Pardon The Insurrection
Where we discuss the ongoing Congressional and criminal investigations of the January 6 coup orchestrated by the former President. And because insurrection wasn't enough, we'll also cover the Department of Justice espionage investigation, investigations relating to other members of Congress, and more. Don't worry, we're not handing out any pardons.
Pardon The Insurrection
Trump Shooters Double Bogey
Can the American political scene get any wilder? Tune in as we dissect Kamala Harris's standout debate performance against Donald Trump and the slight uptick in her approval ratings. We scrutinize what these poll movements mean in the grand scheme of things, even if they aren't gospel truth. From there, we shift gears and examine a recent assassination attempt at a Trump rally, illustrating how surreal and chaotic the political landscape has become.
Hold onto your hats as we explore Trump’s never-ending quest to dominate headlines, even resorting to what some might call reality TV-style antics. We unravel the strange events at Mar-a-Lago, where a former Trump loyalist turned Tulsi Gabbard admirer was found with an assault rifle. Is this part of a calculated move to distract us? We also touch on the curious case of Republicans increasingly targeting Trump and the odd coincidences that look more like scripted drama than random occurrences.
Lastly, we shine a light on the misinformation plaguing immigrant communities, focusing on a false narrative about Haitian immigrants in Springfield, Ohio. We highlight how right-wing media magnifies these stories and their tangible impact on local economies. We also tackle broader themes of urban development, gentrification, and Trump’s contradictory policies towards Haitian immigrants. To cap it all off, we’ll warn you about the potential pitfalls of Trump’s latest scheme—a dubious cryptocurrency venture that promises more risks than rewards. Buckle up; it’s a wild ride through today’s political circus.
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One, two, unlike Trump fans. So you know it's been an up and down week, of course. Since the debate last week where Trump got his ass handed to him by Kamala Harris, she's got her post-debate bump somewhere around a little over a point in improvement in terms of approval rating in the public polls, and Trump has since lost a little less than one of I read today that she's outside of the margin of error yeah, I mean I'm still.
Speaker 2:I know it's distracting and we're not supposed to pay attention to polls, but I I do like to see her and I see that in iowa she closed like a 16 or 18 point gap and she's like only down by four.
Speaker 1:Yeah, so I take the polls. We talk about this on the next podcast, I guess, in greater detail. But, like generally speaking, I take the polls with a grain of salt. But I do like, if there's movement in the polls and you could attach it to like a real life on the ground occurrence, you can assume that in reality, when people do turn out to vote, that it will like that shift will be reflected in actual votes. It may not necessarily line up with the polls, say, but the movement is real.
Speaker 1:Polling is more for understanding what campaigns should and shouldn't do and should lean into and stay away from.
Speaker 1:It's not predictive, that's generally how they work. But you know, I do like watching for the movement, especially when you can attach it to some event, like I don't know Trump getting indicted, or presidential debate, or like some massive scandal, and you know the or the RNC and DNC convention, so to speak. So you know the or the RNC and DNC convention, so to speak. So you know that she's basically had the polls shift close to two points in her favor. So the course of the week, I mean that does kind of align with what you would expect from winning a debate handily the way she did Now I obviously you would think, with the level of insanity Trump presented on that debate stage, the polls would move a lot more than that. But again, this is America. This is a dysfunctional country that people are even making their decisions based on, like a TV game show that we call the debate, that's, you know, on ABC, and with a game show host asked too many two minute questions.
Speaker 2:I mean like I feel like Trump has turned all of America into the apprentice America. And like we are living a reality show and after the so-called assassination attempt, from what I read, the guy was 500 yards away Shit, that's. Every other person in Florida was 500 yards away shit, that's. Every other person in Florida is 500 yards away from a gunshot.
Speaker 1:I mean he might have been less than 500 yards away. Uh, because just from the video. So they eventually released footage from like a view from the stage where you could see the building where the shooter was. He was like right there, like that he missed him is incredible. We still had. Don't have any explanation really oh, I thought he was.
Speaker 2:I thought he was playing golf. I thought he was playing golf oh, no.
