Pardon The Insurrection
Where we discuss the ongoing Congressional and criminal investigations of the January 6 coup orchestrated by the former President. And because insurrection wasn't enough, we'll also cover the Department of Justice espionage investigation, investigations relating to other members of Congress, and more. Don't worry, we're not handing out any pardons.
Pardon The Insurrection
Biden's Weather Machine Stumps Hurricane Simpleton
What if President Biden really had a weather machine at his fingertips? We kick off an entertaining journey through the maze of modern politics, starting with the latest antics of Marjorie Taylor Greene and a tongue-in-cheek pondering of Biden's climate-controlling gizmo. As the laughter fades, we tackle serious matters such as the media hurdles Biden faces and Kamala Harris's refreshing pivot to podcasts and YouTube, bypassing conventional channels perceived to be biased. Her strategy speaks volumes about the evolving media landscape, offering us a glimpse into her campaign's innovative approach to voter engagement.
Next, we unfold a lively discourse comparing the public personas and strategies of Kamala Harris and Donald Trump. Discover how Harris's genuine media appearances stand in stark contrast to Trump's familiar rally rhetoric. The conversation shifts gears, addressing Harris's diplomatic stance on international issues like the Ukraine conflict, and how it diverges from Trump’s past approaches. We also touch on the Trump-Putin dynamic, exploring alleged misinformation during Trump's tenure and reflecting on the broader implications for leadership and diplomacy in today's world.
Finally, we dive into the controversies surrounding Trump's actions and comments, as unveiled in Bob Woodward's new book "War." From allegations of sending COVID testing machines to Putin to his puzzling statements about hurricanes and energy, we critique the absurdities and contradictions in Trump's rhetoric. Through humor and critical analysis, we illuminate the peculiarities of Trump’s public statements, while highlighting Kamala Harris's tactical handling of these issues. Join us in this engaging episode, where we blend wit and critique to navigate the ever-evolving political discourse.
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What's our quip for the podcast today? Oh, I know what it is, never mind. Okay, figured it out. I forgot for a second. It'll be a playoff of Marjorie Taylor Greene's Insanity.
Speaker 2:I can't wait to never, ever have to hear her name again.
Speaker 1:Or see her face.
Speaker 3:Especially see her face, especially see her face yeah, or her direction. Marjorie is a fine name, it sounds pretty out of context. The face you can't, can't do shit with the face.
Speaker 1:Don't want to see the rest of her body either. If I can help it, I'm tired of her.
Speaker 2:I'm tired of that boyfriend of hers. She's just a whole fucking mess. Who's her boyfriend? Her boyfriend brian glenn from rsb oh yeah, yeah, she's still fucking that fucking weirdo yeah, yeah, well, you know, I guess she's.
Speaker 1:You know, at least she's not fucking the entire gym now that we know of also true, right, I mean, and you know, typically I'm in favor of women fucking the entire gym. Just go bananas with that like pro-sex positivity over here, uh. But you know, you can't also be a part of the party that proclaims family values and be a hoe. One, two, three, four. Hey, this is D-Night.
Speaker 3:This is Carol, this is Ty.
Speaker 1:You're listening to the Part of the Interaction podcast where we do control the fucking weather. Act up and we'll send a fucking hurricane in your direction.
Speaker 3:We are the day. Who blows the wind?
Speaker 1:Yeah D I like to imagine just like Biden is sitting there in the Oval Office with like the laptop open and he just hits the hurricane button and poof when it magically appears in the. Gulf. It's like that's what we're doing here.
Speaker 2:Somebody had posted a picture and it was some contraption. It was like oh, biden chained it to a Calgary 5.
Speaker 1:Yeah, Biden at the Express machine. The hurricane on that.
Speaker 2:He's probably sitting here thinking like boy, if you only knew I wish I had a fucking weather machine to be done with you people. I think Biden is over it. His last few times the questions that he's been getting and he's like man, get the fuck out of here.
Speaker 1:You can tell he put his two weeks notice in in.
Speaker 2:He don't give no fucks no more he's like y'all can't fire me. I can't wait to be done with this shit. Yeah, he's just snapping and everything.
