 election, it's impossible. We got like 70 days left. It's just they ran out the clock. The Supreme Court did what it wanted to do, got the job done in terms of delaying Trump's trial and, to be honest, they're going to have to litigate. You know numerous instances of evidence that they want to present at the trial and pretrial motions and such and like. At any point, if Trump doesn't like the ruling by Judge Chuck in on any number of issues, he can likely appeal it up to the Supreme Court and they could just take it up again, delay the trial even further. It could be this infinite loop of delay, but yeah.

Speaker 2:

So luckily we have hopefully this other option of not voting for him in the presidential election that's upcoming. That would be perfect because that would really help the chances of maybe him seeking, of seeking leveling justice upon his head. Yeah, fingers crossed, we can make that happen In a non-threatening way, if the secret service even does their job anymore right if the 2020 election.

Speaker 1:

You know voting him out of office was getting the ball rolling towards getting him indictment in the 2024 election. And keeping him out of office is the key to making sure he faces the conviction and trial, even though he's already been convicted at one, but no one really cares anymore apparently. I guess like a felon running for president, not to making sure he faces the conviction and trial even though he's already been convicted and won, but no one really cares anymore. Apparently. I guess, like a felon running for president Not that big of a news story, whoop-de-doo, what can you do?

Speaker 1:

Also noteworthy, I think, is the idea and we talked about this on the previous podcast momentarily so DOJ has this policy. It's not like a rule but just kind of a guideline that 60 days before an election, they won't take any overt acts that they believe could interfere with any kind of election. We're like 69 days away, so we've got about nine more days on the clock for DOJ to take any action against any of Trump's co-conspirators, and so, in terms of DOJ issuing the superseding indictment, it's noteworthy about Trump's co-conspirators. It could mean, like you know, one of any number of things, but I personally don't think it's possible or even plausible that DOJ is going to issue new charges against co-conspirators until, at the very least, after the election. But it's possible that the investigation isn't finished and like they just don't have enough evidence yet for multiple, you know indictments of members of Congress and the people at the war rooms on January 6th, the fake elector plot, etc. I don't think that's totally likely but I guess it's plausible no-transcript to get him charged with.

Speaker 2:

Get something going more before the election.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well, I think they're going to try and move as fast as possible with this, but the idea that this trial of Trump's going to take place before the election, that's a wrap, it's over with, it's done.

Speaker 2:

No, but they could start scheduling it?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, oh yeah, they're going to try and move as much of the like their scheduling and motion practice up as quickly as possible. But we know that they were aiming to like streamline this indictment because of the way Trump was indicted, the language and also the fact that, again, they listed numerous co-conspirators but none of those co-conspirators were actually indicted. So I mean, they attempted to make this as streamlined as possible, but I had been hinting like for months and months and months after the indictment, like hey, man, like this could go to trial, but the Supreme Court definitely can't find a way to stop in like stop this thing, delay it, throw it off the tracks. And that's exactly what they did. I mean it's just unfortunate that we have a bunch of Trump's cronies appointed to the Supreme Court to step in and play defense counsel in his favor.

Speaker 1:

But that's the world we live in. You don't like it. Your options are vote for Kamala Harris and then, when they retire, she'll have the opportunity to fill their positions. Get them dudes up out of there. I mean, look, I think one of the biggest mistakes Jack Smith special counsel, the whole office has made made is they didn't issue a subpoena for jamie thomas um for her communications with any trump campaign officials and all the multiple uh state yeah, I just don't understand or agree with all the decorum that's been used to like preserve some bullshit, like appearances yeah, we've, we didn't have time for a farce like that wasn't what our.

Speaker 1:

That's not what we need in as a society no, not taking her seriously and not issuing some kind of subpoena and let them know that her and clarence thomas were on the radar. It basically gave carte blanche to the republicans on the Supreme Court to just go bananas because they're like, well, who's going to stop us? And that would have like it's entirely possible, if they had got this done earlier, where they had Jeannie Thomas in the crosshairs for her role in the 2016 coup that the Supreme Court ruling would have turned out different. 2016 coup that the Supreme Court ruling would have turned out different. It's entirely possible that that Colorado court decision to kick Trump off the ballot for attempting to overthrow the government would have stood Like it's a whole lot of things that could have been solved, likely in one fell swoop, if they had just like.

Speaker 1:

Just like, had some fucking ball. I mean I say have some fucking balls. He indicted a former president. It's never been done. So I just I just want to say I'm not like totally criticizing Jack Smith or Mayor Garland or the Department of Justice. It's not like they're not doing their jobs, but like you got to. You can't play chess with someone who's willing to burn the board now?

Speaker 2:

is it really cold or are they burning it out of spite? Sorry, sorry, I'm getting stuck on some all right, carol, some side some side thoughts.

Speaker 2:

So next we're gonna move on to uh, trump running from the debate. So trump has been making all sorts of noise like a big fucking baby about how he would know, you know, cheating to replace Joe Biden. That's not fair. He's already spent money and he's too stupid to debate Kamala. Oh sorry, he he for him to attend the event. So yeah, he's still being a whiny fucking baby. The Harris campaign rejects the claims that the September 10th debate will have the same rules from June, stating that mics will be turned on during the entire debate. Oh, that's smart. It sounds like they want to not stop their enemy while he's making a mistake.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, exactly, perfect.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, in a statement from the Harris campaign, an official said both candidates have publicly made clear their willingness to debate with unmuted mics for the duration of the debate to fully allow for substantive exchange between the candidates. But it appears Donald Trump is letting his handlers overrule him.

