Pardon The Insurrection
Where we discuss the ongoing Congressional and criminal investigations of the January 6 coup orchestrated by the former President. And because insurrection wasn't enough, we'll also cover the Department of Justice espionage investigation, investigations relating to other members of Congress, and more. Don't worry, we're not handing out any pardons.
Pardon The Insurrection
Feds Pull The Trump Card On Diddy
Have you ever wondered how a former president could turn a simple rally into a linguistic circus? Brace yourself for a wild ride through Trump's latest rally antics and his perplexing fixation on Kamala Harris's remarks. We laugh and cringe as we dissect his baffling public speaking style, his obsessive rants, and his ironic inability to see his own flaws. Through humor and sharp critique, we unravel the absurdity and contradictions in his statements, making sense of the chaos that surrounds his public appearances.
From there, we plunge into the controversy that erupted on Megyn Kelly's show, where a guest's racial slur against Haitian immigrants left viewers outraged. Kelly's silent complicity is scrutinized as we tackle broader societal issues of racism, white supremacy, and misogyny. Transitioning to lighter yet still bizarre news, we explore Trump's awkward attempt to promote Melania's book and uncover the dramatic legal troubles of Sean Combs (Diddy), highlighting the investigations and their significant implications.
Lastly, we dive deep into the disturbing allegations against Diddy, including sex trafficking and racketeering, exposing the dark reality of his "freak-off" parties. The emotional weight of the victim's accounts is discussed with the respect they deserve. Wrapping up the episode, we reflect on the tangled web of celebrity relationships, focusing on the powerful influence of Tupac Shakur on hip hop culture and Jada Pinkett Smith's enduring loyalty. We draw connections between these relationships and contemporary controversies, like Will Smith's Oscars incident, providing a thought-provoking conclusion to a jam-packed episode.
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I got Wendy Williams boobs right now.
Speaker 2:That's definitely going in the podcast. I really don't have any comment beyond that. I don't really. I just don't even know how to address you throwing your gigantic quadruple G Wendy Williams boobs in my face in the podcast. Yeah, titty. Tuesday was yesterday. One, two, three, four. Hey, this is D-Night. This is Ty.
Speaker 2:Carol is busy having a freak off at the moment. She's using up the thousand bottles of lube seized by the feds and you're listening to the Part of the Interaction podcast. No, she's using up the thousand bottles of lube seized by the feds and you're listening to the part of the interaction podcast. No, she's actually she. She's being mom right this second. She may be joining us later, um, fingers crossed.
Speaker 2:I always enjoy carol's company, uh, but again. So it's been one of those wild and wacky weeks. It's nearly unbelievable the amount of insanity that takes place from week to week. It's almost difficult to keep track of, and I am someone who attempts to do their best to kind of wrap my head around every single development if possible. But yesterday so Trump was at some kind of town hall meeting, slash rally, where he appears to continue to be butthurt over kamala harris, destroying him at the bait and claiming that his rallies are a dumpster fire and that people are constantly leaving. It was clearly on his mind, he could not stop thinking about it and even at the rally he could not stop talking about it, couldn't stop, couldn't help him.
Speaker 3:See, she said I don't think I've ever said this before. So we do these rallies. They're massive rallies, everybody loves, everybody stays till the end, by the way, you know, when she said that, well, your rallies, people leave. Honestly, nobody does. And if I saw them leaving, I'd say and, ladies and gentlemen, make America great again. I get the hell out. Ok, because I don't want people leaving, but I do have to say so.
Speaker 2:I, if you may have noticed, there Ozempic was trending yesterday and that was because there are fucking B Sanders. But no that's. He went on to ramble about the thing he does where. So there is this technique in public speaking where you take these various seemingly unrelated topics that have these nuanced point points and you weave them throughout a conversation or speech and then at the end you find a way to tie them all together. Uh well, trump just rambles. He doesn't actually weave anything together and there is no nuance. It's a bunch of dumb fuckery. But yes, it's the weave. It's also extraordinarily ironic that he was saying that because not long after he was making those comments about how no one ever leaves his rallies Well, people, People were leaving his rallies.
Speaker 2:Yeah, they were leaving his rallies in the middle of his speech. They're like we are getting the fuck out of here and I can't blame them. As kamala harris pointed out, people should actually attend these things or at least watch the uh, the, the broadcast.
Speaker 1:Watch it, you will be bored to death.