Speaker 1:No, I'm sorry. So I meant from the shooting at the trump rally oh, at the rally. Yeah, so that shooter on top of that building was yeah, he was, like you know, 300 and something yards or so yeah, like yeah that he was there, he was super, yeah, he was really far.
Speaker 2:But I was just thinking. I was like do they just sit around? I feel like right now Trump wants to keep doing something, anything to keep him in the news. Yeah, and to distract from talking about the disastrous debate. And so I feel like there's somebody I don't know if Mark Burnett is pinning this reality show, but it feels like it's like okay, we'll do an attempted murder, like a soap opera yeah, an attempted murder and then you know it didn't work and they're like well, let's do it again and let's do okay, let's do this, and it's like oh, so now I?
Speaker 2:I don't know it, just I feel like.
Speaker 1:I mean, I have been making the jokes since the shooting at the Trump rally because of the fact that it did nothing for him. Poll wise, I was like, well, it's probably going to try and get shot again. Here we are now.
Speaker 2:We don't necessarily know this is the third time they tried it. Remember when he was in Arizona at the border, and then he was standing and he was interviewing with that girl from was it from news where? Who was he interviewing with? And then he was like she asked him the question. It was like oh, your assassination attempt on. Then he goes. You want to know something? I'm in danger right now. They don't want me talking to you, yeah, and yeah and.
Speaker 2:And then he was like I, and this is the headline, because the headline said Trump cuts interview short due to assassination, potential assassination, or something like that. And then he was like oh, we're in danger, I'm going to tell you, I'm going to let you in on a little secret, and I'm like what the fuck is a secret sir?
Speaker 2:He said he's like you're in danger too. A secret service. He's sitting here. I said he's like you're in danger too, so I'm gonna talk to you for another 20 seconds while somebody supposedly wants to kill me, without any secret service around. And then he just gets it. He's like bye. And then I'm like and, but it was his tone of voice. You can tell that's his acting voice because it's the same voice he uses when he goes doctor. Is there a doctor in the house we need?
Speaker 1:a medic. Take your time. Trump is insane. He just be banging up stuff. It's going to be okay. Take your time, try and get clicks and I'm like.
Speaker 1:I don't know what's wrong with this. Hey, so in case you miss it, if you're listening, there was an incident at the golf course down the street. I mean it's practically down the street from mar-a-lago, palm beach, county trumps. At the golf course, uh, secret service spotted a guy that looks suspicious. He was carrying some kind of assault rifle. Seemed to be closely resembling an AK-47. I mean, obviously it likely wasn't an AK-47, but you know, a similar type of arm. Shots were fired by the Secret Service. I'm not necessarily sure if anyone was hit, but apparently they got the guy. People have been looking into his social media. He's another weirdo right-winger, not like necessarily super pro-Trumper, but like all the bad actors on the right Aside from Trump, he seems to have been in support of, like Vivek Ramaswamy, even Tulsi Gabbard at one point.
Speaker 2:Something kind of stood out to me because they're like, oh, he was a Democrat, he was pro-Ukraine, and then they said he was pro-Haitian and I go. But this was months and months and months ago that he and, in my mind, I go. That is very convenient with all of this Haiti stuff going on now, because I don't trust. I need to know what social media he was on, because if it was X, I have zero doubt that Elmo would not be above manipulating a post and like you know what I mean?
Speaker 1:yeah, well, so the guy is just weirdo right wing shit. We don't really have to super get into it. I won't say his name, but I've got like a post from 2020 on here where he says um, at real donald trump, while you were my choice in 2016, I in the world hope that president trump would be different and better candidate, but we are all, grace, greatly disappointed and it seems you're getting worse and evolving. Are you? Are you retarded? I will be glad when you're gone. And then there's another post in November of 2020 where he's you know, posts the end of his infatuation with Trump. Where he's saying at Tulsi Gabbard hashtag staying with Tulsi, tulsi for president. But what if COVID-19 does eliminate Joe Biden, bernie and Trump, and even Pence, tulsi? We need to ramp up our efforts and grow support so when the field narrows to none, you can win. Let me help.
Speaker 2:And obviously.