Speaker 3:

Sad, that's a great statement the trolling is like top tier level. It's beautiful.

Speaker 1:

God to you Handlers. Sad, this is the stuff that I was complaining. I mean, it's not that I was complaining about the biden campaign, but this is the stuff that I wanted them to be doing, like to just be on the ball ready to go with the quick comebacks with the obvious. Like, just like stuff like this, where it's obvious, you just throw the sad in there. Uh, mocking trump.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, continue, carol so at a campaign stop in virginia on monday, trump told reporters that he was quote still thinking about quote, unquote, end quote participating in the upcoming abc debate. After watching senator tom cotton on the network on sunday and not liking how the senator was treated, yeah, they asked him questions he's right. This is a person who's doesn't take his commitment seriously. Obviously I mean, aside from being a whiny little bitch- absolutely not.

Speaker 1:

What's the point?

Speaker 2:

of a promise from someone who's gonna like try to cancel every other second and make an excuse. This is.

Speaker 1:

I'm starting to think that his character is not right for this office oh, you mean he's not fit to be the president of the united states? You don't say that's exactly I'm starting to.

Speaker 2:

I'm I'm starting to have a bad feeling about this.

Speaker 1:

Donald j trump it's not the coup that did it for you, or trying to blackmail Ukraine and investigating Hunter Biden or the sexual assault being in bed with. Putin.

Speaker 3:

Integrating our servicemen and women, our veterans.

Speaker 1:

Sabotaging the withdrawal in Afghanistan.

Speaker 2:

Sabotaging the murders, sabotaging a border deal.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, none of that did it for you.

Speaker 2:

Not the multiple convictions, the felonies but I really wanted to hear you list them all in order the fraud, the lies, the whores.

Speaker 1:

No offense to his wife.

Speaker 1:

I'm pro whore so I just nixed the whore comment. But yeah, I can like. So he's already publicly stated previously that he wants the mics on, so this idea that they're haggling over whether the mics should be on or not is absolutely, utterly ridiculous. This is just his campaign trying to find a way for him to wiggle out of the bait, because, after we saw the performance between him and Trump, obviously Kamala Harris has a playbook, so she knows what to do and she'll probably destroy him on the stage. I mean like the showdown.

Speaker 2:

I think he's being destroyed psychologically by her campaign and her. And I absolutely use.

Speaker 7:

Yeah, he's striking him and it's beautiful to see.

Speaker 2:

But he said he's continued on. When I looked at the hostility of, but he said he continued on. When I looked at the hostility of that, I said why am I doing it? Let's do it with another network. I want to do it.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

Perhaps a teenage girl and not a toddler today.

Speaker 1:

Maybe, but it seems as though there's some kind of uproar amongst his staff trying to keep him from doing the debate with the mics on because they know he can't shut the fuck up. But there might be a couple of other reasons why they want the networks to cut the mic. Because, well, you know, trump has a tendency to ramble, get off topic, say insane shit that makes no sense and it could possibly lead him down a rabbit hole. That would be extraordinarily disastrous for him, and you know we have evidence of that from a recent ad that Trump posted here.

Speaker 2:

Ooh are we going to watch it?

Speaker 1:

We certainly are, just to illustrate the point.

Speaker 7:

This is your favorite president, donald J Trump, with some very exciting news. By popular demand, I'm doing a new series of Trump digital trading cards. You all know what they are. We've had a lot of fun with them. It's called the America First Collection 50 all new stunning digital trading cards. It's really something. These cards show me dancing and even me holding some bitcoins. Here's the best part I'm doing great things for my Trump digital card collectors. First there's the real physical Trump cards. Purchase 15 or more of my Trump digital trading cards and we'll mail you a beautiful physical trading card.

Speaker 1:

It's like $1,500.

Speaker 7:

I think, quite something. Each physical trading card has an authentic piece of my suit that I wore for the presidential debate, and people are calling it the knockout suit. I don't know about that, but that's what they're calling it. So we'll cut up the knockout suit and you're going to get a piece of it and we'll be randomly autographing five of them a true collector's item. This is something to give your family, your kids, your grandchildren. Number two is to purchase 75 of my Trump digital trading cards.

Speaker 6:

And you will also be invited to join me for a gala dinner at my beautiful country club in Jupiter.

Speaker 7:


Speaker 7:

We really have tremendous dinners with my collectors. Have a lot of fun together. We're going to have a good time. I'm keeping my Trump digital trading cards at the same price of $99 each. We've done that right from the beginning. So go to collecttrumpcardscom. It's really easy to buy. You just need an email address and a credit card or crypto. You know they call me the crypto president. I don't know if that's true or not, but a lot of people are saying that. So don't miss out. Go to collecttrumpcardscom. Go right now and collect your piece of American history. Let's have fun together and enjoy my Trump cards. We're going to have a lot of fun. We'll be talking about it for a long time. Thank you very much. Have a good time.