Speaker 1:because, in in all fairness to biden, like the media just asks him such stupid fucking questions and if like the, like the, maybe the question itself isn't super dumb. Sometimes the context of it is so stupid that you gotta dismiss these fucking morons, and that's probably why Kamala Harris has been on the most insane media tour we've ever seen from a presidential candidate here over the course of the past week.
Speaker 2:And you have to give it to Biden too. He's been around a long time. He is an old school centrist kind of democrat. He's what worked across the aisle, he's reached across the aisle. He's had friends from both parties.
Speaker 1:So this is just bad shit to him right now he he's like yeah well, he's, he is, he does the pennsylvania thing, but in essence he is a southern democrat, you know, has its own charm and appeal to it. But also it's like we know he's not putting up like they don't put up with any bullshit. He has that in spades. But so, given the failures of the media, it's not surprising. Kamala Harris here over the past week has been on a historic media blitz, doing everything from 60 Minutes to the colbert show and also hitting up every popular podcast in america from all the smoke, every popular podcast, every popular podcast.
Speaker 1:Well, you, know that we're not popular, are you?
Speaker 3:saying we're not popular, or that kamala harris is going to be on today's show. Oh my God, all right.
Speaker 1:We're going to have Kamala Harris on later. We'll save that for you. I didn't want to spoil it, but from all the smoke to call her daddy, even doing the Stern show to much regard, if you saw any clips of that interview, she's been out here doing it up. The mainstream media is quite upset. They're saying that she's been out here doing it up. The mainstream media is quite upset. They're saying that she's not doing enough interviews and not talking to enough journalists.
Speaker 1:Here she is doing everything possible to connect with the voter, and that's what's most important, given that the media doesn't actually, uh, care about telling its viewers the truth more so she knows, gen z ain't sitting around watching andrea fucking mitchell no, they're not you know like no, that's not a thing reading the new york the new york times, for that matter and the problem with the new york times and these other media outlets are obvious if you've been paying attention over the course of the past four years. They're in the bag for trump. I mean, we can just be honest about that. They don't. While Trump is an extraordinarily dangerous threat to the United States and to their well-being if he wins, he's also extraordinarily good for clicks, so they do everything they can to milk him for all he's worth, while also doing absolutely nothing to endanger his chances of winning. So, yeah, that's, that's the fault of the media, and so you can understand what Kamala Harris is like. Fuck you guys.
Speaker 1:I will go straight to the places that that will be me in the people's heads and, for the most part, in 2024, the world we live in. That is YouTube, podcast, twitch and such, and she's been doing a fantastic job. I think one of the complaints the media has been making over the past well, ever since she basically took over as the democratic nominee, is that she doesn't, you know, talk to the public enough, that she doesn't. The people don't know her, and she doesn't tell anything about herself and she doesn't talk about policy. Well, she's been doing that. She's been doing a lot of that here over the course of the past week.
Speaker 1:She uh recently unveiled her plan for the expansion of medicare to cover like uh awesomeness in home treatment yeah, a major change that would probably benefit numerous americans, especially those you know from the 40, 50, 60 year old range who are trying to work and take care of their kids and take care of their parents and having to deal with uh, you know medical issues within the family. I mean, just a fantastic idea and supported wholeheartedly and she's awesome.
Speaker 2:Sorry, I guess I guess I mean she's thinking forward.
Speaker 2:She thinks about regular people and that is a huge thing, and especially with the boomers generation, they're really going to be needing assistance workers. Things are super expensive. Medicare advantage is garbage that you know it's. It's going to squeeze even more those in my age range. You know the 50, you know I'll say 45 to you know 60 year olds who still might have a kid that's in high school or a kid that's in college or maybe even a younger one if you got started a little late, you know, with the kids and then your parents, and there could be any unforeseen medical emergency in your own life period regarding yourself yeah, maybe your husband.
Speaker 1:I'm well aware of that possibility and you know, in contrast, trump's plan 2025, is basically to wipe out Medicare.
Speaker 3:So you know, if you just like to know His plan has always been if you are, if you're poor, you can die.
Speaker 1:Yeah, you're laughing, but that's always been his plan.
Speaker 3:I'll tell you in two weeks. Their plan is obviously if he's like afford medical care you deserve to die.
Speaker 2:I mean, he did say that about his own great nephew. You're not wrong. Why are you taking care of this kid? You know I'm not, I'm not even being hyperbolic.