Speaker 1:So, basically, you can only win if everyone else is dead. Yeah, but look at who he's rooting for. It's, it's, it's the one, it's the individual that we all pointed out as a bad actor in 2020, who eventually became a republican herself. She's on fox news, she's helping trump with the debate. So I it's not. It's not actually that far fetched that we have a trump supporter turned tulsi gabbard supporter and then tulsi gabbard goes full trumper and then here we are with like a republican shooting at trump yet again. I want to ask why so many republicans are shooting at trump and shooting at Trump yet again. I want to ask why so many Republicans are shooting at Trump. And ironically so, the guy had a weapon similar to AK-47. And well, of course, you'll never guess who was just talking about AK-47s the day before.
Speaker 2:How many guesses do I get?
Speaker 1:Zero.
Speaker 3:The Venezuelans have big AK-47 Supremes. This is Supreme. Where the hell do they get these guns? Our soldiers can't get these guns.
Speaker 1:Yeah, where the hell do they get these guns? Coming from the leader of the party who wants everyone to have an assault rifle, I wonder how that happens. As you can see, trump is also still on his ranting and raving about Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio, just to no end. You know, largely having debunked the rumor or the misinformation that Haitian immigrants are like eating your pets, he's still. I don't know why he's still pushing that, but it did result in some bomb threats aimed at Springfield Ohio and when Trump was asked to denounce those, well, you can hear comments for yourself.
Speaker 2:Do you denounce the bomb threats in Springfield Ohio?
Speaker 3:I don't know what happened with the bomb threats. I know that it's been taken over by illegal migrants and that's a terrible thing that happened. Springfield was this beautiful town and now they're going through hell. It's a sad thing Not going to happen with me, I can tell you right now Notice he didn't denounce the bomb threats.
Speaker 1:Nope, no, just kept rolling there and the media didn't denounce the bomb threats. Nope, no, just kept rolling there and the media didn't ask a follow-up question or tell him or inform him that he didn't answer the question at all.
Speaker 2:But we're informing you where his comments led to bomb threats on the town where innocent individuals live. Trump won't.
Speaker 1:Children being terrorized and traumatized, right yeah, so you see how Trump kicks it there. Now again, this, this comment about the immigrants. It supposedly stemmed from like a Facebook post and it went viral from there and then right wing nut jobs picked it up and ran with it all the way to the point where it reached and wokeness on Twitter. And if you know anything about, that account.
Speaker 2:I hate that account.
Speaker 1:Supposedly, a couple of people will have come to independent conclusions that seem to verify that account is being run by Jack. What's his name?
Speaker 2:Pasoviak or something like that.
Speaker 1:Yeah, that pizza boy I don't know how to pronounce his last name because I don't follow his shit but yes, it's no surprise that once it reached that level, it was quickly going to reach the Trump campaign. Because, well, that's just, that's how that works, the right wing disinformation circle. They bubble up this stuff from the ground up and they feed it to the bigger accounts, and then it gets to trump, and then trump feeds it back down through fox news and just, it's this vicious cycle. Um, but like, immigrants didn't take over springfield, what happened is the city was dying and there was that horrific uh, just haiti's been just unfortunately hit with a number of mass tragedy events and numerous immigrants were granted a temporary reprieve to come to the United States.
Speaker 1:As you know, a protected class of immigrant or immigrants. A lot of them ended up going to this place in Ohio, springfieldfield, small town, small-ish, but what they did have was a number of factories and jobs that didn't require, you know, stringent education. Basically, just show up, get trained, do the work, uh, and for a group of people who were willing to work, uh, but didn't have necessarily a high level of education, it was an ideal spot and really they revitalized the town. They saved it, like having the immigrant workers show up and keep the factories open and running and in high capacity as far as production goes it. It kind of revitalized the town. Um, so saying these immigrants came here illegally and then took over, it's just, it's not.
Speaker 2:The thing is is those, the so-called 15 to 20,000 Haitians. They've been coming over the past few years.
Speaker 1:Number one and number two, the past decade, they merely replaced the people who left 20,000 people that left there you go bingo, so like they're doing the jobs that the people who live there didn't want to do, practically saving the town. Yeah, you're gonna have some issues. You have that many people from outside of the typically born, outside of the US piling into a city, but it's no different than where I live, where multiple tens of thousands of people are coming every couple of months. That are American citizens piling into our town, creating stress and demands on public services.