Speaker 2:

Guys, please come out and hang out with me. My mom says I'm cool. And these AI depictions of me that are wildly overflattering.

Speaker 3:

Please come hang out.

Speaker 2:

Please buy my cards.

Speaker 3:

Come over, let's play cards. After he said that there were cards of him dancing and then he said holding a.

Speaker 6:


Speaker 3:

Beholding Bitcoin.

Speaker 2:

No, holding a Bitcoin.

Speaker 3:

I thought he said beholding bitcoin no me holding a bitcoin he said holding a bitcoin.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

does he talk like that? He talks like he's making his mouth into a sphincter and he doesn't talk, he goes well, that's because he was reading trading card. He looks like that trophy fish he was reading.

Speaker 1:

He just reads the entire sentence like it doesn't matter where the period is like this, to the I don't know man.

Speaker 2:

He's extraordinarily weird maybe dancing yeah, he said holding I'm dancing because he's just looking at the cards the only song he's going to be left with is Lord Trump. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Bad rendition of.

Speaker 1:

No, we don't want to hear that shit. No, he said, holding a Bitcoin like someone who's never bought weed. Before they go to the weed guy, they're like, may I have four Can. I get four weeds please, thanks, no, and he couldn't even stay on topic at that. He's like they're calling it the knockout suit. I don't know about that, but that's what they're saying, like well, that's not on the script.

Speaker 3:

didn't he give away pieces of his suit when he turned himself in his, his indictment or his uh arrest suit? Certain number of cards are gonna have a piece of the suit that I wore, yeah this isn't a new tactic.

Speaker 1:

This is the same old grift. And again those cards.

Speaker 2:

Just like how I sell my underwear. No, I'm just kidding.

Speaker 1:

I'll take a pair of those. We'll talk about that after the podcast but no, those NFTs are $100. I think those are a lot more digital NFTs.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to sell some digital used underwear that's how NFTs work.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, good luck every $1500 you spend digital used underwear. I'll send you a real underwear these parties will be great you buy 10 of those cards, you get the real card and some of the cards will have the Trump suit in them, but this is a grift again, obviously give them to your grandkids more importantly, if you can just listen to him speaking, you can see why his staff is afraid to have him on stage with kamala harris, who's a fucking prosecutor start pushing some mlm shit.

Speaker 2:

Did they have?

Speaker 3:

muted mics, or they were supposed to, during his debate with Biden. Yeah, so how did that work out?

Speaker 1:

Well, when the other person was supposed to be speaking, their mic would be cut off, and vice versa. The problem is in the Trump campaign debate, the moderators kept cutting off President Biden while he was speaking, and then they would just let Trump ramble on forever until he finished his thoughts and it just I mean mean it was a disaster.

Speaker 1:

Um cnn, shame on you guys for the way you fucking handle that. Abc is probably not going to be much better. I know abc probably, you know, has this reputation, is more of a political network, but it's really not. It is, I mean, it's what none of them are.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, well cnn has gone full right. Abc has been soft right since trump uh got in the office like it's. It's not any better, guys. I just you guys, if you're listening to this I urge you to go out and find independent, independent media sources to listen to. Or you can listen to us, um, although we're staunchly pro-democracy, which means we're in favor of the Democratic Party currently, but you know, if Kamala Harris ever tries to overthrow the government by staging a coup, we'll clearly move on to another party.

Speaker 1:

That's the difference between us and Republicans at least another candidate losers well, if you're wondering why he's even doing this insane grift in the first place, selling in it like anyone selling nfts at this point is just trying to steal your fucking money.

Speaker 2:

Obviously, uh, but part of the problem is like to be able to buy the good commissary shit in prison fair um the harris campaign.

Speaker 1:

I mean I'm pretty sure they're over half a bill since she announced.

Speaker 3:

I think it's 525 million. But also in July he only raised like 47 million and she raised like 135 million in July.

Speaker 2:

Was it all from Elon Musk? I'm just kidding Elon Musk doesn't have the money either.

Speaker 1:

No, but so the. Harris campaign, not today. I'm sick as ass. The Harris campaign is on today. I'm sick as ass. The Harris campaign is on a monster fundraising run. The Trump campaign is actually. The dollars are barely trickling in and if you look at Trump's businesses after that conviction in New York, like his real estate company, they're not making any more deals, like no new money's coming in. So the only money he's getting is from, like his fucking golf club and these fucking scams and he can't leverage it because there's no.

Speaker 3:

So he can't leverage it to get loans either, because there's no income that he can use to say, hey, we're making this, this, this or this. Like they know, this is public, bruh, you, you ain't got no business like, so you can't lie. You know you can't lie anymore because that's, that's beyond that.

Speaker 1:

So remember, um, he's got like a half a billion in bonds between eg carroll and the new york silver fraud case, which we didn't get the details of that, the bond agreements between the two companies. So it's, he's got half a billion dollars likely, some of that including real estate, tied up in those deals and he can't make any moves using those properties as leverage either to bring in new money. So his only hope is that this true social stock stays afloat for another month so he can cash out at the end of September.

Speaker 3:

With the way that thing is going down, like that's submersible right now. Every day it's more and more and more and more like it was less than twenty dollars, it was nineteen dollars and some change.