Speaker 2:Well, if you've never seen a Trump rally, actually you will be horrified, because they are quite disastrous. He says a number of insane things at these rallies, but the way the press typically tends to cover these is they'll be like Trump holds a rally, fans have whatever support yeah and then like they ignore the actual content of the rallies, where he says rather insane shit. I mean, yeah, you know so he today is wednesday as we're recording this and this rally contained a number of insane comments, and we will give you an example here.
Speaker 3:And God has now spared my life. It must have been God, thank you. Is that a new hair? Not once, but twice. Is that a new hair? Not once, but twice. And there are those that say he did it because Trump is going to turn this state around, he's going to turn this country around, he's going to make America great again.
Speaker 2:I think that's hairspray. And also, what kind of God saves you but kills your supporters?
Speaker 1:And kills children. That too.
Speaker 2:Right, right, yes, and what kind of God you know supports the person who's responsible for multiple bomb threats? Republican God Shutting down a city.
Speaker 1:White Jesus.
Speaker 2:Oh, that yeah, Right yeah.
Speaker 1:That's probably.
Speaker 2:Yes, I agree with you, that might be the guy that he's referring to, the guy of racism and bigotry and oppression and such. But apart from just random, just random insanity that Trump spews at his rallies, he also says well, just extraordinarily stupid like this patriotic new yorkers must get your asses out to vote.
Speaker 3:Gotta get up. Get a guy, harry. Get up, harry, harry. Get your fat ass out of the couch.
Speaker 2:You're gonna vote for trump today, harry uh, harry is a figurative example, just an just ambiguous general name that he uses to refer to like the average, but yes, a person the size and weight and you know composition physically, of Trump calling another person fat ass, that is just completely outrageous, it's totally unacceptable, like irony is dead.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean he dug it up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, whatever your sensitivity about you know making. Yeah, whatever your sensitivity about making fat jokes like, okay, that's fine, but the last possible thing we can have is someone gigantic, obese and round calling someone else fat ass. It's totally unacceptable, dude, it's just totally out of line. But apart from the stupidity, we also have numerous examples of Trump's cognitive decline in his ability rather his inability to just pronounce simple, straightforward words.
Speaker 3:The biggest site anywhere in the world, probably bigger than Saudi Arabia, bigger than Russia. And what did they do?
Speaker 2:Oh, he was also talking about Bagram Air Base there, where he was saying it was in Alaska and it's probably bigger than what did he say? Iraq, iran, one of those.
Speaker 1:I can't, I can't, I can't, I cannot.
Speaker 2:I'm 100% convinced that he's never looked at a map Right? Because, like yesterday, he was saying that global warming is awesome for Michigan because it'll create more seaside property. What scene? Do you know where Michigan is? What are we talking about here? What is going?
Speaker 1:on. He doesn't know where he is.
Speaker 2:Yeah, that's entirely likely. Yeah, I just I don't understand. Also, I mean, you know, russia is an extraordinarily complicated multi syllabic word that he was having difficulty pronouncing, but that's not, it's two syllables. But also he was having difficulty pronouncing another simple word. That's in these days. I mean, apparently multiple individuals are having difficulty with this word, but I'll let you hear it for yourselves.
Speaker 3:Illegal migrants.
Speaker 2:And they're not getting it from the yeah migrants there. And that reminds me that we also had what's his name? God damn, I forgot his name. It ralph. I don't know, I forgot his name already. That's so bad. All right, what's the? What's the guy's name that went on megan kelly show and and oh yeah, okay, so yeah, not, not not Ralph, but yeah, ryan Lowry. Yes, yeah, so Ryan Lowry.
Speaker 1:The N-word guy.
Speaker 2:Went on Megyn Kelly's show the other day and in a conversation where he was talking about Haitian immigrants in Springfield Ohio, he referred to them as in words, with the hard R, like he literally said it. He just misspoke T yeah, after the fact he was saying on Twitter that he was trying to say he was trying to say migrants conflated that with the word immigrants, I would imagine, and then, because of the hard and soft eyes in there, he got confused and said the wrong word. Now I will say the actual issue there is that neither immigrants nor migrants start with the word, with the letter and I played David.
Speaker 1:I didn't say anything. I go tell me what you hear and I know he heard it. I take that clip and David goes whoa yeah it's crazy.
Speaker 2:It was the Spongebob meme with the black dude and they've got the screen on the side and it's just got N-words and he's just sitting there looking like yeah.