Speaker 2:The water, like where I lived in Santa Teresa, new Mexico, and they're doing all that building. And so Santa Teresa, new Mexico, and they're doing all that building. And so Santa Teresa is a small place and they're just building like gangbusters and all these people are moving out to the upper Valley. What have they done? It used to be horse farms. It was like the greenest part of El Paso. I love going out there because they have pecan farms and horse farms and I didn't. I wasn't really fond of the cotton fields, because I just feel triggered when I drive by but, when the water the like, they stopped putting it opening the rio grande before it got too hot.
Speaker 2:The cotton fields all died and the people sold it. Well, it wasn't. But a couple months later and there's a big sign goes up like hotel coming. And I'm like they did this shit on purpose. You can't sit here and plan a whole fucking development for a hotel, some apartments, a new high school in two months no, they knew they were getting them out of there.
Speaker 1:They deliberately did not release that water yeah and then yeah, exactly and then I saw America has been playing that game for hundreds of years now.
Speaker 2:Oh yeah, and then they act like they act like gentrification isn't a thing, guess, they never heard about that. When you have people you know in communities and then they start building up around, it is a little trick they play, but increases the property value so your house might be paid off. But boom, you got a mortgage again because your property taxes have tripled. Yeah, that happens a lot here.
Speaker 1:So I live in Nashville. If you know anything about Nashville, it's one of the most booming cities in the United States. We do have, like, a housing issue in terms of just like the number of available housing units for people to live in. Yes, then we have all of these, you know, and they're not illegal immigrants, they're americans coming here and piling into our city. It does it. It causes numerous issues, but also our economy is booming thanks to the influx of people, so it's a double-edged sword.
Speaker 2:It's just that comes with growth in general. You know what I mean. I said and in my mind I'm thinking like the original girl. So it was the girl that made the post. She heard it from her friend. Her friend heard it from a friend.
Speaker 1:Yeah, telephone.
Speaker 2:Like it was like fourth, fifth hand, and then she's like well, and it was one person who may have killed a cat. And was arrested. Yeah, there you go In another city, you know a black lady in another city may have killed a cat and we turned that into 20,000 immigrants are destroying your city and eating your pets.
Speaker 1:I mean, it's just bananas and, like the, trump is facing no real consequences for telling this bald-faced lie on the national stage of the debate and multiple times thereafter. It's just. I do hate politics in some way. I hate the media industrial complex for not yes, absolutely Poor way they address this.
Speaker 2:I mean you were doing a full on pogrom in like real time.
Speaker 1:Oh man, it's crazy. And and the reason why it's working is because, typically, you know Haitian immigrants. Uh, darker complexion, you know they've always been the scapegoats.
Speaker 2:Now and now JD Vance is like HIV has exploded and I was like that's from the intravenous drug use of the opioid addicts in your state that you said you were going to help when you ran for office and then abandoned them yeah, and ohio does have this massive drug problem.
Speaker 1:But I mean, that's a podcast for another day overdose.
Speaker 2:Capital of the country is in ohio, montgomery county it's not great.
Speaker 1:There's a lot of fraud going on in ohio over the course of the past 20 years. It's it's not been great for the economy, and then people are out of work or making less money and leads to drug use and just a vicious cycle as well. But we also have a video of trump not knowing where haitian immigrants come from. It sounds absurd. You'll have to hear it to believe it. It sounds absurd.
Speaker 3:You have to hear it to believe it. And illegal Haitians and he came in. Illegal Haitian migrants taking over a beautiful place. It was so beautiful, springfield, ohio. I was there. I campaigned there a while ago, springfield, it was so beautiful. Now it's just what a place Can you imagine? You have this small little community. All of a sudden, you have 20,000 illegals in your community. Nobody knows where they come from.
Speaker 2:They come from Haiti, the country where Haitians are born okay, now you know that in 2016, trump campaigned in little haiti, in florida, yeah, and he spoke at the haitian cultural center and he said that he was fighting for haitian americans and he was fighting for Haitian Americans and he was their champion.