Speaker 1:

So $19 and some change. So yeah, and if it gets below $12, I believe, um then the lockup clause will still be in effect for another few months, so he won't be able to cash in. Look, we got a record stock market performance for nearly every stock, except for truth social. That's the way it's going in his regard, um, but but again, for more evidence that just trump is mentally incapable of having an effective debate in terms of arguing on the stage with kamala harris. I mean, if you had listened to what he was saying in the biden debate, you'd been like, oh actually, this fucking shit is insane. Why are we talking about biden being old when trump is crazy? But um, we do have yet another video of um trump losing his fucking mind, basically saying just whatever nonsense comes here's everybody's worst uncle on speed literally yeah, it's, it's not ideal.

Speaker 1:

This person can't be the president of the United States again.

Speaker 7:

These people are just so destructive. You know, I always look for good words and now what he's naming is highly sophisticated. Someone had put out some AI. I like sophisticated words, but there's only one word I get he's stupid.

Speaker 3:

JD Vance Trump in the middle middle, elon Musk and Vivek Ramaswamy and they're like team unity.

Speaker 1:

Ty, you talked over the video what you talked over the video. What video?

Speaker 2:

did you take an adeep lay?

Speaker 1:

who me?

Speaker 2:

Ty, did you take an edible?

Speaker 1:

no, no, you can if you want to but yes no, the trump video of him just sounding utterly incompetent, nearly fucking insane.

Speaker 7:

Here you go these people are just so destructive. So you know, I always look for good words, highly sophisticated I'm highly educated, I like sophisticated words but there's only one word I get they're stupid. They're stupid people.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I always look for the best words. Yeah, sophisticated.

Speaker 3:


Speaker 2:

Highly educated, sophisticated.

Speaker 1:

Oh, my God, I my god best words I appreciate him trying to find, trying to find words that make him sound like he's getting intelligent, and the most he could come up with is I look for the best words. Yeah, perfect, um, carol you.

Speaker 2:

So have we covered? Let's see we can circle back to the battle at Arlington. So, as we alluded to before before I knew it was a topic for later two members of Donald Trump's campaign staff had a verbal and physical altercation on Monday with an official at Arlington National Cemetery where Trump participated in a wreath laying ceremony. So we touched on that trump's dick. His people suck, holy shit.

Speaker 2:

Um, a source with knowledge of the incident says that the cemetery official tried to prevent trump staffers from filming and photographing in section 60, where recent us casualties are buried. So basically they had to be explicitly told what isn't isn't disrespectful inside of a cemetery where great reverence is expected. So when the cemetery official tried to prevent the trump campaign staff from entering the section 60, campaign staff verbally abused and pushed the official aside. What a good fucking uh harbinger the future. That's totally the man you want in charge and the staff you want backing him up. So Stephen Chung, the Trump campaign spokesman, issued a statement where he strongly rejected the notion of a physical altercation, adding, quote we are prepared to release footage of such defamatory claims are made, the fact that a private photographer was permitted on the premises and, for whatever reason, an unnamed individual, clearly suffering from a mental health episode, decided to physically block members of President Trump's team during a very solemn ceremony. Yeah, they look solemn ceremony.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, they looked solved. Yeah, I mean, like Ty, again, as you spoke earlier about your experience at Arlington, it's not the place for photo ops. I mean, there's a reason they even have the rule in place. Obviously, you're not going to get prosecuted for violating the rule of no photography, but the physical assault incident absolutely someone should be prosecuted for that, um, even if it only ends up being a misdemeanor but yeah, also his, his rule, his fucking defense, that like he was allowed to be in the whole cemetery, so like why can't we do whatever the fuck we want?

Speaker 1:

just because someone's allowed in the cemetery doesn't mean they get to violate the rules. And there's a reason why you know like these people fall for our country not in service, they're buried at the cemetery. They don't have the opportunity to speak for themselves in terms of whether or not they want to be used for a photo op for a political candidate. That's why the rules in place. It doesn't matter whether you're a democrat or a republican, and if a democrat had done anything like this, especially with the accusation of like assault against one of the staff, it would be the fucking headline on fox news for like a month. It'd be like biden's I mean obama's suit, um. And then you know, the allegations about the incident are probably true because after that, I believe, the Trump campaign put out the video from the cemetery and we have the TikTok video of the Trump campaign ad right here.

Speaker 2:

Oh good, let's watch it. I don't watch enough stupid videos ad right here oh good, let's watch it.

Speaker 7:

I don't watch enough stupid videos. We lost 13 great, great people. What a horrible day it was.

Speaker 1:

We didn't lose one person in 18 months, and then they took over that disaster the leaving of Afghanistan yeah, and he only does this shit if it's for a photo op, like he's not going to go anywhere that he can't take pictures and video of and post it on the internet. And we know this because he hasn't been to Arlington in two years yes, now it is politically expedient yep, and he used it for a photo op and it's embarrassing and people should be disgusted this behavior.

Speaker 1:

Obviously, if again, we reiterated a number of trump's issues earlier and like, if that doesn't do it for you, this probably won't either or the fact that you know he doesn't give a shit about those 13 people.

Speaker 2:

How many people did he leave to fucking die, and is that like 63?