Speaker 1:And, of course, megan Fightback didn't say anything.
Speaker 2:Yeah. So, more and more importantly again to address his explanation, not only do migrants or immigrants not start with N, they do not end with Iggers and they do not end with iggers. But yes, megan, yes, megan Kelly also just sat there kind of in silent endorsement. They try to just roll past it and pretend like no one would ever notice. I believe later, after it was posted, she tried to have the video taken down, but it was too late. Yeah, but like, get these dudes out of here. I mean, fuck that bitch. And if you're wondering why, in 2024, we're still dealing with issues of racism and white supremacy and misogyny, it's because largely and I know that you know men, white men typically are the individuals responsible for perpetuating this. But that too many white women sit in silent endorsement is why we continue to have the problem.
Speaker 1:Exactly, exactly.
Speaker 2:Yeah, and with that said, fuck those guys, lowry and. Megyn Kelly. Both just total disasters. I don't even understand. Fuck Megyn Kelly, please. Well, megan Kelly. Megan Kelly with Diddy's dick you know what?
Speaker 1:and we on the left, like we, went to her defense after what happened with her interview with trump, and then you know she was who was we? Because I didn't what I know I know what you're saying as a woman like I, and and I I watched um the movie, um god I can't remember the name right now.
Speaker 2:Yeah, we know what you're talking about with the fox news and yeah, everybody.
Speaker 1:I was a staunch defender of her as a woman and what she, regardless of if I agree with her politics, ideology, whatever, but as a no, I'm with you there.
Speaker 2:Just because someone on occasion is the like a, the bad messenger, doesn't necessarily mean their message is always discredited.
Speaker 1:But yeah, that's how I continue. So to see her what she is doing now. I'm like bitch, I fucking spoke up and spoke out for you. Like I, I can't even like she's doing the most right now and it is so fucking gross but yeah well, she is a version of the very same monsters that bombshell was about.
Speaker 2:So, um, it's difficult to defend her in that regard because she's not any better, just different. Um, not, I mean again, look, I don't want anyone to be sexually harassed or assaulted or, you know, have things held over you in terms of it, you know, furthering your career just because the people in control of an operation are men and you're a woman, like I don't approve of that, but also fuck Megyn Kelly.
Speaker 1:Yeah.
Speaker 2:Yeah, it's really not. Fuck megan kelly. Yeah, yeah, that's really not. Um, apart from that, also, we had an another instance of just trump making ridiculous admissions during his rallies, which, if you watched a number of them, he tends to do. But at least I mean, this one's not criminal, it's just criminally stupid. Uh, where he's talking about, uh, the book that his wife wrote. By the way, where is Melania?
Speaker 3:Go out and get a book. She just wrote a book. I hope she said good things about it. I don't know, I'm so busy. She just wrote a book called Melania. Go out and buy it, it's great.
Speaker 2:Yes, extraordinarily funny, and he's telling a crowd of supporters. Yeah, no we're not buying that book. Well, no, and then, like in the middle of like, in the middle of endorsing his wife's book, he's like I didn't read it but go get it I didn't read it but you should read it you guys should pick it up.
Speaker 2:Yeah, go ahead and go ahead and get that thing. That's hilarious. Yeah, it's extraordinarily funny too, because you know you probably read Laura Loomer's book. She might have two books. I would suggest, if you are able to read which I assume that if you're not a Trump supporter and you're listening to this podcast that you at least have the fifth grade reading ability required to read a Laura Loomer book. But even if you do possess that ability, I would suggest you still steer clear of that. But speaking of harrowing experiences at the hands of extraordinarily wealthy and powerful men, you may or may not have noticed that the other day, diddy, also known as P Diddy, also known as Puffy, also known as Puff Daddy, also known once upon a time as Love, there was a short stint with that particular alias. Originally born as Sean Combs, he was arrested by federal agents in New York.
Speaker 1:I love that for him.
Speaker 2:Thanks to the Southern District of New York and their investigation, along with the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security. And well, first of all, let's get to the press conference between the AUSA.
Speaker 1:Oh, damn that guy. And he went the straight face.