Speaker 1:He was going to champion for them, and some say that that played a part with of him winning Miami Dade like put him over the top because, well, there are a number of things that might have helped contribute to that and I think, between that and, you know, referring to Hillary Clinton as Fidel Castro might have had something to do with it.
Speaker 2:Well, and then, like with the earthquake and stuff, what happened? Like they blamed the Clinton Foundation for so it was yeah, but he capitalized and he seized on that. He jumped on it. And not only that, but he hired more and he seized on that. He jumped on it. And not only that, but he hired more Haitians than anybody else to work at his resorts.
Speaker 1:Also true, yeah, I forgot about that. And not only that, this motherfucker.
Speaker 2:He tripled his administration, tripled the number of H-2B visas.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:The most since 2007. H2b visas yeah, the most since 2007, and he petitioned the doj for more h2b visas, like every year during. Like he to have them come? And what if you don't?
Speaker 1:like haitian immigrants in your state. Trump is partially responsible for that, so blame them. Don't blame the messenger. You blame the guy who did it. But also like, yeah, that he capitalized on that in 2016 and now he's stabbing Haitian immigrants in the back.
Speaker 2:He also, in 2019, extended their temporary protection status, along with 250,000 El Salvadorans in 2019. He extended it for a year, including work visas.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and I think the Biden administration continued that extension. But yeah, trump is like when Haitians were convenient for him, he was their champion and now he's trying to deport them to Venezuela.
Speaker 2:Yeah right.
Speaker 1:Like I don't. Maybe he really does not know where Haiti is, I'm guessing. I have no idea. It's insane. I don't understand how he gets away with this, what the media is doing with.
Speaker 2:Venezuela won't even take their own citizens.
Speaker 1:Yeah, did he ask Venezuela how they feel about having a bunch of Haitian immigrants dumped on them like pogrom style? If he takes power? I don't know, but he's threatening to round up every immigrant practically all over the country, whether they're here legally or not but he says he's gonna have to take over Aurora he basically has turned Aurora into the Carter Hotel in New Jack City.
Speaker 2:That's all of he says. They have taken over with their AK. I was like, did he just watch New Jack City last night?
Speaker 1:He might have. It's entirely possible. There's too many black people in that movie for him to finish that though, so he probably doesn't know how it is. So, also, I forgot about this, but apparently Laura Loomer got banned from the Trump campaign. Do you even? I don't even know why. Do you know what happened?
Speaker 2:I'm assuming that happened, maybe because she was going around talking about her sucking his tiny shrew.
Speaker 1:All right, I it happened. Uh, what's today? Oh so today is sunday. I believe this was friday, where it was reported that laura loomer was banned from um the trump jet, I love that for her yeah.
Speaker 1:So apparently trump is distancing distancing himself from her after he was just hugging on her like one of his rallies or something. I have no idea what's going on with the inner workings of this. I would imagine that she's you hop on the bandwagon, you try and, you know, went over his favor, and then the second he's done with you, you get tossed away and just I mean, they're never going to learn. No, yeah, it's just, it's unfortunate. And then they're all weird in the pictures together, like you know he probably charged her to fly on his plane and then they're all weird in the pictures together.
Speaker 2:Like you know, probably charged her to fly on his plane, I don't know.
Speaker 1:Was it the Epstein plane that he rented? So look, I have this thing. I don't have a concern when people are in other people's physical space in a way that seems overly familiar, generally speaking, because you know, if you work together with people over the course of time, you just you become friends or like in the in the case of Biden Harris. You know Biden's like a father figure. We all call him uncle Joe. She probably looks at him like stepdad. I mean not to say that, he's just politically speaking. So when they hug on stage and it looks extremely intimate, it's not in a romantic way, it's like a father daughter kind of affectionate way where he's like you know he's got his arm around her and he gave a little peck on the head and then. But when you see Trump physically intimate and like invading a woman's personal space, it just usually looks creepy.
Speaker 1:Yeah, it looks gross, the way he does it, but in the sense that. So there's this video of him hugging laura loomer with, like his hand around her waist, and that is not a like a father figure type physical interaction.