Speaker 3:I used to think that I was when I said shit like that, but that's really. That's clearly the plan.
Speaker 1:They don't think that people who can't afford you know um capitalistic health care deserve to live um, ty, and ty's absolutely right about that he basically told his I mean basically said that his great nephew could just die.
Speaker 4:He acted like it more callously to his nephew than most people would treat their dog.
Speaker 2:When people say things they're like oh well, trump is, he's already said he's not a part of 2025. He also said that planes would fall out of the sky if the sun wasn't shining. Ok, so we're going to take that.
Speaker 1:I mean, the other day he literally said one of the first things he's going to do when he's elected president is hire the guy Holland, I believe, is his name.
Speaker 2:Oh, Tom Holman.
Speaker 1:Holman yeah, and he's the architect of Project 2025.
Speaker 2:Yeah, I don't know what I meant anyway, and he's like that's, the first thing I'm gonna do is bring him back on. And then I don't know what their thing is with stephen miller right now and trying to turn him into some bachelor candidate. But that's just gross, that's yeah, I can't which oh, you didn't.
Speaker 1:You didn't hear what jesse waters said about him uh, it was a weird creepy video where they tried to make him seem like some kind of boss, alpha man, and if you look at Stephen.
Speaker 3:He's so gross, he's so gross. He looks like some sort of gremlin.
Speaker 1:Yes, the only women on the planet who are inclined to have sex with him. He would pay for Speaking of Kamala Harris and having her on the show, which we actually do not. Oh no, really Hate to disappoint you, but we do have a clip of her on Stephen.
Speaker 7:Colbert, I want to ask you a question that Speaker Johnson recently called a gotcha question.
Speaker 6:Okay.
Speaker 7:And it's a question that a lot of Republicans are avoiding. Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election? Did Donald Trump lose the 2020 election? I know it's a hard question.
Speaker 6:You know I'm going to tell you what some of the people in my rallies, quite a few people, are showing up by the way.
Speaker 3:That's a damning non-answer.
Speaker 6:You know when you've lost. You lost millions of jobs, you lost manufacturing, you lost automotive plants, you lost the election. What does that make you A loser? This is what somebody at my rally said. I thought it was funny.
Speaker 7:It's accurate. It's accurate.
Speaker 6:This is what happens when I drink beer.
Speaker 1:No, yeah, I mean it's been a lot of that Incredibly funny, charming, witty, smart, thoughtful, and she's lame Seems approachable, like you can have a beer with him. Yeah, well, that came up.
Speaker 2:Absolutely.
Speaker 3:I definitely have a beer with her man, but yeah if you miss, I need a beer, but I definitely just yeah.
Speaker 1:I mean, I'm a fan of beer in terms of it's like the alcoholic beverage I can drink the least of. So if I'm trying not to get intoxicated and just want to have like one drink, I'll crack open here's it yeah, that's, that's what I get that, I'm just.
Speaker 2:I'm the same when it comes to beer. I'm david's the exact opposite. But yeah, if I'm like, I just want to chill, yeah, and not go off the rail I have one beer and then that's probably because I don't want to drink two, um anyway.
Speaker 1:So yeah, largely her interviews have been consistent with with that demeanor. I mean, she's just winning over the public with the, with the charm but the genuineness, and telling her story and talking about her family and her experiences.
Speaker 3:I know you already mentioned how she got herself onto all these shows, but, man, she is so resourceful and, like I'm excited to have someone so capable as president.
Speaker 1:And it's also nice to have like a vice president currently who's not a fucking weirdo like the vice presidential candidate from the other party, but also, I would say, just like the plan of. It's like a month before the election and she's doing all of these high profile interviews, 60 Minutes, and all the podcasts and such, and Donald Trump's basically back to doing his same old shtick at these rallies, talking about exploding cars. I mean, it's just. It's quite the incredible contrast.
Speaker 3:But he can't keep talking about exploding cars once he has Elon Musk at the rally.
Speaker 1:Well you say that That'll be awkward you say that he actually did that oh my. God, he did say that. That'll be awkward. You say that he actually did that. Oh my God.
Speaker 2:He did say that he should ask him to stop talking about EVs.
Speaker 1:Yeah, and that was like right after talking about hydrogen cars exploding. But we also have a clip of Kamala Harris here being asked about potentially meeting with Vladimir Putin.