Speaker 4:Yes, he did. Here he is. As part of this investigation in March of this year, special agents from HSI executed search warrants at Combs' residences in Miami and Los Angeles. They also executed a warrant for Combs' electronic devices. During those searches, agents seized evidence of the crimes charged in this indictment. They seize firearms and ammunition, including three defaced AR-15s and a large-capacity drum magazine. They also seize evidence of the freak-offs, electronic devices that contain images and videos of the freak-offs with multiple victims, and they seize cases and cases of the kinds of personal lubricant and baby oil that Combs' staff allegedly used to stock hotel rooms for the freak-offs more than 1,000 bottles altogether. Here are some of the items that we recovered during the searches.
Speaker 2:We also have a clip.
Speaker 1:He said freak-offs with a straight fucking face.
Speaker 2:If you've read the indictment, which I suggest you do, it's about 14 pages long, but it's really closer to 12 in terms of content.
Speaker 1:They referenced the word freak-offs multiple times he was serious about his shit when he was like I'm the freak off, so like he.
Speaker 2:Absolutely. We have yet another video of him, the evidence that they seized at Diddy's Raid.
Speaker 4:As you can see here, this is a drum magazine, large capacity and it contains, I believe, 59 rounds. I mentioned as well that we recovered three AR-15s. This is a close-up shot of one of the ar-15s and you can see right here the serial number has been thoroughly defaced. Another picture of more ammunition and parts of two ar-15s right there all right.
Speaker 2:So no one in america gives a fuck about guns that's the country we live in, but it just. It is extraordinarily ironic that the individual who was snooping around Trump's golf course the other day who was arrested, was also filing the serial numbers off of his assault style rifles. But so where I'd like to start here, first of all, is just, if you read the indictment and I'll sum it up generally speaking, there are charges of sex trafficking, possession of illegal firearms and racketeering, which includes a number of instances of Diddy and his associates Associates engage I'm turning to Trump now Can't talk Associates engaging in numerous illegal acts. And then, once you have, you know, a number of acts establishing that this was some kind of organized entity engaging in these criminal activities, you're eligible for racketeering charge. And just long story short, if you would like our legal expertise on the likelihood of Diddy's success in fighting these charges, diddy is fucked. He is fucked like one of these freak off parties. I love that for him. Now look.
Speaker 2:So the content of the activity that Diddy was engaged in is extraordinarily dark. We are aware of that. It's extraordinarily serious and we just wanted to give you a graphic nature, a graphic content warning, before we even go down that path and us specifically, we're going to try and veer away from the darkness as much as possible. We understand the serious nature of this way from the darkness as much as possible. We understand the serious nature of this but also like we don't. We can't afford to be emotionally distraught by diving into the dark depths of this any more than I would imagine the audience can. But we'll try and tackle it in a way that we at least can be respectful of the victims but also just address how fucking ridiculous all of this is.
Speaker 2:So what Diddy was doing, according to law enforcement and Cassie, his former girlfriend, former singer, so he would host these parties. They would gauge in numerous sex acts. But where the illegality comes in is Diddy and his cohorts would recruit these young women and fly them across the country, crossing state lines, coerce them into performing sex acts, would pump them full of drugs to keep them compliant and also engaged with the activities, and would also afterwards he would well, he would video record these parties as they were ongoing and he would take these videos and use them to blackmail the women into not going to law enforcement and continuing to engage in these parties. He would coerce them with meetings financial, career-wise he is a fucking scumbag.
Speaker 1:He is a fucking worst and as a survivor of domestic violence and sexual assault Perfect time to have the hiccups Ty. Sexual assault. It was so triggering to me to read his indictment, but even more so Cassidy's accounting. Yeah, cassidy's accounting. Yeah, cassie, but her um accounting of what she experienced and yeah, it was rough.
Speaker 2:So, before you break down, I'll try and veer us away from this as soon as possible, because I mean, it's look it. I've not been a victim of any kind of sexual assault or sexual sexual abuse and it was extraordinarily difficult for me. So Diddy would corral these girls and rope them into this behavior and then pressure them, blackmail them or physically abuse them or verbally abuse them or threaten them into continuing to engage in these illicit acts. Now, generally speaking, I personally don't have any issue with what sexual activities people are involved in. If you're a man and you enjoy having sexual relationships with numerous women or men for that matter, more power to you. Same, if you're a woman, if you enjoy sleeping with multiple men even at the same time or even women for that matter, more power to you. I'm all rooting for that. Do what you got to do. Like life is short, yolo, get your shit off. The issue I have is that everyone involved needs to give their consent and typically the women involved not necessarily all of them, but many of them involved were not for various reasons, whether through coercion or blackmail or just being drugged we're not able to give their consent, or potentially underage, allegedly. We don't know necessarily if any of the women involved were underage, but it's a possibility. Obviously, if you're under the age of 18, generally speaking, in terms of federal law, you can't give your consent. So that's where the sex trafficking comes in, coercing women and flying them across state lines. It's generally where the feds get involved and from what I understand, I would imagine this investigation has been going on for a couple of years minimum at this point.