Speaker 3:

Taliban officials free. 63 people died in Afghanistan during his presidency.

Speaker 2:

So was he talking about 18 months? We didn't lose anyone. How many before 18 months? Did you have a brief lull while you weren't?

Speaker 1:

He's talking about the 18 months before the withdrawal, some of which he wasn't even president. He's talking about the 18 months before the withdrawal, some of which he wasn't even president, but it's weird that he's blaming Biden for any of the issues on the ground in Afghanistan during the withdrawal which he was, which Trump was responsible for negotiating.

Speaker 2:

But I know I get that it's all. These are all bad faith accusations.

Speaker 1:

I'm just saying. What people don't bring up enough is the fact that he didn't negotiate the withdrawal from Afghanistan with the Afghan government. He negotiated with the Taliban, and no one's ever given us any explanation as to why that happened. But here is one of Trump's former appointees explaining how Trump is responsible largely for part of the disaster that took place during that massive withdrawal.

Speaker 4:

But Trump had his hand on. I mean, does Trump bear part of the responsibility for what happened?

Speaker 6:

Oh, yes, I mean so the the whole premise of talking to the Taliban before you leave Afghanistan. Why the heck were we even doing that?

Speaker 6:

He was going to invite them to Camp David Right. Even the Obama administration when they made the mistake of pulling all of our troops out of Iraq in 2010, which really set conditions for the rise of ISIS and so forth by 2014, the Obama administration didn't negotiate with al-Qaeda in Iraq on the way out, and so if we were going to leave, why not just leave? What happened in these series of negotiations and concessions to the Taliban is we kind of threw the Afghans under the bus on the way out.

Speaker 4:

And they cut the Afghan government out of those negotiations right, absolutely so.

Speaker 6:

That was mistake one Then forced them to release 5,000 of some of the most heinous people on earth, and then began to withdraw.

Speaker 4:

The Trump administration forced the Afghan government to release 5,000 Taliban.

Speaker 6:

Correct and then also stopped the active targeting of the Taliban, which President Trump again to his credit in 2017, had restored, because he was convinced, like how the heck does this make any sense To give your enemy a timeline for your withdrawal and then say now I'm going to negotiate a favorable settlement? I mean? So it raises the question.

Speaker 1:

And that's probably why Trump was on Truth Social suggesting that he was going to fire all of the generals and replace them with Maganet jobs earlier today. So if you don't want that, if you don't want like five-star General Roger Stone and Admiral Paul Manafort, vote for Colonel O'Hara.

Speaker 3:

Yes, I second that.

Speaker 2:

Don't let us go back to this guy. So, speaking of people who suck, we got Moby Dickhead. Good one D.

Speaker 1:

You don't know who that is if you're listening, but you're going to find out in just a second.

Speaker 2:

So RFK jr suspended his presidential bid last week and proceeded to endorse trump thereafter, and having secret yes, well, because having secretly lobbied for a position in both the trump and harris administration, I guess maybe one of them reacted more favorably to having a fucking on their team. So, after filing paperwork to have his name removed from the ballot in numerous swing states, michigan Secretary of State and Wisconsin State Election Board both noted that once a candidate has filed the nomination paperwork and qualifies to appear on the ballot, they can't be removed. I guess if Trump was so nervous that he asked him to drop out, they're pretty sure that he's only pulling votes away from Trump.

Speaker 1:

Or more Trump voters than not. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Yeah Well, not only that, but on Monday didn't he file to be on the ballot in Kentucky?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, it's extraordinarily weird where he does and doesn't want to be on the ballot, Obviously he said he wants to get like some certain percent. He's hoping to get enough percentage to get funding. Yeah, the federal matching funds. If you get X amount of percentage of votes, why?

Speaker 2:

don't we just pay him in dead whales and bears?

Speaker 1:

We'll get to that.

Speaker 2:

So an environmental group is also calling for a federal investigation into an episode in which RFK Jr allegedly severed the head off of a whale that washed ashore with a chainsaw. He then proceeded to drive home with it strapped to his car's roof. So he decided to fucking take a head home. Severed head of a whale A lonesome head head but not like that roadhead.

Speaker 2:

Driving the animal across the massachusetts state line to new york could be a violation of the lacey act wildlife conservation act. It's also illegal to possess part of any animal protected under the endangered species act, and he made it. He brought it across state lines, which could bring it under federal jurisdiction. I just wanted to throw that in there.

Speaker 1:

There you go. And immediately after the announcement of this incident, here we have Trump praising RFK Jr.

Speaker 7:

Right now, three days ago, I was honored to receive the endorsement of Robert F Kennedy Jr. We're very proud Thank you, so fucking orange. We're very proud to welcome Bobby to our cause. He's really a terrific guy. He's a terrific person and he's going to do a lot of great things.

Speaker 1:

So high energy.

Speaker 7:

He's got some very good ideas, some ideas that people weren't listening to.

Speaker 1:

His eyes are very puffy, like someone who's been crying uh, yeah, clearly the endorsement strategy from rfk jr isn't working out well. If he's still on the ballot in these swing states that trump needs and that's possibly going to hurt trump's chances of winning, he's gonna he's gonna accidentally reverse jill stein but go ahead yeah, this story about rfk jr finding this whale on the beach and cutting off the head with a chainsaw it's fucking insane. Like this is, this is even.