Speaker 4:What does success look like in ending the war in Ukraine?
Speaker 6:There will be no success in ending that war without Ukraine and the UN Charter participating in what that success looks like.
Speaker 4:Would you meet with President Vladimir Putin to negotiate a solution to the war in Ukraine?
Speaker 6:Not bilaterally without Ukraine. No, Ukraine must have a say in the future of Ukraine.
Speaker 4:As president, would you support the effort to expand NATO to include Ukraine?
Speaker 6:Those are all issues that we will deal with if and when it arrives. At that point. Right now, we are supporting Ukraine's ability to defend itself against Russia's unprovoked aggression. Donald Trump, if he were president Putin, would be sitting in Kiev right now. He talks about oh, he can end it on day one. You know what that is? It's about surrender.
Speaker 1:Yeah, very. Goddamn, goddamn right inside of a comment from kamala harris there, and that's an important contrast to how trump attempted eating the dogs, oh no uh.
Speaker 1:That's an important contrast to how trump attempted to end the war in afghanistan by negotiating directly with the tal, leaving out the Afghan government in its entirety and negotiating a deal that involved the release of the 5,000 Taliban soldiers that ended up being partially including their leader, which ended up being partially responsible for the mess that was created by the largest military withdrawal we've ever seen in history. And then kudos to Biden for managing it. Managing to pull that off with his little chaos is what happened, but I mean part of the reason the government fell is Trump negotiated the surrender of Afghanistan bilaterally.
Speaker 2:I don't really understand how people don't get you negotiated with terrorists. So those terrorists deciding not to hold to the agreement and run in and attack. Well, that's kind of what terrorists do, yeah, you know, not really known for keeping their word.
Speaker 1:And again, why would you negotiate with the Taliban when the Afghan government was running Afghanistan, unless the whole point was to ensure the fall of Afghanistan and return it A?
Speaker 2:poison pill for Biden. Yeah, a poison pill.
Speaker 1:And that's also important for other reasons, largely because, well, we understand what Trump's relationship to Putin is to some degree, and it's one of utter fealty to Vladimir Putin. And here we have President Biden being asked about an incident that occurred during the Trump administration in regards to Vladimir Putin.
Speaker 3:May God bless you all, and may God protect those serving in the eye of this storm.
Speaker 4:On behalf of our nation, thank you nation. Thank you.
Speaker 2:Why do you think Trump is spreading misinformation?
Speaker 5:Why do you think President Trump has sent?
Speaker 4:misinformation to. President Putin during the height of the pandemic. Do you have a comment, sir? Why do you think Trump is spreading misinformation?
Speaker 1:Yeah. So if you didn't hear that clearly, biden was asked why, when Trump was president, was he sending extraordinarily valuable COVID testing machines to Vladimir Putin at the height of the pandemic, when America needed it most? And he said it was extraordinarily un-American. That's an understatement. He said it was extraordinarily un-American. That's an understatement. So if you missed it, fyi, bob Woodward, famously from reporting on Watergate, he's written a new book entitled War, wherein some of some of that is detailed that there was an incident late in 2020, with the pandemic at its peak, trump decided to send extraordinarily valuable and limited COVID testing machines to Vladimir Putin for his personal use. And I know a lot of you thinking like, oh, it's like the little strips where you take the little personal tests. Now, these are like the machines that can do the repeated tests and they have like this rapid response. I think it's in somewhere in like five minutes.
Speaker 3:Like a PCR machine.
Speaker 1:Yeah, kind of, and it was extraordinarily valuable and in limited supply at the time. In all likelihood, there are probably some patients that died because we had a lack of these machines and Trump made a point to personally send Vladimir Putin numerous instances of these items, and also it's been that Putin could screen his own visitors in all likelihood, it's also during the pandemic that Trump knew was not fake, all right. Which which.
Speaker 3:Bob Woodward revealed in his previous book way after the situation Fuck, bob Woodward.