Speaker 2:That's yeah but the thing is is that it wasn't like somebody started a rumor. Everybody saw the same thing.
Speaker 1:Yeah, we all saw the same shit.
Speaker 3:Everybody was like yo everybody at the same time.
Speaker 2:What is going on. So it's like OK, I'm not crazy, because then I see you know 150 tweets with the same.
Speaker 1:I'm like OK that's why I wanted to give that caveat, Cause I was like I don't always jump to that conclusion just cause you see two people of the opposite sex in, like you know, in each other's physical space, but this one just looked like what it looked like. That's, that's what it. And again, you have to ask yourself if you're familiar with the political landscape and you watch the news and you watch these rallies and all these TV shows and whatnot. You have to ask yourself where the fuck is Melania?
Speaker 2:Yeah, Well, she's been saying how her privacy was invaded when the Mar-a-Lago was raided and watch out America Like she's been dropping little things.
Speaker 3:That was two years ago.
Speaker 2:It's like don't nobody, melania, nobody cares.
Speaker 1:Could you imagine if it was, you know, 2020, and Biden is out on the campaign trail and his wife, jill, is nowhere to be found? Do you know what kind of uproar the media would have about it would be, like, you know, jill missing, like headlines just for weeks and months and you know, at this point probably should be years, given the fact that we barely ever see milania. But, yeah, it's crazy that he gets to skate on fucking everything.
Speaker 2:They think that Joe Biden is a body double. I mean, I'm really.
Speaker 1:Well, republicans do, but not, I mean, the media knows that Joe Biden is Joe Biden, but yeah, it's insane. I don't know what happened to Laura Loomer. Fair enough, but yeah, laura Loomer got the boot and she's probably not going to be able to work her way back in, especially after this terrible.
Speaker 2:I would tread lightly because I imagine that if she did get that close to Trump's hang low, then you know that girl loves to spill tea and she's already Lindsay. We all know you're gay. That took me out.
Speaker 1:I don't want to out Lindsey Graham, but yes, there's a lot of strange behavior about Lindsey Graham that just never goes questioned. A lot of rumors floating around I mean it is a well-known, it's not even really it's an open secret at this point that you know. Whatever you think about Lindsey Graham's sexuality is probably true, and there are some more unfortunate rumors that I won't even mention on this podcast because I don't want YouTube to take the video down. By the way, if you're listening to our audio podcast, you can subscribe to our Pardon the Interaction YouTube channel. It's Pardon the Interaction. Just look that up. And if you're watching us on YouTube, hit that subscribe button and a like button and tell a friend Also.
Speaker 1:So on 9-11, trump did something utterly insane. I mean, obviously that's, that's trump's mo, but well, here you, you can walk for yourself. So that was a video of trump defacing American flag, which is super ironic because just a couple of months ago he said that if he were to be reelected president, then he would make it a federal crime. You make it a felony to to deface an American flag. You'd have to go to prison for that, and then here he is destroying an American flag. It's, it's. It's quite sad how in every.
Speaker 2:It's so gross Like Every opportunity he shit over. He shit on hallowed grounds at Arlington. He shit on the flag. He shits on our military. He shits on our Like he just.
Speaker 1:Our veterans who gave our lives.
Speaker 2:He's like a puppy with diarrhea who just is shitting all over everything and then, as soon as you clean it up, he shits right back over. It's incredible.
Speaker 1:Like you can't find anyone else on planet earth who spends this much time saying shit about how terrible someone is and then you know it obviously immediately applies to him thanks to his behavior. Like you just couldn't make this up. Oh also, so we're approaching near the six-month mark since the Truth Social stock was taken public and Trump has so like a lockout clause where, for a certain period of time, he's not able to sell stock until that time period is elapsed. So we're nearing that point. And then Trump was asked by a reporter whether or not he would be selling his stock, and I'm sure the answer was likely a lie. Let's see for ourselves.
Speaker 2:Media shares are down about 75 percent from their peak in march.
Speaker 1:Your lockdown provision ensues, will you sell your shares?