Speaker 3:

I mean, I don't I don't know why did he have a chainsaw at the ready?

Speaker 1:

oh man, like you know, probably because he's some kind of serial killer from one of those movies from the 70s, I don't know, but like it sounds like he's got a record of like collecting and disemboweling and dumping corpses of various animals.

Speaker 2:

I'm only it's only been a couple weeks for me hearing about it, but so far I've already heard two.

Speaker 1:

As we're digging up dirt, I saw this guy on twitter and where he posted a tweet saying he's never leaving Twitter and he was quoting a tweet from like a decade ago when he was like I can't understand for the life of me why there's a dead bear corpse in the middle of Central.

Speaker 2:

Park. Are you serious?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, wow, he posted it as it happened in real time, never got the answer. And then when we all discovered, as a nation, that rfk jr dumped that bear corpse in in the fucking park, he was like yeah, and that that shit took off. It was hilarious. But look, wow, um, obviously, um, this is the behavior of someone who consumes copious amounts of drugs I don't know what drugs. Rfk jr is currently Not the good ones.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I think he gave up the heroin or something back in the day. It's also been reported that he's when did he go? Harvard, no, yale, what's a Yale? Yale Law School, anyway, wherever he went to college, it's been reported that he possibly Harvard yeah, okay, harvard Allegedly was a cocaine dealer.

Speaker 3:

I didn't even question it.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, I mean it's just like all right, you know it's hard to argue. It's like it's like with JD Vance, like it doesn't matter what the allegations are at this point they're all going to stick because there's nothing you could say. Yeah, nothing, they're all going to stick because there's nothing you could say.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, Nothing sounds that's a big issue. I try to explain mostly to children about the concept of credibility and how you can really. You can earn it, but once you lose it you can't really earn it back.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 3:

You're always going to be questioned. Someone's always going to. They might like uh-huh, but in their mind they're're like do I believe this shit? Like probably not. Or, or like they it's, it's not gonna go away. It's that stink on you.

Speaker 2:

That's the thing that liars never think about like if they try to confront an honest person, then they're like well, you, you forgot that? If you say it's my word against yours, people will believe me because I don't lie. You are a liar Like that's unless you're in a cult.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and that's what you bank on, that, the people that you know they're in a cult.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, you mean like the Republican Party? Yes, bingo.

Speaker 2:

Or the remains thereof.

Speaker 1:

Speaking of credibility, it's crazy that, like after all of these years, like every time Trump says something, the media just reports it as though it's fact until proven otherwise, when we know largely everything he says is a lie because he has an. How many times it's been proven that he doesn't deserve it? I wish they would stop, but you know I can't control the media. All I can do is this fucking podcast and tweet on my little Twitter account to, you know, 300,000 people and hope I make a certain little difference. Drop in the bucket all that good stuff. But last but not least, Carol.

Speaker 2:

JD Vance continues to to be a flop, and we don't mean someone who likes to flop onto the couch. Jd Vance attacked teachers who do not have children and a newly resurfaced remark from 2021 is this a segue? I'm gonna no, okay, and there was surface clip fans who was speaking at a forum held by the center for christian virtue. Oh my god. Attacks quote leaders on the left and randy weingarten, the president of the american federation of teachers, for not having children.

Speaker 5:

Um, and I think our conservative idea is that parents and families should determine what children want, what values they are brought up with. You know so many of the leaders of the left and I hate to be so personal about this, but there are people without kids trying to brainwash the minds of our children, and that really disorients me and it really disturbs me. Randy Weingarten, who's the head of the most powerful teachers union in the country. She doesn't have a single child. If she wants to brainwash and destroy the minds of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours to hell alone of children, she should have some of her own and leave ours to hell alone.

Speaker 1:

Um, you know, typically to teacher, it doesn't require you on the job description to already have kids.

Speaker 2:

It's a job just like any other job you go to especially since most teachers like happen to be young women, very young women, yeah straight out of college straight out of college. They should have kids, and he does, he thinks they should oops, that was an accident I was like what did I say? That was so bad that wasn't you.

Speaker 1:

No, I mean obviously like attacking women for not having children because they want to be like they're taking care of 30 fucking kids five days a week. That ain't enough for you. Like this, just I don't understand. Like in any other time we're living in, like this would destroy a presidential campaign. Like these constant tirades against women just for not having children on the schedule that jd vance deems appropriate. This would kill any other presidential campaign campaign. We live in the weirdest time.

Speaker 2:

Just I don't understand we're, we're so many years into like the whole. Everything I don't like is a groomer rhetoric. I mean it's so prevalent everywhere. People are obvious. There's obviously part of this push against public education. They want to um, scare teachers into thinking they'll be reported, fired, charged for sex crimes. Who knows, that's what it's getting to. It's not there yet. But teaching things that the Christian right doesn't want them to know, you like?

Speaker 3:

decency in math, but the thing, is is that they constantly attack our schools, that their kids aren't even in because they're homeschooling them or sending them to some Hitler youth school, because they don't want public school they're being indoctrinated with their Christo-fascist ways, but then they want to put their Christo-fascist in the school that their kids aren't.