Speaker 1:Go on. We'll get to all of that in just one second. So, also in the book, woodward reported that Trump also had a private conversation with Putin, which Putin told Trump not to tell anyone that Trump was sending those machines because everyone would be mad at Trump and not Putin, meaning that Putin totally understood the predicament that Trump would be in for sending such aid of that kind at that time to Russia. So, yeah, I guess for starters, we can like I'm embarrassed by the work Bob Woodward's been doing over the course of the well, the Trump era, just like you're doing all of this investigative journalism, but you're sitting on all of the most valuable stories until you have your book ready to go, as opposed to sharing this valuable information to inform the voters, which is, people were dying yeah you know like it's unforgivable.
Speaker 2:It's egregious. That behavior is un-american, it's complicit, 100 percent and lacks the journalistic integrity that we thought he had because of watergate. But he's just been living off those fumes for 50 years.
Speaker 1:Yeah, I mean and look, you know I get it, bro, like you want to do some cloud chasing. But obviously if I have some information that's extraordinarily valuable in terms of determining whether or not, like a wannabe dictator, will get to win an election in America, I'm probably going to try and do the right thing and get that information out there as soon as possible, not save it for the fucking book sales. I mean, it's just like shame on Bob Woodward. I know he's a super highly respected journalist in media circles but like I'm a normal fucking guy just out here trying to say like not only do what little I can to save my democracy but also not end up in a fucking concentration camp. So in that regard, fuck Bob Woodward, jesus Christ.
Speaker 2:But in terms, of damn journalist like he should. But you know, then again, he is a white man and there's a certain arrogance that comes with that also he's old right, I mean how many he doesn't have to if he doesn't have to
Speaker 1:so reap what he's sown uh well, if anything, in terms of his age, he grew up in a time where there were more strict journalistic guidelines, so he would for sure be aware of just the inappropriate nature of sitting on stores, and this is not the first time he's done it. Like you said, this is a pattern of behavior like Bob Woodward. In my opinion, at this point, it's kind of a piece of shit. But also, as you were saying, look just more clear evidence.
Speaker 1:Not only did Bob Woodward earlier reported that Trump knew that COVID was extraordinarily serious, but like the fact that if, like you know all of those times, trump implied that COVID was a hoax, why is he's in the fucking test of Vladimir Putin, of all fucking people, like Jesus Christ? And just not only that. Like you said, ty, it's a betrayal of Americans, like we needed those machines as much as anyone. He's supposed to be responsible for American lives. Just no concern for the outcome of, you know, covid infections in America, given that he did everything he could in 2020 to make sure that the infection spread as far and wide as possible, holding rallies. I mean, even Herman Cain rest in pieces, died out there on the Trump campaign trail after a super spreader event at a Trump rally. So yeah, I mean just extraordinarily embarrassing behavior by both Trump and Woodward in this regard. Obviously, trump's is more egregious, but also the fact that, like Putin, was well aware of the political the bar is just so low for him that people that's true, yeah.
Speaker 1:Like if we could just hold Trump to the same standard that we hold just even anybody else like literally anyone else, like this election would already be over.
Speaker 1:But Putin being quite aware of the political implications of trump doing this and telling him, hey, you got to keep this on the low. Uh, that implies that putin is well aware also that he could use this information to blackmail trump. And you just gotta wonder, like, over the course of the past, what year are we, in eight past eight years of this trump disaster, what shit right or trump's done for putin in secret that putin can hold over him? Because I mean this, you know, despite the meat lack of media coverage over it, it's a pretty huge fucking deal. And also, I guess, if you just think about like, like, we have no idea what kind of conversations Trump's been having with Putin. But you know, wood reported in his book that there could have been somewhere up to seven private calls between Trump and Putin since he left office. And I mean, jesus Christ, trump was sitting down there in Mar-a-Lago with boxes and boxes of stolen, fucking classified documents. Who knows what kind of shit he shared with Putin.
Speaker 2:It's true, that is true. And then what Putin shared with Iran, that is like one of his largest allies is Iran. So I don't, I don't know, like where that's going, because Trump wanted to bomb Iran before he left office, wanted to bomb Iran before he left office, he wanted to. I don't know, it's just all. It's so much. And I still want to know what the hell that Russian plane was doing, sitting on the tarmac a couple of months ago next to Trump's plane for two days, no idea.
Speaker 1:And the United Arab Emirate plane that they were all in the same plane, all in a row just hanging out. Yet look, just chilling. I mean, you know, theoretically we don't know if the FBI recovered all the stolen documents in the rate of Mar-a-Lago, so anything's possible, I don't know. I'm assuming the FBI was keeping an eye on that, but you never fucking know.