Speaker 2:Obviously we had cassie file a lawsuit that made a bunch of these allegations public initially. Uh, diddy immediately settled that, like a day after the the lawsuit was filed. Uh, we also had an incident incident where in a hotel, it appears as though there was video of cassie fleeing a hotel room in which diddy was present. She made it all the way down the hall to the elevator shoeless. So she was fleeing under duress and diddy made his way down the hallway in a towel and proceeded to physically assault her.
Speaker 2:Extraordinarily disgusting. I think we've aired it previously on the podcast. We won't be doing so today. It's extraordinarily graphic. You don't have to watch it, but it does exist and if you choose to watch it it's pretty tough. It's gross for a number of reasons, not just the extraordinarily violent nature of the physical assault. But I think what I found noteworthy about watching it was was cassie's reaction, like once diddy ran down the hall and caught her and and get this, like she's fully clothed, he's got one hand free, basically because he's holding up his towel with the other one, because he doesn't have on any clothes. And as opposed to fighting back as someone would typically do in a stressful situation where you have, like heightened adrenaline and whatnot, a fight or flight response, um, she neither fought nor fleed, she kind of just gave up like uh it?
Speaker 4:yeah, I know it was tough.
Speaker 2:Uh, you know, and I hate to, I don't want to compare Cassie to a dog in the sense that, like, it has nothing to do with any kind of, you know, gender associations you might have with that comparison. But you know how, like, if you have a dog and it's been caged and it's been beaten and abused to a point at some point you no longer need the cage, right, you can let the dog out of the cage. The dog isn't going to do anything, it's not going to fight, it's not going to bark, it's not going to bite and if you strike it again it will just roll over and give up. And that's what Cassie did and that suggests a long-term pattern of physical abuse in terms of directed at her by Diddy. It was gross, it was tough, tore me up.
Speaker 2:But moving on from the general, obviously it's extraordinarily dark, but bigger picture. So one of the things that was probably noteworthy if you were reading the indictment is it wasn't extraordinarily clear on Tom's dates names of individuals involved in this activity procuring drugs and procuring girls and organizing these parties and whatnot. But you can imagine with the way they worded the indictment and the way they referenced the fact that Diddy was basically using his companies were doubling is like legit businesses. But also his employees were like on the side, arranging all of these activities in order to take advantage of these women, and probably men Like I'm not necessarily sure on how many of the victims, the unwilling participants, were male or female, it's not really clear in that regard.
Speaker 2:But I think, if you would imagine, the Southern District of New York spent a few years building this case, but Diddy is the only one indicted with charges of racketeering and they're referencing his interactions with numerous that the investigation was ongoing in both terms of Diddy and his associates, and then more charges could follow up. So be on the lookout for that. But I clearly think you know, just given the nature of Cassie's suit against Diddy, that she's likely been cooperating at least for some time, if not possibly the individual who sparked the investigation in the first place. It is a bunch of crazy shit in some of the allegations she made. So you may remember once upon a time Cassie had a brief romantic interest in an artist, kid Cuddy.
Speaker 1:Well, that shit is wild as fuck to me.
Speaker 2:So Diddy has a jealous streak, obviously, but upon hearing of this romantic interest in Kid Cudi, there was an incident where Kid Cudi's car exploded and it is allegedly well. Diddy allegedly is involved in the placing of a car bomb on Kid Cudi's car and caused it to explode. It's fucking bananas. This dude is running around like the mob dog. He's blowing up cars and beating people and got the AKs and the tug. It's wild, it's bananas man.
Speaker 1:I am putting a bomb and blowing up a motherfucker.
Speaker 2:I can't even wrap my head around that shit like yeah, like you know, we, you and me, we might well. I don't know how you roll, because you you might know some dudes, but like, if I want to, like you know, if, if I'm having an issue, some, with someone and it's going to result in some violence, maybe I got a couple guys I can call to like show up at your spot and like kick your ass. Maybe I ain't got nobody that knows how to procure a car bomb, install it on your vehicle and remote detonate it or attach the wires to your door sensor so that when you get in the car it explodes. I mean, this is just, this is wild shit, man.