Speaker 2:

Because they don't want public school in the school that their kids aren't. It's like, because they don't want public school, they want your kids to only have the option of parochial school, because that's the only affordable private school that they would would have as an option, or they'll just send people to the workhouse well, people kept like they're trying to attribute to wine garden that you know she pushed for school closings but she wanted safe school openings, like, ok, let's do these protocols, get the kids in school.

Speaker 3:

But they were like, oh, all these kids are behind because of her and I go if one year of Zoom school put a child years behind academically and developmentally.

Speaker 1:

Imagine what death would have done. It was the middle of a fucking pandemic. Did we want the kids to die? And when they did open the schools, everyone in the fucking country got sick.

Speaker 2:

it was a massive covid wave were you gonna say imagine what not having an education system would be like well, that's also bad yeah, it's just.

Speaker 3:

It's like they say they talk out of both sides of their mouths and none of it ever makes sense. I go but you're saying that these kids are so behind because they weren't in a traditional brick and mortar school, they had to learn online. So then are you saying that every kid that's homeschooled is developing, not ready, because pretty much that's I'm equating yeah, you're at home schooling versus homeschooling Both detail until you being at home and schooling.

Speaker 3:

But at least with homeschooling you got your mom, who has no formal teaching or whatever parent or whatever, versus Zoom school with a qualified teacher who is accredited and knows what the fuck she's doing.

Speaker 1:

Fingers crossed, you would hope, but yeah, they constantly attack the schools. They want to end the Department of Education. You've seen that in Project 2025. Obviously, and it's a couple of reasons they want to do that, it's because public schools don't indoctrinate kids and they want everyone to get these vouchers so they can go to these private schools and that's a way for them to indoctrinate kids and hopefully make them more conservative so they grow up to replenish the dying ranks of the elder Republican Party. But also because, like the federal government, is one of the few untapped resources left available to private equity, if they can ever get their hands on it, and schools would be, you know, a great way for them to make a profit. It's basically free money. Every year, you know, the government check is coming because kids got to go to school. But also these schools also, like they're typically on valuable land, like in terms of real estate, it would bump up the net worth of, you know, private companies quite a bit to have those schools on their, on their books. You know, an asset.

Speaker 3:

I read today that Betsy DeVos said she's ready to come back into the Trump administration.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, to finish this job, destroying the Department of Education till it's, you know, no longer viable and impossible to repair, and that's that's one of the things about a second Trump administration and like we just don't talk about enough that there's all of these agencies and all of this infrastructure and work that goes into making the country run, and Project 2025 is just an outline on how to destroy all of that. And the thing is, it's kind of like it's like a house right, like it's so easy to burn it down. You can get it gone in a matter of moments, but the work of building it back up takes an incredible amount of work and, with the amount of destruction that a second Trump campaign would rain on the country, it's likely we would never recover. And people think of this in terms of just like, oh it's just, you know, another Trump administration, we'll be fine, we don't live in a vacuum.

Speaker 2:

Who thinks of it that way? Who wouldn't want Trump to win Republicans?

Speaker 1:

Yeah, so like in terms of where we are in the world, with competing economies and competing militaries and on and on and on, like it we. If Trump came to power and did what he wanted to with the federal government, it would put us in such a place where we might never get back to the top of the food chain. I mean, there are a lot of people that like, likely might root for that and thinking that might be beneficial to the to the top of the food chain. I mean, and there are a lot of people that likely might root for that and thinking that might be beneficial to the world. I would argue against that. We know what happens when, typically, there's not a democracy at the top of the food chain. It's utter chaos, more war, drought, famine, hardship for everyone across the world. We just can't let that happen, man. But uh, before we get out of here, uh, I guess we'll do yet another vibes check.

Speaker 3:

How you feeling about the state of the harris campaign you know what I I feel good I was concerned about. Of course there's always gop fuckery, what was going on with ken paxton, what Georgia is doing. I'm very, very glad that Mark Elias is on the case, because he is a democratic rock star like.

Speaker 1:

I'll be reading all of his posts and, like it's, every fucking week, there's a new lawsuit that he just won a victory in.

Speaker 3:

Mark Elias suffers no fools and I really really appreciate that. But the more that Mark Elias fail, he has tried how many different type of propaganda pushing from having someone a fake person needing a medic at his rallies after his, to trying to steal her song, to trying to do some fancy jazzy rally when um rfk jr endorsed him, to now the arlington thing. And then then it comes out about the brouhaha. So it's like he's through. He's throwing all the spaghetti, which is spaghetti made with ketchup, at the walls right now and all failing.

Speaker 3:

But one thing that I did notice like I try to pay attention as much to what isn't said as as I do what is said. So once it was announced that Kamala Harris was going to secede Biden in the run for the presidency, the money was pouring in. The only people happy about RFK endorsing Trump seems to be Trumpers and MAGA, because I have seen nothing, because otherwise Trump would have been. We raised a hundred million dollars after RFK Jr's announcement. The radio silence crickets To me. That says everything.