Speaker 3:no, I'm not selling. No, I love it. I mean, I use it as a method of getting out my word. You know, when it opened it went way high, but then the sec gave us nothing but problems. We had to go through a long, long process with the sec, but people think that I'm leaving. That's why they're down, because if I leave, you know it's different if I leave. But I'm not leaving, I love it. I think it's great. Mechanically it works the best. And again, I'm friendly with Elon and Elon would love me to come over to X, but I just, you know, I have a close to 100 million people on X. I had 230 million people onX and then they shut me down and I said I'm not going to let that happen again.
Speaker 1:All right, so a couple of things there. Since true social stock launched publicly, I think it was trading at somewhere in the high seventies over the course of the past 76, I think was the high. Yeah, mid seventies, I guess. Oh, over the course of the past six months, due to the fact that the company I don't even know how it's functioning it's losing millions of dollars every year, which?
Speaker 2:is incredible Hundreds of millions of dollars.
Speaker 1:Hundreds of millions of dollars, which is incredible considering-.
Speaker 2:But no staff and no office.
Speaker 1:Yeah, no staff, no office, no employees, no overhead housing, losing hundreds of millions of dollars. No one knows um, but that said uh, with the operating expenses being made public and its poor performance. We don't have time to go into this and to super in-depth um, but it since tanked from that 70 something dollar mark and down to the mid-teens uh, and if it dipped below, I believe believe, $12 per share, that lockout clause would extend by another few months or so, so he'd be unable to sell shares for even longer. But after making these comments, I think it tipped back up from, I think, where it was at $17. It might've been $16 range somewhere.
Speaker 2:It had gone down as low as 15, something I didn't see change.
Speaker 1:Well, after he made these comments, the true social stock price jumped up like 10% or so, so I think it's an 18 to 19 bucks now.
Speaker 2:He does know.
Speaker 1:Elon. Yes, he's familiar with Elon's work. You make these public statements about your company that could potentially affect the stock price, which you know. If our SEC was actually out here doing their jobs, they'd probably get him on that, and they might if Biden wins in November and gets to make another replacement. You mean.
Speaker 1:Kamala. Oh yeah, I'm doing the same thing Trump's doing. Biden's not running. Yeah, kamala wins and replaces a couple of people on the board. Maybe they'll look into this, especially if he does somehow manage to reach the end of this lockout period with the stock above $12 per share, and then he proceeds to sell shares of the stock, which you know. Typically those comments could be looked at as an SEC violation, if not Stock manipulation. Yeah, that's a federal crime. You can get charged for that, you know. Again, in terms of new Trump charges, we're not going to get any more until after the election at the earliest. We'll worry about that on another episode of the podcast.
Speaker 1:But, that being said, trump does also have yet another scam in store. So you may have may or may not have missed this. He talked about this when he came to Nashville for the cryptocurrency convention. On stage, he had mentioned something about possibly being involved in some kind of cryptocurrency. Well, he's announced basically a Trump branded cryptocurrency where obviously there's no value in it. I mean, this is just a it's like Sam Bankman fraud level shit where he's going to have a large, large majority of the stock if this thing goes public and he he sells all the shares, the valuable tank and just the people who invested will go broke, uh, which is, you know, not uncommon in the crypto world.
Speaker 2:Sorry, crypto fans out there just blame haiti yeah, yeah, they're, and they ate your.
Speaker 1:They ate your trump coin, uh they ate your nft now supposedly it's organized in such a way that, once it launches, he won't be able to sell um any of his shares of the digital currency. But you know they're the way around. That is, if he ends up being president, he can sell the shares, all the shares he wants, because who the fuck is going to do anything about it? I mean the supreme court. Basically, yeah, you can't prosecute a president, probably can't even get in in the civil court while he's in office, and then, obviously, he's not leaving office until he dies if he wins another election. So, you know, if you're looking forward to losing, uh, you know your life savings, go ahead and put it in whatever fucking knockoff bitcoin if they put it all into trump's crypto, Kamala can't tax it.
Speaker 2:Unrealized capital gains tax.
Speaker 1:Yeah, look man, he's been talking about deregulating cryptocurrency here for the past few months, and now you know why it's because he's got his fingers in the cookie jar, because of course he does.