Speaker 2:They've never gone to badminster and searched badminster though.
Speaker 1:I mean, I think maybe they have they just don't know everything right. I mean they could have no I think that it would be public news.
Speaker 3:No, I don't think there's a way for them, so yes, because of how much journalistic integrity all of the media has and how thorough a job trump would have been screaming it on fraud, social from the top.
Speaker 1:That's the thing trump would let us know he would confess no. So one of the things they fraud social from the top of his lungs, that's the thing Trump would let us know he would confess no. So one of the things they agreed to over the course of, you know, the back and forth between the FBI and Trump's legal team was that the legal team would search Trump's other properties. Now they signed an affidavit saying they searched all his other properties and didn't find anything.
Speaker 1:Of course we know. You know Trump's lawyers are not to be trusted, given that even a couple of them have been crime fraud accepted. But I'm assuming if there had actually been a search we would know, because it would be at least somewhat publicly visible and I'm sure many allies in New York, or rather New Jersey, would have picked up on that immediately. Just, you know again, who knows what Putin holds over Trump? Because after this story came out, the Kremlin, a Kremlin spokesperson, confirmed it to be true, even though Trump's campaign is denying it. And I wish, like the media would like, that I thought was funny as hell.
Speaker 2:I mean, it was funny like Putin just be playing in Trump's face. Trump's like that's a lie. It's a Kremlin's like yep and that's what I'm saying, right like.
Speaker 1:So, now that we know this story to be true and the Kremlin is confirming it, even though Trump is lying, like how what other information could they possibly have on Trump that they could use to burn him with if they really wanted to? But speaking of well, you know Biden previously talking about the hurricane in that previous video. You know everyone in Florida. I hope you're doing well. Hope everything goes well. I know this hurricane is terrifying from the perspective of the amount of damage it could possibly cause, the amount of lives it could possibly take. If you were able to get out of Florida or, you know, escape to higher ground or move inland Like I, just you know, kudos to you for everyone who wasn't able to do that. I'm rooting for you. But we do have Trump commenting here on, well, just the strength of this hurricane.
Speaker 5:You don't even know what's coming at us. All we know is it's possibly the biggest. I have not sure. I'm not sure that I've ever even heard of a category five. I knew it existed and I've seen some Category 4s. You don't even see them that much. But a Category 5 is something that I don't know, that I've ever even heard the term other than I know it's there, that's the ultimate and that's what we have, unfortunately.
Speaker 1:That man was president for four years and he doesn't know what a category five hurricane is and he lives in.
Speaker 6:Florida.
Speaker 1:That's a good point. He has a home in Florida and he's never heard of a category five hurricane. It seems impossible, seems impossible. I mean, even if you don't know the specifics of a category five, you know well, you know there's tropical storms and then at a certain wind velocity, they get upgraded to hurricanes and there's there's categories of from one to five. Five is extraordinarily strong, one is in.
Speaker 3:You know if you draw a category six with a sharpie you may have. So don't worry, it's not a six yet well.
Speaker 1:So if you're wondering, in terms of like the media's expectations of our presidential candidates, as you've seen over the course of the past couple of months, the standard for biden, and then harris is extraordinarily high, and then Harris is extraordinarily high, and then Trump is on TV saying he's never heard of a Category 5 hurricane, and it's just absolute crickets in that regard. And Trump's also got well. Previously, when he was in office, made a comment about a hurricane that occurred during the course of his administration. That is also quite enlightening in terms of understanding his specific level of knowledge when it comes to hurricanes.
Speaker 5:Che great job in helping with Florence. This is a tough hurricane, one of the wettest we've ever seen from the standpoint of water.
Speaker 2:I can't, I just can't, I can't with him.
Speaker 3:But from the perspective of wind it was very windy.
Speaker 1:And from the perspective of rocks.
Speaker 3:It was a beautiful day, one of the most windy hurricanes.
Speaker 1:From the perspective of rocks, it was a beautiful day what are the most windy hair kids from the perspective of wind?
Speaker 2:yeah, I mean considering that he keeps bringing up that you can't watch tv if the wind isn't blowing yeah, he's like I'm just waiting on him to say well, they can watch my rallies, you know, because that's how fucking obtuse he is and the the lack of self-awareness around him because he's a windbag I mean, he was absolutely bananas in turn so like that windmill comment he made.