Speaker 2:This is this is beyond bonkers but like really, it is like okay, all the way fucking live like yeah, I don't know, it's just, it's extraordinarily, it's wild, but if you think about other instances in Diddy's past, that kind of show that he does indeed have a jealous streak. There was a shooting in 1999 where an artist of Diddy's was involved Shine 1999, where an artist of Diddy's was in shine, shine, yeah.
Speaker 2:So I guess to rewind even further on that story. So Diddy once upon a time dated J-Lo. I guess you know what celebrity hasn't at this point. Uh, no offense, I mean like again as I said earlier I approve J-Lo, get your shit off, yeah, anyway. So, upon their breakup, diddy released not one, but two breakup songs, which doesn't necessarily equate to kind of violent, jealous behavior.
Speaker 1:I mean, maybe if you listen to one of them songs, you have some questions.
Speaker 2:I will jealous behavior. I I mean maybe if you listen to one of them songs you have some questions, but, um, I actually can't remember where they were.
Speaker 1:Was it in manhattan? Might have been brooklyn. Yeah, no, yeah, it wasn't. It wasn't the city?
Speaker 2:well, it was in new york city and, um you know, there were rumors of Diddy's involvement in that. But eventually police arrested and convicted John one of his artists in that shooting.
Speaker 1:And, if you, he took that L, for you know what?
Speaker 2:it is not uncommon for situations with extraordinarily powerful people involved in criminal activity for people lower down the totem pole to Basically take the fall. There's like literally a term for it. It's called a fall guy for a reason. So you know, just given what we know about Diddy's behavior now, looking back retroactively, retrospectively, it's not difficult to infer that actually Diddy was likely responsible for that, if not directly, indirectly. Behavior, um, like that we're now currently aware about it draws a lot of questions about numerous things in diddy's past. Uh, that it just ain't, it ain't a good look dog. So so if you're not aware of what I'm alluding to here, uh, there have been numerous rumors over the course of the past couple of decades of Diddy's involvement in the deaths of both Tupac Shakur and Notorious BIG, considering they had a fairly infamous rap beef in the mid-90s that resulted both the devs of the two of them two of the most iconic fucking lyricists ever yeah them, my guys.
Speaker 2:I am more of a Tupac fan and a Biggie fan, but that's not about lyrical ability, that is just cause you know, I have an emotional attachment to the one and not the other, but it's so. If you're listening to this and you're unaware, uh, clearly I'm black. If you could imagine what kind of music I'm. I mean, I guess if you want to stereotype the kind of music I imagine you imagine that I listen to. That's the type of music that I listen to and I've been listening to it for a long time.
Speaker 1:Most people probably would not, as I am all of that all fucking day. And you know Tupac he was so profound. And you know Jada Pinkett bailed him out fucking, which a lot of people don't know about. And you know Jada Pinkett bailed him out Fucking which a lot of people don't know about Like she was right or fucking die.
Speaker 2:Nah, she love that dude, jada Pinkett. Jada Pinkett Smith, for the record, yeah, will still readily speak about her infatuation and love for Tupac Shakur, even though she's currently married to Will Smith, and you can, I mean. Anyway, we all know what's been going on with Will Smith.
Speaker 1:You can slap like a motherfucker.
Speaker 2:You can imagine, with everything that Will Smith has been going through and given some of the insecurities he might have about his relationship with his wife and not that I'm condoning this, but I'm saying given some of the insecurities he might have about his relationship with his wife not that I'm condoning this, but I'm saying, given all of that, you might could understand, if you know all of the relevant information, how Will Smith ended up at the Oscars on stage laughing the shit out of Chris Rock. It's a lie there.
Speaker 1:He's my mama's damn auto-motherfucking boss.
Speaker 2:That's not the first. Like so will smith, chris rock, jada pinkett, all friends, numerous interactions over the course of the years. Like it's not, it didn't just come out of nowhere. But we don't have time to do that. We're doing something totally different here. But so, yes, I I love hip hop music. Tupac's my guy Used to listen to him as a kid. But that aside, with what we know about Diddy's behavior over the course of the past you know 15 years or so. If you just go back another 10 years, you could draw a straight line from Tupac Biggie to you know a straight line from Tupac Biggie to you know all of this weird behavior with the sex parties and using the video to blackmail women and possibly other attendees to keep them quiet. You know car bombs all the way to now. You can draw a straight line.