Speaker 3:

So I am feeling, feeling really, really good. I mean, they're resorted to attacking tim walsh's dog. And is he cheating on scout like this is the level that they've sunk and it just makes them look more and more and more ridiculous. And I'm here for it. I I feel really really good. I know that Kamala's doing really good in swing states and I think that I think that Republicans, who just are done with Trump, are going to come through because they haven't been gerrymandered in the sense that they're. I think that they're going to come through in a way that the votes are being suppressed in the, you know, marginalized communities in blue areas, but they haven't.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, republicans don't have the same hurdles to vote as yeah, and they're going to have places and they're not counting on they really hadn't thought it through the number of Republicans that are so completely turned off and over it that they're going to vote, so completely turned off and over it that they're going to vote. You know, and I do kind of like the little campaign that I've been seeing on twitter where people are like to women no one knows who you voted for. I like that. I think that's a really really good strategy oh shit.

Speaker 1:

I tweeted out a couple of months ago if you, a woman, just quietly vote oh, I guess it's been a month now you can just go vote for kamala harris and a lot of your husband. It's been a month now. You can just go vote for Kamala Harris and a lot of your husband. Is fine, he'll never know.

Speaker 3:

Yeah, and I think, and I think a lot of women are going to do that.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, if that happens, like it's over it's a wrap. Yeah, I mean cause at this point the way that I'll get to it in just a second Carol five check where we at Kamala campaign go.

Speaker 2:

I still think it's going great. I love their campaign. I love how quick they are, I love how sharp they are. I love how aggressive they are. It's the tone that we've needed it matches.

Speaker 1:

It's my tone. They stole my shit. No, I'm kidding.

Speaker 2:

They stole sass and wit and intelligence from V who invented all of those things. I'm so glad I met you, because I would have had none. None wit Otherwise. Yeah, and I'm getting into my postcards let's put a link. I figured out how to get the addresses again and I'm oh sweet.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to pressure myself into doing it because I ordered a pack of a hundred that are labeled and I'm supposed to get them all out by September 15th. So I'm going to enlist people and make like an MLM of democracy. I'm going to put a pyramid of schemes below me for Kamala fair enough.

Speaker 1:

You know, a thousand people send out a hundred postcards, a hundred thousand postcards no, it's just meant to get my hundred written.

Speaker 2:

I'm going to make them do it. I'm going to get women hundred written. I'm gonna make them do it. I'm gonna get women over here. You're gonna make them do your postcards? I'll help, but I'm gonna recruit help.

Speaker 1:

That's gonna be a party right and you do the hostess thing, where you're making the drinks and putting out the snacks and they're, they're doing all the writing.

Speaker 2:

Gotcha perfect okay, yeah, that's. The point is that I'm sneakily not doing my part I, I co-sign.

Speaker 1:

Go ahead Like you're getting the postcards done, regardless of whether you're doing the manual labor or not. It's called upper management. Yeah.

Speaker 3:

Delegation Delegation.

Speaker 1:

You were bringing up the polls, todd, so if you haven't been paying attention, we're at the point where Kamala Harris has, at the very least, made up for Biden's deficit and tied things up, if not taken a lead. There's even been a few of the polls that lean Republican that we typically look at as cooked, that show Harris with the lead in various swing states, lead in various swing states. There was one I forget the name of the polling group, I'll talk about that next podcast, I guess where they had Harris leading outside of the margin for error, which is, again, I'd take polls with a grain of salt, but to some degree you can look at movement as a sign that can confirm things that you're seeing with your own eyes on the ground, and that's a possibility. What I think is most important is that the momentum is in Kamala Harris's favor, because the election isn't won in June, july or August. It's won in October, november, when people are making their final decision and getting ready to turn out to vote. And in terms of money, like we talked about, kamala Harris has like a half a billion in the bank Well, not in the bank, but raised a half a billion since she announced that she would be running on the Democratic ticket in the place of Joe Biden. And again, money can win you an election, but it can definitely lose you an election if you don't have it. And she's got all of the money in the world.

Speaker 1:

Trump is struggling in terms of money and he's not out here really on the campaign trail and you've seen from the videos his demeanor, his energy. You say what you want to about his ability to kind of work a crowd, typically what he was known for in 2016,. He's like a shadow of a former self in that regard and everything seems to be derailing from the Trump campaign standpoint and I do believe at this point, his only hope to maybe kick off some support is a debate with Kamala Harris. And if you're looking at the polls again, it's only been a few days since the Democratic Convention. She hasn't even gotten her convention bump yet, so that's likely on the way, and I believe that once the polls get to a point where they show Trump is likely guaranteed to lose, then what support he does have will collapse, because people aren't voting for Trump because they think, you know, he's awesome or great, or his policies are fantastic or he's great for America. They support him because they think he's going to win.

Speaker 1:

But if you take that illusion away and that's presented on Fox News and in the media and all of the digital outlets online on social media et cetera, et cetera, once the possibility of a chance of Trump winning seems dire, I think even more people will flee the Republican Party. They won't even turn out to vote and they'll just give up on Trump. And it's possible we could win something in terms of electoral college landslide. Don't, don't quote me on that. Not throwing that out there as a prediction, just in terms of what you should be looking for over the course of the next couple of weeks if the momentum keeps swinging in Harris' favor. Yeah, hoping for the best.

Speaker 6:

We're going to be.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and if you're out there listening, make sure you do your part and grab you know one or two people you know. Tell them to vote for Kamala Harris. Take them to the polls in November. No-transcript.

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