Speaker 1:We're like if the wind's not blowing, I guess we can't watch tv. We don't have electricity. Just extraordinarily ignorant.
Speaker 2:Just utter stupidity and what's going on with his mouth? Is he not able to open it all the way anymore?
Speaker 1:I have no idea he talks like this he does a lot of slurring as well.
Speaker 1:I don't know if it's like his dentures or he's on drugs or it's just cognitive decline I have no idea but but like, yeah, his confusion about how just energy production works is so, like with solar, he's like well, it was cloudy today. I guess we don't have electricity. Hey, these aren't independent from our current systems of power. They're not one-to-one. Well, not in all cases are they one-to-one replacements. There's supplemental energy production to help well, not in all cases are they one-to-one replacements? There's, you know, supplemental energy production to help us stop relying so much on fossil fuels.
Speaker 1:But he's too much of a fucking moron to even understand, like the basic gist of that. But yeah, I just like, again, like the man's intelligence, it just goes utterly unstated just how fucking stupid he is, just just how dumb. Like, and this is again, this is the dude that was the president of the united states for four years and he's talking about hurricanes being the wettest from the standpoint of water. I mean, and if you think he's like, and if you think that's utterly, if you think there's like an excuse in that regard, because it's like, oh, you know, that's utterly, if you think there's like an excuse in that regard, because it's like, oh, you know, maybe he just doesn't have an area of expertise around hurricanes or whatnot.
Speaker 2:I mean he's been dumb.
Speaker 1:I have another example right here.
Speaker 5:To be able to have a mind where you can actually speak without a teleprompter. And isn't it nice to have a president that can speak without a teleprompter.
Speaker 1:The teleprompter is right there. It's right there in the video. It's right next to him. You can clearly see it in the video clip for yourselves. If you're in the audience at the rally, you can see the teleprompters right next to him.
Speaker 3:Self-awareness has never been his forte, neither has honesty.
Speaker 2:That's also why I believe that all those people are bought and paid for, because they clap like when you what was it like how sitcoms used to be? And then there was a studio audience and then the applause sign. I swear to God, god, I feel like that's what is at his rallies, like when he's sitting, and then you have all the people with the green teamsters for trump shirts on and then they start clapping when he talks about how he hates paying overtime and then you interview them, like in the media.
Speaker 1:The press interviews them after the rally and they're not Teamsters.
Speaker 2:I knew that shit because he was in Michigan and the Michigan local council. When Sean O'Brien declined for you know the national Teamsters to endorse a candidate, they endorsed Harris. So I already knew that was some BS and I was like oh, why are their shirts?
Speaker 1:green. It's always some bullshit, like just like. The level of insanity in terms of stupidity is outrageous, but it's only equaled by the level of insanity in terms of the lies that this dude is just willing to like. Aren't you excited to have a president who doesn't need a teleprompter, as he's like reading it off the teleprompter?
Speaker 1:off of the telephone, like the teleprompter is telling him. It's like all right. Now respond to crowd by saying I'm not reading a teleprompter, it's fucking bananas and like this just infinite also forgets the part where he's not president.
Speaker 4:That's uh, that's a good, that's a good point, carol.
Speaker 3:I mean he was having a lucid enough moment where he could read the teleprompter, but not quite lucid enough to whatever. To him lying is a benefit. It's not a drawback.
Speaker 1:Largely. If you're Trump or you work for the Trump campaign, admitting that he lost the 2020 election is a faux pas.
Speaker 3:No, it's a no-no.
Speaker 1:Big no-no, as we saw with the debate between Tim Walz and what's his weirdo face?
Speaker 3:Well, the correct response when you're asked if Biden won the election is to panic and break a cold sweat and change the subject, unless you're Kamala.
Speaker 1:Harris, I'm thinking about the future.
Speaker 3:I'm thinking about the future.
Speaker 1:Unless you're Kamala Harris, in which case the proper response is to point out in every facet and manner that Trump is a loser.
Speaker 3:She missed some.
Speaker 1:Yeah, she left out a few things. She was efficient though.
Speaker 3:Yeah, she's so kind and efficient Like you can't list all the failures.